* "FNS" (Firnet NeuroScience), ver.3.x
* FNS is an event-driven Spiking Neural Network framework, oriented 
* to data-driven neural simulations.
* (c) 2020, Gianluca Susi, Emanuele Paracone, Mario Salerno, 
* Alessandro Cristini, Fernando Maestú.
* When using FNS for scientific publications, cite us as follows:
* Gianluca Susi, Pilar Garcés, Alessandro Cristini, Emanuele Paracone, 
* Mario Salerno, Fernando Maestú, Ernesto Pereda (2020). 
* "FNS: an event-driven spiking neural network simulator based on the 
* LIFL neuron model". 
* Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, UPM-UCM 
* Centre for Biomedical Technology, Technical University of Madrid; 
* University of Rome "Tor Vergata".   
* Paper under review.
* FNS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as 
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* FNS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
* along with FNS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* Website:   http://www.fnsneuralsimulator.org
* Contacts:  fnsneuralsimulator (at) gmail.com
*	    gianluca.susi82 (at) gmail.com
*	    emanuele.paracone (at) gmail.com
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------

package utils.statistics;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;

import connectivity.conn_package.PackageReader;

public class StatisticsCollector /*extends Thread*/ {
  private final String TAG = "[Statistic Collector] ";
  private volatile Long active=0l;
  private volatile Long passive=0l;
  private volatile Long passive2active=0l;
  private volatile Long active2passive=0l;
  public  volatile Long missedFires=0l;
  private BlockingQueue<CollectedBurn> burningSpikesQueue;
  private BlockingQueue<CollectedFire> firingSpikesQueue;
  private volatile ArrayList<Double> firstFiringTimes= null;
  private volatile Double minMissedAxonalDelay = Double.MAX_VALUE;
  private volatile Double minNe_xn_ratio;
  private volatile Double maxNe_xn_ratio;
  private volatile Boolean badCurve=false;
  private volatile long firingSpikesCounter=0l;
  private volatile long burningSpikesCounter=0l;
  private int serializeAfter = 10000;
  private volatile int wrotes_split=0;
  private volatile String filename = "";
  private volatile Boolean matlab=false;
  private volatile Boolean gephi=false;
  private volatile Boolean reducedOutput=false;
  private Boolean superReducedOutput=false;
  private int count=1;
  private volatile ArrayList<CollectedFire> newFires=
      new ArrayList<CollectedFire>();
  private volatile ArrayList<CollectedBurn> newBurns=
      new ArrayList<CollectedBurn>();
  private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
  private Condition eventQueueCondition = lock.newCondition();
  private Boolean keepRunning=true;
  private String defFileName=null;
  private BurningWriter burningWriter;
  private FiringWriter firingWriter;
  public void start(){

  public void kill(){
  public void setSerializeAfter(int sa){
    serializeAfter = sa;
    burningSpikesQueue= new ArrayBlockingQueue<CollectedBurn>(sa);
    firingSpikesQueue= new ArrayBlockingQueue<CollectedFire>(sa);
    burningWriter= new BurningWriter(
    firingWriter= new FiringWriter(

  public int getSerializeAfter(){
    return serializeAfter;
  public void setFilename(String filename){
  public void setMatlab() {

  public void setReducedOutput() {

  public void setSuperReducedOutput() {

  public void setGephi() {
  public synchronized void collectActive(){
  public synchronized void collectPassive2active(){
  public synchronized void collectActive2passive(){
  public synchronized void collectPassive(){
<<<<<<< HEAD
  //public synchronized void collectFireSpike(CollectedFire cf){
  //  try{
  //    firingSpikesQueue.put(cf);
  //   }
  //   catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //     e.printStackTrace();
  //   }
  public synchronized void collectFireSpike(
      Integer firingNodeId, 
      Long firingNeuronId, 
      Double firingTime, 
      Long maxN, 
      Double compressionFactor, 
      Boolean isExcitatory, 
      Boolean isExternal){
          new CollectedFire(
  public synchronized void collectFireSpike(CollectedFire cf){
>>>>>>> 48bb69b3e778691a096596083425b528609c0729
     catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //public synchronized void collectFireSpike(
  //    Integer firingNodeId, 
  //    Long firingNeuronId, 
  //    Double firingTime, 
  //    Long maxN, 
  //    Double compressionFactor, 
  //    Boolean isExcitatory, 
  //    Boolean isExternal){
  //  //processFireSpike(
  //  try{
  //    firingSpikesQueue.put(
  //        new CollectedFire(
  //            firingNodeId, 
  //            firingNeuronId, 
  //            firingTime, 
  //            maxN, 
  //            compressionFactor, 
  //            isExcitatory, 
  //            isExternal
  //            ));
  //   }
  //   catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //     e.printStackTrace();
  //   }
  //  //new_event();

  //private void processFireSpike(CollectedFire cf) {
  //    FiringNeuron fn= new FiringNeuron(
  //        cf.getFiringNodeId(),
  //        cf.getFiringNeuronId(),
  //        cf.getFiringTime(),
  //        cf.getIsExcitatory(),
  //        cf.getIsExternal());
  //    firingSpikesHashMap.put(new Long(firingSpikesCounter), fn);
  //  //}
  //  ++firingSpikesCounter;
  //  if ((firingSpikesCounter%serializeAfter)==0){
  //    makeCsv(filename);
  //    //if (firstFiringNeurons==null)
  //    //  simulatedTime=cf.getFiringTime();
  //  }
<<<<<<< HEAD
  //public synchronized void collectBurnSpike(CollectedBurn cb) {
  //  try{
  //    burningSpikesQueue.put(cb);
  //  }
  //  catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  }
  //  //new_event();
  public synchronized void collectBurnSpike(
      Long firingNeuronId,
      Integer firingNodeId,
      Long burningNeuronId,
      Integer burningNodeId,
      Double burnTime, 
      Boolean fromExternalSource, 
      Double fromState, 
      Double stepInState, 
      Double postsynapticWeight, 
      Double presynapticWeight, 
      Double timeToFire,
      Double fireTime) {
          new CollectedBurn(
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
  public synchronized void collectBurnSpike(CollectedBurn cb) {
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //public synchronized void collectBurnSpike(
  //    Long firingNeuronId,
  //    Integer firingNodeId,
  //    Long burningNeuronId,
  //    Integer burningNodeId,
  //    Double burnTime, 
  //    Boolean fromExternalSource, 
  //    Double fromState, 
  //    Double stepInState, 
  //    Double postsynapticWeight, 
  //    Double presynapticWeight, 
  //    Double timeToFire,
  //    Double fireTime) {
  //  try{
  //    burningSpikesQueue.put(
  //        new CollectedBurn(
  //            firingNeuronId,
  //            firingNodeId,
  //            burningNeuronId,
  //            burningNodeId,
  //            burnTime, 
  //            fromExternalSource, 
  //            fromState, 
  //            stepInState, 
  //            postsynapticWeight, 
  //            presynapticWeight, 
  //            timeToFire, 
  //            fireTime)
  //            );
  //  }
  //  //catch (InterruptedException e) {
  //  //  e.printStackTrace();
  //  //}
  //  //new_event();
  //private void processBurnSpike(CollectedBurn cb) {
  //  //if (checkall ||( NOI.get(cb.getBurningNodeId())!=null )){
  //    burningSpikesHashMap.put(new Long(burningSpikesCounter), cb);
  //    burningSpikesQueue.put(cb);.
  //  //}
  //  ++burningSpikesCounter;
>>>>>>> 48bb69b3e778691a096596083425b528609c0729
  //private void processBurnSpike(CollectedBurn cb) {
  //  //if (checkall ||( NOI.get(cb.getBurningNodeId())!=null )){
  //    burningSpikesHashMap.put(new Long(burningSpikesCounter), cb);
  //    burningSpikesQueue.put(cb);.
  //  //}
  //  ++burningSpikesCounter;
  public synchronized void collectMissedFire(Double missedAxonalDelay){
    if (missedAxonalDelay<minMissedAxonalDelay)
  //public void printFirePlot(){
  //  double [] x = new double [firingTimes.size()];
  //  double [] y = new double [firingNeurons.size()];
  //  for (int i=0; i<firingNeurons.size();++i){
  //    x[i]=firingTimes.get(i);
  //    y[i]=firingNeurons.get(i).doubleValue();
  //  }
  //  System.out.println(
  //      "[Statistics Collector] X size:"
  //      +x.length
  //      +", Y size:"
  //      +y.length);
  //  System.out.println(
  //      "[Statistics Collector] firing times size:"
  //      +firingTimes.size()
  //      +", firing neurons size:"
  //      +firingNeurons.size());
  //  ScatterPlotter frame = 
  //    new ScatterPlotter("FNS", x, y,simulatedTime); 
  //  frame.setVisible();
  //public void printFirePlot(String outputFileName){
  //  double [] x = new double [firstFiringTimes.size()];
  //  double [] y = new double [firstFiringNeurons.size()];
  //  for (int i=0; i<firstFiringNeurons.size();++i){
  //    x[i]=firstFiringTimes.get(i);
  //    y[i]=firstFiringNeurons.get(i).doubleValue();
  //  }
  //  System.out.println(
  //      "[Statistics Collector] X size:"
  //      +x.length
  //      +", Y size:"
  //      +y.length);
  //  System.out.println(
  //      "[Statistics Collector] firing times size:"
  //      +firstFiringTimes.size()
  //      +", firing neurons size:"
  //      +firstFiringNeurons.size());
  //  ScatterPlotter frame = 
  //      new ScatterPlotter(
  //          "F. N. S.", 
  //          x, 
  //          y,
  //          simulatedTime,outputFileName); 
  //  frame.setVisible();
  //public void makeCsv(String filename){
  //  if (filename=="")
  //    return;
  //  ++wrotes_split;
  //  PrintWriter burnWriter;
  //  PrintWriter fireWriter;
  //  Boolean new_burn_file=false;
  //  Boolean new_fire_file=false;
  //  File towritefile;
  //  FileWriter fire_fw;
  //  CollectedBurn cb;
  //  CollectedFire cf;
  //  DecimalFormat df = superReducedOutput? 
  //    new DecimalFormat("#.###"):
  //    new DecimalFormat("#.################"); 
  //  try {
  //    //Iterator<Long> it = burningSpikesHashMap.keySet().iterator();
  //    if (firstFiringNeurons==null) {
////        int count = 1;
  //      for(;;++count) {
  //        if (reducedOutput)
  //          towritefile= new File(
  //              filename
  //              +String.format("%03d", count)
  //              +"_burning_r.csv");
  //        if (superReducedOutput)
  //          towritefile= new File(
  //              filename
  //              +String.format("%03d", count)
  //              +"_burning_R.csv");
  //        else
  //          towritefile= new File(
  //              filename
  //              +String.format("%03d", count)
  //              +"_burning.csv");
  //          if(!towritefile.exists()){
  //            defFileName=filename+String.format("%03d", count);
  //              break;
  //          }
  //      }
  //    }
  //    if (reducedOutput)
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_burning_r.csv");
  //    else if (superReducedOutput)
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_burning_R.csv");
  //    else
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_burning.csv");
  //    if (!towritefile.exists()){
  //      towritefile.createNewFile();
  //      new_burn_file=true;
  //    }
  //    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(towritefile,true);
  //         BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
  //    burnWriter = new PrintWriter(bw);
  //    if (new_burn_file){
  //      if (!(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput))
  //        burnWriter.println(
  //            "Burning Time, "
  //            + "Firing Node, "
  //            + "Firing Neuron, "
  //            + "Burning Node, "
  //            + "Burning Neuron, "
  //            + "External Source, "
  //            + "From Internal State, "
  //            + "To Internal State, "
  //            + "Step in State, "
  //            +" Post Synaptic Weight, "
  //            + "Pre Synaptic Weight, "
  //            + "Instant to Fire, "
  //            + "(Afferent) Firing Time");
  //          }
  //    //while (it.hasNext()){
  //    while (cb=burningSpikesQueue.take()){
  //      //Long key = it.next();
  //      //Double fromState = cb.getFromState();
  //      //Double stepInState=cb.getStepInState();
  //      Double fromState = cb.getFromState();
  //      Double stepInState=cb.getStepInState();
  //      String stepInStateToPrint;
  //      String fromStateToPrint;
  //      String toStateToPrint;
  //      if (fromState==null){
  //        fromStateToPrint=(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)?"0":"refr";
  //        toStateToPrint=(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)?"0":"refr";
  //      }
  //      else{
  //        fromStateToPrint=""+df.format(fromState);
  //        toStateToPrint=""+df.format(fromState+stepInState);
  //      }
  //      if (stepInState==null)
  //        stepInStateToPrint=(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)?"0":"refr";
  //      else
  //        stepInStateToPrint=""+df.format(stepInState);
  //      if (reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)
  //        burnWriter.println(
  //            df.format(cb.getBurnTime())+", "
  //            + cb.getBurningNodeId()+", "
  //            + cb.getBurningNeuronId()+", "
  //            + toStateToPrint
  //            );
  //      else
  //        burnWriter.println(
  //            df.format(cb.getBurnTime())+", "
  //            + cb.getFiringNodeId()+", "
  //            + cb.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //            + cb.getBurningNodeId()+", "
  //            + cb.getBurningNeuronId()+", "
  //            + cb.fromExternalInput()+", "
  //            + fromStateToPrint +", "
  //            + toStateToPrint +", "
  //            + stepInStateToPrint+", "
  //            + df.format(cb.getPostSynapticWeight())+", "
  //            + df.format(cb.getPreSynapticWeight())+","
  //            + df.format(cb.getTimeToFire())+","
  //            + df.format((cb.getFireTime()!=null)?
  //                cb.getFireTime():0)
  //            );
////        System.out.println("[statistics]" + df.format(cb.getPostSynapticWeight()));
  //    }
  //    burnWriter.flush();
  //    burnWriter.close();
  //    System.out.println(
  //        "[Statistics Collector] "
  //        +towritefile.getAbsolutePath()
  //        +" update "
  //        +wrotes_split
  //        +" complete.");
  //    //it=firingSpikesHashMap.keySet().iterator();
  //    if (reducedOutput)
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_firing_r.csv");
  //    else if (superReducedOutput)
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_firing_R.csv");
  //    else
  //      towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_firing.csv");
  //    if (towritefile.exists())
  //      fire_fw = new FileWriter(towritefile,true);
  //    else{
  //      towritefile.createNewFile();
  //      fire_fw = new FileWriter(towritefile);
  //      new_fire_file=true;
  //    }
  //         BufferedWriter fire_bw = new BufferedWriter(fire_fw);
  //    fireWriter=new PrintWriter(fire_bw);
  //    if (new_fire_file){
  //      if (!(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput))
  //        fireWriter.println(
  //            "Firing Time,"
  //            +" Firing Node,"
  //            +" Firing Neuron, "
  //            +" Neuron Type,"
  //            +" External Source");
  //    }
  //    while (cf=collectedFireSpikesQueue.take()){
  //      //Long key = it.next();
  //      String excitStr;
  //      String isExternalStr;
  //      if (cf.isExcitatory())
  //        excitStr="excitatory";
  //      else
  //        excitStr="inhibitory";
  //      if (cf.isExternal())
  //        isExternalStr=(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)?"1":"true";
  //      else
  //        isExternalStr=(reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)?"0":"false";
  //      if (reducedOutput||superReducedOutput)
  //        fireWriter.println(
  //            df.format(cf.getFiringTime())+", "
  //            +cf.getFiringNodeId()+", "
  //            + cf.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //            + isExternalStr
  //            );
  //      else
  //        fireWriter.println(
  //            df.format(cf.getFiringTime())+", "
  //            +cf.getFiringNodeId()+", "
  //            + cf.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //            + excitStr+", "
  //            + cf.isExternal()
  //            );
  //    }
  //    fireWriter.flush();
  //    fireWriter.close();
  //    if (matlab)
  //      makeMatlabCsv();
  //    if (gephi)
  //      makeGephiCsv();
  //    reset();
  //    System.out.println(
  //        "[Statistics Collector] "
  //        +towritefile.getAbsolutePath()
  //        +" update "
  //        +wrotes_split
  //        +" complete.");
  //  } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  } catch (IOException e) {
  //    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  }
  //  System.out.println("[Statistics Collector] Firings:"+firingSpikesCounter);
  //private void makeMatlabCsv(){
  //  if (filename=="")
  //    return;
  //  PrintWriter burnWriter;
  //  PrintWriter fireWriter;
  //  try {
  //    //Iterator<Long> it = burningSpikesHashMap.keySet().iterator();
  //    File towritefile;
  //    FileWriter fire_fw;
  //    towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_burning_matlab.csv");
  //    if (!towritefile.exists())
  //      towritefile.createNewFile();
  //    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(towritefile,true);
  //         BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
  //    burnWriter = new PrintWriter(bw);
  //    while (it.hasNext()){
  //      Long key = it.next();
  //      Double fromState = cb.getFromState();
  //      Double stepInState=cb.getStepInState();
  //      String stepInStateToPrint;
  //      String fromStateToPrint;
  //      String toStateToPrint;
  //      //String fromExternalInput;
  //      String refrString="0";
  //      if (fromState==null){
  //        fromStateToPrint=refrString;
  //        toStateToPrint=refrString;
  //      }
  //      else{
  //        fromStateToPrint=fromState.toString();
  //        toStateToPrint=""+(fromState+stepInState);
  //      }
  //      if (stepInState==null)
  //        stepInStateToPrint="0";
  //      else
  //        stepInStateToPrint=stepInState.toString();
  //      burnWriter.println(
  //          cb.getBurnTime().toString()+", "
  //          + cb.getFiringNodeId()+", "
  //          + cb.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //          + cb.getBurningNodeId()+", "
  //          + cb.getBurningNeuronId()+", "
  //          + cb.fromExternalInputInteger()+", "
  //          + fromStateToPrint +", "
  //          + toStateToPrint +", "
  //          + stepInStateToPrint+", "
  //          + cb.getPostSynapticWeight()+", "
  //          + cb.getPreSynapticWeight()+","
  //          + cb.getTimeToFire()+","
  //          + cb.getFireTime()
  //          );
  //    }
  //    burnWriter.flush();
  //    burnWriter.close();
  //    System.out.println(
  //        "[Statistics Collector] "
  //        +towritefile.getAbsolutePath()
  //        +" update "
  //        +wrotes_split
  //        +" complete.");
  //    it=firingSpikesHashMap.keySet().iterator();
  //    towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_firing_matlab.csv");
  //    if (towritefile.exists())
  //      fire_fw = new FileWriter(towritefile,true);
  //    else{
  //      towritefile.createNewFile();
  //      fire_fw = new FileWriter(towritefile);
  //    }
  //         BufferedWriter fire_bw = new BufferedWriter(fire_fw);
  //    fireWriter=new PrintWriter(fire_bw);
  //    while (it.hasNext()){
  //      Long key = it.next();
  //      fireWriter.println(
  //          cf.getFiringTime().toString()+", "
  //          +cf.getFiringNodeId()+", "
  //          + cf.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //          + (cf.isExcitatory()?'1':'0')+", "
  //          + (cf.isExternal()?'1':'0')
  //          );
  //    }
  //    fireWriter.flush();
  //    fireWriter.close();
  //    System.out.println("[Statistics Collector] "+towritefile.getAbsolutePath()+" update "+wrotes_split+" complete.");
  //  } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  } catch (IOException e) {
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  }
  //private void makeGephiCsv(){
  //  if (filename=="")
  //    return;
  //  PrintWriter burnWriter;
  //  PrintWriter fireWriter;
  //  try {
  //    //Iterator<Long> it = burningSpikesHashMap.keySet().iterator();
  //    File towritefile;
  //    FileWriter fire_fw;
  //    towritefile= new File(defFileName+"_gephi.csv");
  //    if (!towritefile.exists())
  //      towritefile.createNewFile();
  //    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(towritefile,true);
  //         BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
  //    burnWriter = new PrintWriter(bw);
  //    burnWriter.println( "Firing, Burning");
  //    while (it.hasNext()){
  //      Long key = it.next();
  //      if(!cb.fromExternalInput()){
  //        burnWriter.println(
  //            + cb.getFiringNodeId()+"-"
  //            + cb.getFiringNeuronId()+", "
  //            + cb.getBurningNodeId()+"-"
  //            + cb.getBurningNeuronId());
  //      }
  //    }
  //    burnWriter.flush();
  //    burnWriter.close();
  //    System.out.println(
  //        "[Statistics Collector] "
  //        +towritefile.getAbsolutePath()
  //        +" update "
  //        +wrotes_split
  //        +" complete.");
  //  } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  } catch (IOException e) {
  //    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  //    e.printStackTrace();
  //  }
  public void setMinMaxNe_xn_ratios(
      Double minNe_xn_ratio, 
      Double maxNe_xn_ratio){
  public void PrintResults(){
    String minNe_xn_ratioStr =
        "no connection between nodes":(""+minNe_xn_ratio);
    String maxNe_xn_ratioStr = 
        "no connection between nodes":(""+maxNe_xn_ratio);
    //System.out.println("active to active:"+active);
    //System.out.println("active to passive:"+active2passive);
    //System.out.println("passive to passive:"+passive);
    //System.out.println("passive to active:"+passive2active);
//    System.out.println("min Ne en ratio:"+minNe_xn_ratioStr);
//    System.out.println("max Ne en ratio:"+maxNe_xn_ratioStr);
    System.out.println("missed Fires:"+missedFires);
    if (missedFires>0)
      System.out.println("minimum missed fire axonal delay:"+minMissedAxonalDelay);
    System.out.println("Good curve:"+(!badCurve));
  public void setBadCurve(){
  //public void setNodes2checkMask(BigInteger mask){
  //  region2checkMask=mask;

  //public void setNOI(HashMap <Integer, Boolean> NOI){
  //  this.NOI=NOI;
  //public void checkAll(){
  //  checkall=true;