// groucho_gapbld.hoc
*****************************this is one big comment ***************************
from SUBROUTINE GROUCHO_gapbld (thisno, numcells, numgj,
& gjtable, allowedcomps, num_allowedcomps, display)
c Construct a gap-junction network for groucho.f
$1 thisno double
$2 numcells = number of cells in population, e.g. number of tufted IB cells
$3 numgj = total number of gj to be formed in this population
// this matrix is returned: gjtable = table of gj's: each row is a gj.
Entries are: cell A,
c compartment on cell A; cell B, compartment on cell B
$o4 c allowedcomps = a list of compartments where gj allowed to form
$5 num_allowedcomps = number of compartments in a cell on which a gj
c might form.
$6 display is an integer flag. If display = 1, print gjtable
INTEGER thisno, numcells, numgj, gjtable(numgj,4),
& num_allowedcomps, allowedcomps(num_allowedcomps)
INTEGER i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p, ictr /0/
c ictr keeps track of how many gj have been "built"
INTEGER display
double precision seed, x(2), y(2)
Note: this function is for gap junctions that form between a cells that are
members of a population of a single cell type
*****************************this is one big comment ***************************
objref gjtable, x, y, allowedcomps
obfunc groucho_gapbld() {localobj used
// see above note for arguments $1,$2,$3,$o4,$5
// print "arrived"
thisno = $1
numcells = $2
numgj = $3
allowedcomps = $o4
num_allowedcomps = $5
display = $6
seed = new Vector()
objref gjtable
gjtable = new Matrix(numgj+1, 4+1) // fortran notation indicies start at 1
ictr = 0
k = 2
not_unique = 0 // make global so not local in loops
used = new Matrix(numcells+1, numcells+1, 2) // sparse
// 2
// print "starting loop"
while (ictr < numgj) {
// print "ictr = ",ictr
not_unique = 1 // 1 is true, 0 is false
while (not_unique) {
x = durand (seed, k, x)
// This defines a candidate cell pair
y = durand (seed, k, y)
// This defines a candidate pair of compartments
i = int ( x.x[0] * numcells ) + 1
j = int ( x.x[1] * numcells ) + 1
// print "i,j: ",i,", ",j
// no longer required if (i.eq.0) i = 1
// no longer required if (i.gt.numcells) i = numcells
// no longer required if (j.eq.0) j = 1
// no longer required if (j.gt.numcells) j = numcells
// Is the unordered cell pair (i,j) in the list so far?
// not necessary to be this efficient if (ictr.eq.0) goto 1
not_unique = 0
if (0) {
for eL = 1, ictr {
// print "compare i,j with eL = ",eL, " : ",gjtable.x(eL,1),", ",gjtable.x(eL,3)
if ((gjtable.x(eL,1) == i) && (gjtable.x(eL,3) == j)) { not_unique = 1 }
if ((gjtable.x(eL,1) == j) && (gjtable.x(eL,3) == i)) { not_unique = 1 }
// print " at end of loop not_unique = ",not_unique
if (used.getval(i, j) || used.getval(j, i)){
not_unique = 1
used.x[i][j] = 1
if (one_tenth_ncell) {
not_unique = 0
} // while replaces if (not_unique.eq.1) goto 2
// Proceed with construction
// 1
ictr = ictr + 1
m = int ( y.x[0] * num_allowedcomps ) + 1
n = int ( y.x[1] * num_allowedcomps ) + 1
// print "assigning quantities: ", i, ", ", j, ", ", allowedcomps.x[m], ", ",allowedcomps.x[n]
gjtable.x(ictr,1) = i
gjtable.x(ictr,3) = j
gjtable.x(ictr,2) = allowedcomps.x (m)
gjtable.x(ictr,4) = allowedcomps.x (n)
// if (ictr.lt.numgj) goto 2
// Possibly print out gjtable when done.
if ((display == 1) && (thisno == 0)) {
print " GJTABLE "
for i = 1, numgj {
printf("%6d %6d %6d %6d",gjtable.x(i,1), gjtable.x(i,2), \
gjtable.x(i,3), gjtable.x(i,4))
return gjtable