% DefineParameters defines some general parameters for the simulation
% of the FEF network.
% created: Jakob Heinzle 01/07
dt = 0.10; % integration time step in ms
gfac = 2; % factor for weights calculated as poolsize*0.02
% Cell parameters; here rest is V=0. Adapted from Salinas, Neural
% Computation
VeqE = 74; % 74 mV for AMPA
VeqI = -10; % from -20 (K) to 0 (Cl, shunting)
V_th = 20; % spike threshold
V_reset = 10; % -60 from Troyer and Miller, 1997
taucorrE= 3.0; % time constant for background E input
taucorrI= 3.0; % time constant for background I input
tauME = 20; % in milliseconds; 20 from McCormick
tauMI = 12; % in milliseconds; 12 from McCormick
trefE = 1.8; % refractory period in ms
trefI = 1.2; % refractory period in ms
% integration time steps
tstepEc = exp(-dt/taucorrE);
tstepEc1= 1 - tstepEc;
tstepEc2= sqrt(1 - tstepEc^2);
tstepIc = exp(-dt/taucorrI);
tstepIc1= 1 - tstepIc;
tstepIc2= sqrt(1 - tstepIc^2);
% number of iterations
iterations = ceil(tmax/dt);
% define a series of auxiliaries
jskip=skip+1; jspkE=0; jspkI=0; % parameters used for checking for saccade and for graphics update.
recdt=-dt/2; ind=1; facE=1000/100; facI=facE*4; % ausxiliary values used to store rates of the neurons.