use_load_balance = (load_balance_phase == 3 || load_balance_phase == 5 || load_balance_phase == 7)
if (fakerank >= 0) pnm.myid += fakerank
if (fakenhost >= 0) pnm.nhost = fakenhost
// til the shift bug in the mod files are fixed (table depends on range variable)
if (1) {
usetable_naf2 = 0
usetable_naf = 0
usetable_naf_tcr = 0
usetable_napf = 0
usetable_napf_spinstell = 0
usetable_napf_tcr = 0
calculate_mechanism_complexity(load_balance_phase == 1)
if (load_balance_phase == 1) { pc.runworker() pc.done() quit() }
if (load_balance_phase == 3) {
}else if (load_balance_phase == 5) {
}else if (load_balance_phase == 7) {
serial = 0 // override serial set in parlib.hoc
pmesg = 1 && ( == 0)
pmesg = 0
small_model = 0 // 0 for full model, set to 1 for 40 cells each type
if (use_load_balance) { use_traubexact = 0 } // cannot use with load balance
if (!serial) {localloadfile("hoc/parlib2.hoc")}
proc cxrun() {localobj f
f = new File()
for pnm.serialize() {
f.printf("%d %g\n", pnm.myid, tdat_.x[5])
printf("%d %g\n", pnm.myid, tdat_.x[5])
execerror("stop", "")
if (load_balance_phase == 2) {
pc.runworker() pc.done() quit()
}else if (load_balance_phase == 4) {
pc.runworker() pc.done() quit()
}else if (load_balance_phase == 6) {
print_multisplit_info(multisplit_prefix, multisplit_nhost)
//execerror("stop", "")
pc.runworker() pc.done() quit()
if (fakerank >= 0) {cxrun() pc.runworker() pc.done() quit()}
objref fihprog_
//if ( == 0 && pc.nhost < 20) fihprog_ = new FInitializeHandler("progress()")
fihprog_ = new FInitializeHandler("progress()")
strdef spkflnm
strdef EFfn
objref mycell, myout
proc progress() {
if ( == 0) {
if (t == 0) {print "t = ", t}
if (t == 100) {print "t = ", t}
if (t == 500) {print "t = ", t}
if (t == 1000) {print "t = ", t}
myout = new File()
if (t == 0){
} else {myout.aopen(spkflnm)}
for i=0, pnm.idvec.size-1 {
id = pnm.idvec.x[i]
//print "id: ", id
mycell = pc.gid2cell(id)
//print pnm.spikevec.x[i]
myout.printf("%g\t%d\t%s\n", pnm.spikevec.x[i], id,
if (jordan_trace == 1) {
for i=0, 11 {
myout = new File()
if (t == 0){
} else {myout.aopen(tfn[i].s)}
for j=0, tvec.size-1 {
myout.printf("%g %g\n", tvec.x[j], Jtrace[i].x[j])
myout = new File()
if (t == 0) {
} else {myout.aopen(EFfn)}
for i=0, EFtvec.size-1 {
myout.printf("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", EFtvec.x[i], EF[0].x[i], EF[1].x[i], EF[2].x[i], EF[3].x[i], EF[4].x[i], EF[5].x[i], EF[6].x[i], EF[7].x[i], EF[8].x[i], EF[9].x[i])
for i = 0, 9 {EF[i].resize(0)}
cvode.event(t+1, "progress()")
if (t == 0) {calEF()}
proc calEF(){local depth localobj c
//print "In cal EF at ",
for i=0, 9 { efmm[i] = 0}
for i=0, cells.count-1 {
//c = pc.gid2cell(i)
c = cells.object(i)
if (strcmp(,"suppyrFRB") == 0){
for j=1, 68 {
if (j == 1) {depth = 850
} else if (j <= 14) {depth = 885
} else if (j <= 25) {depth = 920
} else if (j <= 37) {depth = 955
} else if (j == 38) {depth = 825
} else if (j == 39) {depth = 775
} else if (j == 40) {depth = 725
} else if (j <= 42) {depth = 690
} else if (j <= 44) {depth = 655
} else if (j <= 52) {depth = 620
} else if (j <= 60) {depth = 585
} else if (j <= 68) {depth = 550
} else {print "Error"}
efmm[0] = efmm[0] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP1 - depth)
efmm[1] = efmm[1] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP2 - depth)
if (strcmp(,"suppyrRS") == 0){
for j=1, 68 {
if (j == 1) {depth = 850
} else if (j <= 13) {depth = 885
} else if (j <= 25) {depth = 920
} else if (j <= 37) {depth = 955
} else if (j == 38) {depth = 825
} else if (j == 39) {depth = 775
} else if (j == 40) {depth = 725
} else if (j <= 42) {depth = 690
} else if (j <= 44) {depth = 655
} else if (j <= 52) {depth = 620
} else if (j <= 60) {depth = 585
} else if (j <= 68) {depth = 550
} else {print "Error"}
efmm[2] = efmm[2] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP1 - depth)
efmm[3] = efmm[3] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP2 - depth)
if (strcmp(,"tuftIB") == 0){
for j=1, 61 {
if (j == 1) {depth = 850
} else if (j <= 12) {depth = 1800
} else if (j <= 23) {depth = 1845
} else if (j <= 34) {depth = 1890
} else if (j == 35) {depth = 1935
} else if (j == 36) {depth = 1760
} else if (j == 37) {depth = 1685
} else if (j == 38) {depth = 1610
} else if (j == 39) {depth = 1535
} else if (j == 40) {depth = 1460
} else if (j == 41) {depth = 1385
} else if (j == 42) {depth = 1310
} else if (j == 43) {depth = 1235
} else if (j == 44) {depth = 1160
} else if (j == 45) {depth = 1085
} else if (j == 46) {depth = 1010
} else if (j == 47) {depth = 935
} else if (j <= 55) {depth = 860
} else if (j <= 61) {depth = 790
} else {print "Error"}
efmm[4] = efmm[4] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP1 - depth)
efmm[5] = efmm[5] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP2 - depth)
if (strcmp(,"tuftRS") == 0){
for j=1, 61 {
if (j == 1) {depth = 850
} else if (j <= 12) {depth = 1800
} else if (j <= 23) {depth = 1845
} else if (j <= 34) {depth = 1890
} else if (j == 35) {depth = 1935
} else if (j == 36) {depth = 1760
} else if (j == 37) {depth = 1685
} else if (j == 38) {depth = 1610
} else if (j == 39) {depth = 1535
} else if (j == 40) {depth = 1460
} else if (j == 41) {depth = 1385
} else if (j == 42) {depth = 1310
} else if (j == 43) {depth = 1235
} else if (j == 44) {depth = 1160
} else if (j == 45) {depth = 1085
} else if (j == 46) {depth = 1010
} else if (j == 47) {depth = 935
} else if (j <= 55) {depth = 860
} else if (j <= 61) {depth = 790
} else {print "Error"}
efmm[6] = efmm[6] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP1 - depth)
efmm[7] = efmm[7] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP2 - depth)
if (strcmp(,"nontuftRS") == 0){
for j=1, 50 {
if (j == 1) {depth = 850
} else if (j <= 12) {depth = 2200
} else if (j <= 23) {depth = 2245
} else if (j <= 34) {depth = 2290
} else if (j == 35) {depth = 2335
} else if (j == 36) {depth = 2175
} else if (j == 37) {depth = 2125
} else if (j == 38) {depth = 2075
} else if (j == 39) {depth = 2025
} else if (j == 40) {depth = 1975
} else if (j == 41) {depth = 1925
} else if (j == 42) {depth = 1875
} else if (j == 43) {depth = 1825
} else if (j == 44) {depth = 1775
} else if (j <= 50) {depth = 1725
} else {print "Error"}
efmm[8] = efmm[8] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP1 - depth)
efmm[9] = efmm[9] + (c.comp[j].v(0.5)*c.comp[j].cm(0.5))/abs(jEFP2 - depth)
/* print "EFP", efmm[0], efmm[1],
j = 0
for i = 0, EFtvec.size-1 {
if (t == EFtvec.x[i]) {
print "Found same time in EFtvec! ", efmm[0], efmm[1], EF1mmvec.x[i], EF2mmvec.x[i]
EF1mmvec.x[i] = EF1mmvec.x[i] + efmm[0]
EF2mmvec.x[i] = EF2mmvec.x[i] + efmm[1]
print EF1mmvec.x[i], EF2mmvec.x[i]
j = 1
if (j == 0){*/
for i = 0, 9 {EF[i].append(efmm[i])}
// }
cvode.event(t+dt, "calEF()")
//print "EFPend",, EFtvec.size
if (nthread > 1 && pc.nhost == 1) { pc.nthread(nthread, 1) }
if (use_traubexact) {
if ( == 0) {
print "before setting traub exact connection coefficients, setuptime = ", startsw() - setuptime
define_shape() // force all internal structures to be valid
proc methods() {
pc.spike_compress(spike_compress, spike_compress != 0, multisend)
cvode.queue_mode(spike_compress != 0, selfevents)
//cvode.event(t+dt, "calEF()")
if (load_balance_phase == 7) { pc.multisplit() }
setuptime = startsw() - setuptime
if ( == 0) {print "SetupTime: ", setuptime}