begintemplate model_0603_cell08
* This is the code for the model in Figure 1A
* It was optimised together with the corresponding morphology:
* 2013_03_06_cell08_876_H41_05_Cell2.ASC
* AUTHOR: Guy Eyal, the Hebrew University
public init, biophys, geom_nseg, delete_axon
public create_axon
public soma, dend, apic, axon
public all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal
objref all, somatic, apical, axonal, basal, this
strdef tstr
proc init() {
all = new SectionList()
somatic = new SectionList()
basal = new SectionList()
apical = new SectionList()
axonal = new SectionList()
forall delete_section()
StepDist = 60 // Almost no spines in human cells within the first 60 um
// from soma - see Benavides-Piccione 2013
F_Spines = 1.9 //As calculated - see detailes in Eyal 2016
//Results of the fitting algorithm
CM =0.45234 // uF/cm2
RM = 38907 // Ohm-cm2
RA = 203.23 // Ohm-cm
// Junction Potential of 16 mV. Not important anyway for the passive model
// But important when adding voltage dependant process - synapses and VG ion channels
E_PAS = -86
create soma[1], dend[1], apic[1], axon[1]
external lambda_f
proc geom_nseg() {
forsec all {
nseg = 1 + 2*int(L/40)
proc biophys() {
forsec all {
insert pas
cm =CM
Ra = RA
e_pas = E_PAS
soma distance()
forsec basal {
for (x){
if (distance(x)>StepDist) {
forsec apical {
for (x){
if (distance(x)>StepDist) {
proc delete_axon(){
forsec axonal{delete_section()}
endtemplate model_0603_cell08