// Figure 2 from Jaffe and Brenner, J. Neurophys., 2017 (in press)
// Dentate gyrus granule cell model: paradoxical effect of varying AHP amplitude on firing rate
celsius = 25 // temperature
VREST = -80 //resting potential
// Independent Parameters List ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Passive properties
RM = 38000 //membrane resistivity
RI = 200 //input resistance
CM = 1 //membrane conductivity
// Controls
ISTEP = .065 //step amplitude in nA
IDUR = 2000 //duration of the current step
TSTOP = 2000 //duration of the simulation
// Geometry of the cell ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ropen("601886b.nrn") // Claiborne DG granule cell
ncompartments=fscan() // Number of compartments
// arrays
double comp[ncompartments],par[ncompartments],x[ncompartments],y[ncompartments],z[ncompartments]
double len[ncompartments],d[ncompartments]
for i=0,ncompartments-1 { /* read in dendritic parameters */
comp[i] = fscan() // compartment number
par[i] = fscan() // parent compartment
x[i] = fscan() // x coordinate
y[i] = fscan() // y coordinate
z[i] = fscan() // z coordinate
len[i] = fscan() // compartment length
d[i] = fscan() // compartment diameter
create cell[ncompartments], hillock, mfiber /* creates the major regions */
cell[0] {nseg=1 L=len[0] diam = d[0]} /* soma dimensions */
dredux = .64 // Rescale all dendrites by this factor
for i=1,ncompartments-1 { /* all other soma/dendritic compartments */
cell[i] {nseg=1 pt3dadd(x[par[i]],y[par[i]],z[par[i]],d[par[i]]*dredux) pt3dadd(x[i],y[i],z[i],d[i]*dredux)}
for i=1,ncompartments-1 { /* connect the soma/dendrites */
cell[par[i]] connect cell[i](0),1
// AXON and AIS
hillock { L=100 diam(0:1)=1.4:0.5 nseg = 50} // Axon initial segment
mfiber { L=1000 diam=0.5 nseg = 100} // Axon proper
cell[0] connect hillock(0),0 // connect the soma ot the AIS to the axon
hillock connect mfiber(0),1
proxlimit = 80 // maximum limit in microns of the proximal region
objref AIS, prox, stim, dend, axon, ahp // Create objects for subsections
proc subsets() { local i // procedure defines subsections
// three subsections: soma/prox region, dendrites, AIS, and axon
// AIS and axon are only here for future extensibility and serve no function
objref AIS, prox, stim, dend, axon, ahp // Create objects
prox = new SectionList()
dend = new SectionList()
access cell[0]
for i=0,ncompartments-1 { // define which dendrites are proximal
access cell[i]
howfar = distance(1)
if (howfar < proxlimit) cell[i] prox.append()
if (howfar >=proxlimit) cell[i] dend.append()
AIS = new SectionList()
axon = new SectionList()
hillock AIS.append() // the hillock is the AIS mfiber axon.append() // mfiber is the axon
subsets() // run the procedure
// Parameter initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------
forsec prox { // Somatic conductances
insert NaM99SL // Lazarewicz, Migliore, and Ascoli (2002) Na channel
gbar_NaM99SL = .035 // g_Na
insert fKDR // Aradi and Holmes (1999) fast and slow KDR channels
gbar_fKDR = .003 // g_fKDR
insert sKDR
gbar_sKDR = .03 // g_fKDR
// T-channel
insert DGCaT // Huguenard and McCormick (1992); Mainen and Sejnowski (1996)
gcat_DGCaT = .0035 // g_CaT
mshift_DGCaT = 15 // + valuies shift m in positive direction
hshift_DGCaT = -10 // + values shifts h in negative direction
forsec dend{ // dendritic conductances
insert NaM99SL
gbar_NaM99SL = .003 // low Na channel density in dendrites
insert fKDR
gbar_fKDR = .003
access hillock // AIS conductances
insert NaM99SL
gbar_NaM99SL = .1
insert fKDR
gbar_fKDR = .05
access mfiber // axon channels
insert NaM99SL
gbar_NaM99SL = .1
insert fKDR
gbar_fKDR = .1
// Basic parameters for all compartments ------------------------------------------------------------------------
forall {
Ra = RI
cm = CM
ek = -90
ena = 60
insert pas
g_pas = 1/RM
e_pas = v
// Reinitialization procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init() {
forall {
v = VREST // all compartments reset Vrest
forsec prox {
v = VREST // Redundant resetting of Vrest
finitialize(v) // Initialize all variables to Vrest
fcurrent() // Generate currents at Vrest
e_pas = v + (ina + ik + ica)/g_pas // calculate E_leak for resting currents
forsec axon {
v = VREST // Redundant resetting of Vrest
e_pas = v + (ina+ik)/g_pas // E_leak
forsec AIS { // hillock/AIS resetting
e_pas = v + (ina + ik)/g_pas
forsec dend { // dendrites resetting
e_pas = v + (ina + ik)/g_pas
// Current step controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------
init() // Initialize model
// Current step controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------
access cell[0]
stim = new IClamp(.5)
stim.del = 10
stim.dur = IDUR
stim.amp = ISTEP
// AHP modifier controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ahp = new AlphaSynapse(.5)
ahp.onset = 5000
ahp.tau = 1
ahp.e = -90
ahp.gmax = 0.07
// Start of the four simulations ------------------------------------------------------------------------
////// Simulation 1 - largest AHP /////////
t=0 // reset time
wopen("output1.dat") // output file
count = -100 // counter that spaces AHP between spikes
while (t<TSTOP){ // simulation loop
if ((cell[0].v > 0) && (count <=0 )){ // Did the cell fire?
ahp.onset = t + 1.5 // start controlling the AHP in 1.5 milliseconds
count = 300 // Reset counter to 300
count -= 1 // decrement counter
// output parameters you to analyze
fprint("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",t,cell[0].v, hillock.v(.5), cell[119].v, ina, m_DGCaT^2,h_DGCaT, ica, m_NaM99SL^3, h_NaM99SL, ik)
fadvance() // advance simulation one time step
////// Simulation 2 - second to largest AHP /////////
t=0 // reset time
wopen("output2.dat") // output file
while (t<TSTOP){ // simulation loop
if ((cell[0].v > 0) && (count <=0 )){ // Did the cell fire?
ahp.e = -90
ahp.gmax = .005*10*.4
ahp.tau = 1
ahp.onset = t + 1.5
count = 300
count -= 1 // counter
fprint("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",t,cell[0].v, hillock.v(.5), cell[119].v, ina, m_DGCaT^2,h_DGCaT, cell[0].ica, m_NaM99SL^3, h_NaM99SL, ik)
////// Simulation 3 - second to smallest AHP /////////
t = 0 // reset time
init() // initialize state variables
wopen("output3.dat") // output file
while (t<TSTOP){ // simulation loop
if ((cell[0].v > 0) && (count <=0 )){ // Did the cell fire?
ahp.e = -60
ahp.gmax = .05
ahp.tau = 2
ahp.onset = t + 1.5
count = 300
count -= 1 // counter
// output parameters you to analyze
fprint("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",t,cell[0].v, hillock.v(.5), cell[119].v, ina, m_DGCaT^2,h_DGCaT, cell[0].ica, m_NaM99SL^3, h_NaM99SL, ik)
fadvance() // advance simulation one time step
////// Simulation 4 - smallest AHP /////////
t = 0 // reset time
init() // initialize state variables
wopen("output4.dat") // output file
while (t<TSTOP){ // simulation loop
if ((cell[0].v > 0) && (count <=0 )){ // Did the cell fire?
ahp.e = -50
ahp.gmax = .1
ahp.tau = 2
ahp.onset = t + .2
count = 300
count -= 1 // counter
// output parameters you to analyze
fprint("%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",t,cell[0].v, hillock.v(.5), cell[119].v, ina, m_DGCaT^2,h_DGCaT, cell[0].ica, m_NaM99SL^3, h_NaM99SL, ik)
fadvance() // advance simulation one time step