proc default_var() {localobj s, pc
	s = new String()
	if (name_declared($s1) == 0) {
		if (argtype(2) == 2) {
			sprint(s.s, "~strdef %s", $s1)
			sprint(s.s, "%s = \"%s\"", $s1, $s2)
			hoc_ac_ = $2
			sprint(s.s, "%s = hoc_ac_", $s1)
	pc = new ParallelContext()
	if (pc.id == 0) {
		sprint(s.s, "print \"%s  \", %s", $s1, $s1)

// BlueGene has an occasional system error with respect to
// incessantly changing directories with load_file
// following should work as long as nothing loaded twice
// and only used for files relative to the project
strdef curdir
curdir = "./"
proc localloadfile() {localobj dir, f, sf, oldcd, path
//	load_file($s1)
//	return

	oldcd = new String()
	oldcd.s = curdir

	sf = new StringFunctions()
	dir = new String()
	path = new String()
	f = new String()
	i = sf.head($s1, "/[^/]*$", dir.s)
	f.s = $s1
	if (i == -1) {
		dir.s = ""
		sprint(dir.s, "%s/", dir.s)
		sf.right(f.s, i+1)
	sprint(curdir, "%s%s", curdir, dir.s)
	sprint(path.s, "%s%s", curdir, f.s)
//printf("loading %s\n", path.s)
	curdir = oldcd.s