* Created on 31 mai 2005 by richet
package org.math.plot.render;
import org.math.plot.plotObjects.*;
import org.math.plot.utils.FastMath;
public abstract class Projection {
protected int[][] baseScreenCoords;
public static double DEFAULT_BORDER = 0.15;
protected double borderCoeff = 1 - 2 * DEFAULT_BORDER;
protected AWTDrawer draw;
public Projection(AWTDrawer _draw) {
draw = _draw;
public void initBaseCoordsProjection(boolean reset) {
// System.out.println("Projection.initBaseCoordsProjection");
if (baseScreenCoords == null) {
baseScreenCoords = new int[draw.canvas.base.baseCoords.length][2];
if (reset) {
totalScreenRatio[0] = 1;
totalScreenRatio[1] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension + 1; i++) {
// Compute the basis extremity coordinates in the normed-centered screen (ie [-0.5,0.5]x[-0.5,0.5] screen)
double[] ratio = baseCoordsScreenProjectionRatio(draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[i]);
// Compute the basis extremity coordinates in the true screen (ie in px: [0,400]x[0,400])
baseScreenCoords[i][0] = (int) (draw.canvas.getWidth() * (.5 + (borderCoeff * ratio[0] / totalScreenRatio[0])));
baseScreenCoords[i][1] = (int) (draw.canvas.getHeight() * (.5 - (borderCoeff * ratio[1] / totalScreenRatio[1])));
//System.err.println("\n" + Array.toString(baseScreenCoords));
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
// ////// move methods ///////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
public void translate(int[] screenTranslation) {
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension + 1; i++) {
baseScreenCoords[i][0] = baseScreenCoords[i][0] + screenTranslation[0];
baseScreenCoords[i][1] = baseScreenCoords[i][1] + screenTranslation[1];
// This stores the whole zooming ratio along all dilate calls.
public double[] totalScreenRatio = new double[]{1, 1};
public double[] maxScreenRatio = new double[]{1, 1};
public double[] minScreenRatio = new double[]{.01, .01};
public void dilate(int[] screenOrigin, double[] screenRatio) {
// System.out.println("screenOrigin = "+screenOrigin[0]+" ,
// "+screenOrigin[1]);
// System.out.println("screenRatio = "+screenRatio[0]+" ,
// "+screenRatio[1]);
// Update the zooming ratio history
if (totalScreenRatio[0] * screenRatio[0] > maxScreenRatio[0]) screenRatio[0] = maxScreenRatio[0]/totalScreenRatio[0];
if (totalScreenRatio[1] * screenRatio[1] > maxScreenRatio[1]) screenRatio[1] = maxScreenRatio[1]/totalScreenRatio[1];
if (totalScreenRatio[0] * screenRatio[0] < minScreenRatio[0]) screenRatio[0] = minScreenRatio[0]/totalScreenRatio[0];
if (totalScreenRatio[1] * screenRatio[1] < minScreenRatio[1]) screenRatio[1] = minScreenRatio[1]/totalScreenRatio[1];
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension + 1; i++) {
// System.out.println("baseScreenCoords["+i+"] =
// "+baseScreenCoords[i][0]+" , "+baseScreenCoords[i][1]);
baseScreenCoords[i][0] = (int) ((baseScreenCoords[i][0] - screenOrigin[0]) / screenRatio[0]);
baseScreenCoords[i][1] = (int) ((baseScreenCoords[i][1] - screenOrigin[1]) / screenRatio[1]);
// System.out.println(" -> baseScreenCoords["+i+"] =
// "+baseScreenCoords[i][0]+" , "+baseScreenCoords[i][1]);
// Update the zooming ratio history
totalScreenRatio[0] = totalScreenRatio[0] * screenRatio[0];
totalScreenRatio[1] = totalScreenRatio[1] * screenRatio[1];
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
// ////// projection method //////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////
public int[] screenProjection(double... pC) {
// System.out.println("Projection.screenProjection("+Array.toString(pC)+")");
double[] sC = new double[2];
sC[0] = baseScreenCoords[0][0];
sC[1] = baseScreenCoords[0][1];
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension; i++) {
double normdist_pC_baseCoords = 0;
if (draw.canvas.base.axesScales[i].equalsIgnoreCase(Base.LOGARITHM)) {
normdist_pC_baseCoords = ((FastMath.log(pC[i]) - FastMath.log(draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[0][i])) / (FastMath.log(draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[i + 1][i]) - FastMath.log(draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[0][i])));
} else if (draw.canvas.base.axesScales[i].equalsIgnoreCase(Base.LINEAR) || draw.canvas.base.axesScales[i].equalsIgnoreCase(Base.STRINGS)) {
normdist_pC_baseCoords = ((pC[i] - draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[0][i]) / (draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[i + 1][i] - draw.canvas.base.baseCoords[0][i]));
sC[0] += normdist_pC_baseCoords * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][0] - baseScreenCoords[0][0]);
sC[1] += normdist_pC_baseCoords * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][1] - baseScreenCoords[0][1]);
if (draw.base_offset != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension; i++) {
sC[0] += draw.base_offset[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][0] - baseScreenCoords[0][0]);
sC[1] += draw.base_offset[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][1] - baseScreenCoords[0][1]);
if (draw.screen_offset != null) {
sC[0] += draw.screen_offset[0];
sC[1] += draw.screen_offset[1];
return new int[]{(int) sC[0], (int) sC[1]};
public int[] screenProjectionBase(double... rC) {
double[] sC = new double[2];
sC[0] = baseScreenCoords[0][0];
sC[1] = baseScreenCoords[0][1];
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension; i++) {
sC[0] += rC[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][0] - baseScreenCoords[0][0]);
sC[1] += rC[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][1] - baseScreenCoords[0][1]);
if (draw.base_offset != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < draw.canvas.base.dimension; i++) {
sC[0] += draw.base_offset[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][0] - baseScreenCoords[0][0]);
sC[1] += draw.base_offset[i] * (baseScreenCoords[i + 1][1] - baseScreenCoords[0][1]);
if (draw.screen_offset != null) {
sC[0] += draw.screen_offset[0];
sC[1] += draw.screen_offset[1];
return new int[]{(int) sC[0], (int) sC[1]};
protected abstract double[] baseCoordsScreenProjectionRatio(double[] xyz);