To generate figure 5A, which uses the same base-code as Figure 2, go into the FIG2 directory and run the matlab scripts: runTwoFSwithGJforIFplots.m readIFSscanFSpair.m makeIFplots.m FS-IFplot-effect-of-neighbour-input.eps ________________________ In the FIG5BC directory, run the following matlab scripts to generate data for fig 5B and 5C. If you just want to see it run, then make sure to lower nReps and maxTime, or you will have to be *very* patient. You might also want to modify the pMixRange by lowering 5 to 3. runTenInhomoFSGJcorrVariationSaveGJcur readTenInhomoFScorrVarWithGJcur To make figure 5B: makeTenInhomoFScorrVar To make figure 5C: makeSpikeCenteredGJcurPlot _________________________ To generate figure 5D, go to FIG5D directory. To run simulation: runTenFScurInjectHomogeneNetworkGJonoff.m Run compareTraces.m When asked for a file, input: 'UTDATA/SAVED/TenHomoFSGJonoffCurInject/TenHomoFS-prim-CurInject-GJonoff-id210991775-gapres-2000000compareTraces' Obs, you might have to replace the randomId in idXXXXXXXXXX with your number.