 * Created on 1 juin 2005 by richet
package org.math.plot.render;

import java.awt.*;

import org.math.plot.canvas.*;
import org.math.plot.utils.*;

public abstract class AbstractDrawer {

    // TODO comment this source for other implementations : java3d, jogl or vtk
    public PlotCanvas canvas;
    protected Graphics2D comp2D;
    public final static int ROUND_DOT = 1;
    public final static int CROSS_DOT = 2;
    public final static int PATTERN_DOT = 0;
    public final static int CONTINOUS_LINE = 1;
    public final static int DOTTED_LINE = 2;
    public final static int DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS = 2;
    public final static int DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH = 1;
    public final static boolean[][] DOT_TRIANGLE_PATTERN = stringToPattern("_", "___#___", "__#_#__", "__#_#__", "_#___#_", "_#___#_", "#######");
    public final static boolean[][] DOT_SQUARE_PATTERN = stringToPattern("_", "######", "#____#", "#____#", "#____#", "#____#", "######");
    public final static Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10);
    public final static Color DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.BLACK;
    protected Font font = DEFAULT_FONT;
    protected double text_Eastoffset, text_Northoffset;
    protected double text_angle;
    protected Color color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
    protected double[] base_offset;
    protected int[] screen_offset;
    //protected double alpha;
    protected int dot_type = ROUND_DOT;
    protected int dot_radius = DEFAULT_DOT_RADIUS;
    protected boolean[][] dot_pattern = DOT_TRIANGLE_PATTERN;
    protected int line_type = CONTINOUS_LINE;
    protected int line_width = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;

    //protected boolean[][] line_pattern = DOT_TRIANGLE_PATTERN;
    public AbstractDrawer(PlotCanvas _canvas) {
        canvas = _canvas;

     * Method used to initialize drawer to DEFAULT values
    public void initGraphics(Graphics2D _comp2D) {
        comp2D = _comp2D;

    public Graphics2D getGraphics2D() {
        return comp2D;

     * Method used to reinitialize the plot when the base has changed (bounds or
     * scale)
    public abstract void resetBaseProjection();

    public void setColor(Color c) {
        color = c;

    public abstract void setGradient(double[] xy0, Color c0, double[] xy1, Color c1);

    public void resetGradient() {

    public void setFont(Font f) {
        font = f;

    public void setTextOffset(double _cornerEast, double _cornerNorth) {
        text_Eastoffset = _cornerEast;
        text_Northoffset = _cornerNorth;

    public void setTextAngle(double _angle) {
        text_angle = _angle;

    public void setDotType(int _dot_type) {
        dot_type = _dot_type;

    public void setDotRadius(int _dot_radius) {
        dot_radius = _dot_radius;

    public void setDotPattern(boolean[][] _dot_pattern) {
        dot_pattern = _dot_pattern;

    public void setLineType(int _line_type) {
        line_type = _line_type;

    public void setLineWidth(int _line_width) {
        line_width = _line_width;

    public int getLineWidth() {
        return line_width;

    public void setBaseOffset(double... _boffset) {
        base_offset = _boffset;

    public void setScreenOffset(int... _soffset) {
        screen_offset = _soffset;

    /*public void setAlpha(double _alpha) {
    alpha = _alpha;
    public Color getColor() {
        return color;

    public Font getFont() {
        return font;

    public double[] getTextOffset() {
        return new double[]{text_Eastoffset, text_Northoffset};

    public double getTextAngle() {
        return text_angle;

    public int getDotType() {
        return dot_type;

    public int getDotRadius() {
        return dot_radius;

    public boolean[][] getDotPattern() {
        return dot_pattern;

    public double[] getBaseOffset() {
        return base_offset;

    public int[] getScreenOffset() {
        return screen_offset;

     * Returns the screen coordinates coresponding to plot coordinates Used to
     * test if mouse is pointing on a plot.
     * @param pC
     *            plot ccordinates to project in screen
     * @return screen coordinates
    public abstract int[] project(double... pC);

     * Returns the screen coordinates coresponding to plot coordinates Used to
     * test if mouse is pointing on a plot.
     * @param rC
     *            plot ccordinates to project in screen
     * @return screen coordinates
    public abstract int[] projectBase(double... rC);

     * Plot ActionMode : translation of the plot
     * @param t
     *            mouse translation in pixels
    public abstract void translate(int... t);

     * Plot ActionMode : dilatation of the plot
     * @param screenOrigin
     *            mouse initial position
     * @param screenRatio
     *            mouse final position relative to plot panel size
    public abstract void dilate(int[] screenOrigin, double[] screenRatio);

    public void drawCoordinate(double... pC) {
        for (int i = 0; i < canvas.base.dimension; i++) {
            double[] axeprojection = Array.copy(pC);
            axeprojection[i] = canvas.base.baseCoords[0][i];
            drawLine(pC, axeprojection);
        setTextOffset(0, 0);
        //drawText(Label.coordToString(pC), pC);

    public abstract void drawText(String label, double... pC);
    public abstract void drawShadowedText(String label,float alpha, double... pC);

    public abstract void drawTextBase(String label, double... rC);

    public abstract void drawLineBase(double[]... rC);

    public abstract void drawLine(double[]... pC);

    public void drawDot(double... pC) {
        switch (dot_type) {
            case ROUND_DOT:
            case CROSS_DOT:
            case PATTERN_DOT:

    public abstract void drawRoundDot(double... pC);

    public abstract void drawCrossDot(double... pC);

    public abstract void drawPatternDot(double... pC);

    public abstract void drawPolygon(double[]... pC);

    public abstract void fillPolygon(float alpha, double[]... pC);

    public abstract void drawImage(Image img, float alpha, double[] _xyzSW, double[] _xyzSE, double[] _xyzNW);

    // needs to be discussed... Maybe a geometric addon should be more interesting...
    //public abstract void drawShape(Shape shape, float alpha,double[] _xyzSW, double[] _xyzSE,double[] _xyzNW);
    public static boolean[][] stringToPattern(String empty, String... c) {
        boolean[][] p = new boolean[c.length][];
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
            p[i] = stringToPattern(empty, c[i]);
        return p;

    public static boolean[] stringToPattern(String empty, String c) {
        boolean[] p = new boolean[c.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
            p[i] = !(c.substring(i, i + 1).equals(empty));
        return p;