// // Simulation of a pair of FS neurons connected through gap junctions. // // Neurons are driven by current injection. // // Johannes Hjorth, Mars 2007 // hjorth@nada.kth.se echo "### Start of script ###################" echo "Johannes Hjorth (hjorth@nada.kth.se)" echo "Last updated: September 2007" echo " " // Read information about input data // Read maxTime from parameter file! str parFile = "INDATA/parameters.txt" openfile {parFile} r str outputName = {readfile {parFile}} float maxTime = {readfile {parFile}} int numCells = {readfile {parFile}} echo "Simulating "{numCells}" FS neurons for "{maxTime}" seconds" echo "Using randseed 4711 for genesis internally" echo "This simulations should be deterministic, so should not matter" echo "Writing output to "{outputName} //simulation time and time steps float spikeoutdt=1e-3 float vmOutDt=1e-4 float simDt=1e-5 //1e-6 needed for voltage clamp // Number of synapse sites int nAMPA = 127 // per cell int nGABA = 93 //read in functions for creating and running simulations include ../genesisScripts/protodefsInhomogene include ../genesisScripts/fsSomaOutput include ../genesisScripts/fsInputInject //setclocks setclock 1 {vmOutDt} setclock 0 {simDt} // Use the SPRNG random number generator setrand -sprng randseed 4711 //randseed {{randSeed} + 4711} // Create neuron // echo "Creating "{numCells}" FS neurons" // copyFsNeuron "/fs" {numCells} // ************ SYNAPTIC INPUT REMOVED only current injection // Read location of gap junctions from parameter file int numGaps = {readfile {parFile}} int gapCtr // Read current injection info str currentInputInfoFile = "INDATA/currentInputInfo.txt" openfile {currentInputInfoFile} r int nCurs = {readfile {currentInputInfoFile}} int iCur float curStart float curEnd float curAmp str curLoc for(iCur = 0; iCur < nCurs; iCur = iCur + 1) curStart = {readfile {currentInputInfoFile}} curEnd = {readfile {currentInputInfoFile}} curAmp = {readfile {currentInputInfoFile}} curLoc = {readfile {currentInputInfoFile}} echo "curStart: "{curStart}" curEnd: "{curEnd}" curAmp "{curAmp}" curLoc "{curLoc} makeInjectInput currentInject{iCur} {curStart} {curEnd} {curAmp} connectInjectInput currentInject{iCur} {curLoc} end check makeOutput "/fs" {outputName} {vmOutDt} reset reset step 0.25 -t // Create gap junctions required in file str readGapLine str gapSrc str gapDest float gapRes for(gapCtr = 0; gapCtr < numGaps; gapCtr = gapCtr + 1) readGapLine = {readfile {parFile} -linemode} gapSrc = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 1} gapDest = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 2} gapRes = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 3} if({gapRes} > 0) connectGap {gapSrc} {gapDest} {gapRes} echo {gapSrc}"-->"{gapDest}" res: "{gapRes} else echo "WARNING: gapRes: "{gapRes}" ohm, no gap junction created" end end closefile {parFile} step 0.25 -t openfile {parFile} r readfile {parFile} readfile {parFile} readfile {parFile} numGaps = {readfile {parFile}} for(gapCtr = 0; gapCtr < numGaps; gapCtr = gapCtr + 1) readGapLine = {readfile {parFile} -linemode} gapSrc = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 1} gapDest = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 2} gapRes = {getarg {arglist {readGapLine}} -arg 3} if({gapRes} > 0) clearGap {gapSrc} {gapDest} echo "Removing "{gapSrc}"-->"{gapDest} else echo "WARNING: gapRes: "{gapRes}" ohm, no gap junction created" end end closefile {parFile} step {{maxTime}-0.5} -t clearOutput {outputName} // close files quit