// This file generates intervals along the x_star axis that have the same number
// of sections in them. In addition, it generates the same number of synapses in
// each x interval
// defining a round function
func round() {
if ($1>0) {
return int($1+0.5)
} else {
return int($1-0.5)
num_interval = 11
num_sec_per_int = (numRD-numRD%num_interval) / num_interval
// generating intervals with the same number of sections
objref sorted_xstar, x_boundary, sorted_ind, copy_xstar
x_boundary = new Vector(num_interval+1,0)
sorted_xstar = new Vector()
sorted_ind = new Vector()
copy_xstar = new Vector()
copy_xstar.copy(x_star) // copying x_star since vec.sort changes the order in vec
sorted_xstar = copy_xstar.sort()
sorted_ind = x_star.sortindex()
for i = 0, num_interval {
x_boundary.x[i] = sorted_xstar.x[ num_sec_per_int * i ]
// create x_bound_val as a vector the same length of numRD (relDend) with values
// that are the interval in which this section resides
objref x_bound_val, temp_bound_ind
x_bound_val = new Vector(numRD, 0)
for ii = 1, num_interval {
x_start = x_boundary.x[ii-1]
x_end = x_boundary.x[ii]
temp_bound_ind = x_star.c.indvwhere(x_star, "[)", x_start, x_end)
for jj= 0, temp_bound_ind.size-1 {
x_bound_val.x[temp_bound_ind.x[jj]] = ii
objref tmpsec[numRD]
objref rand
rand = new Random(seed)
fraction_e = 0.4
fraction_i = 0.2
objref base_selected_i, base_selected_e
// generating a base vector that will repeat for each interval
// (so that they'll have the same number of synapses)
base_selected_e = new Vector(num_sec_per_int, 0)
base_selected_i = new Vector(num_sec_per_int, 0)
while (base_selected_e.sum() < fraction_e * num_sec_per_int) {
tmp_ind = round( rand.uniform(0,1) * (num_sec_per_int-1) )
base_selected_e.x[tmp_ind] = 1
while (base_selected_i.sum() < fraction_i * num_sec_per_int) {
tmp_ind = round( rand.uniform(0,1) * (num_sec_per_int-1) )
base_selected_i.x[tmp_ind] = 1
objref flag_selected_i, flag_selected_e
flag_selected_e = new Vector(numRD, 0)
flag_selected_i = new Vector(numRD, 0)
// concatenating the base vector to be in the same size as numRD
// (repeats for each interval, leaving a few sections out of the calculation)
for i = 0, num_sec_per_int*num_interval - 1 {
tmp_ind = i%num_sec_per_int
flag_selected_e.x[i] = base_selected_e.x[ tmp_ind ]
flag_selected_i.x[i] = base_selected_i.x[ tmp_ind ]
objref selected_section_e, selected_section_i
selected_section_e = new Vector(numRD, 0)
selected_section_i = new Vector(numRD, 0)
// makes sure selected_section has the same order as the original unsorted x_star
// (which is the same order relDend is in)
for i=0, numRD-1{
selected_section_e.x[ sorted_ind.x[i] ] = flag_selected_e.x[i]
selected_section_i.x[ sorted_ind.x[i] ] = flag_selected_i.x[i]
num_seclamp_e = selected_section_e.sum()
num_seclamp_i = selected_section_i.sum()
objref i_e[num_seclamp_e], i_i[num_seclamp_i]
// putting SEClamp in selected sections
k = 0
count_e = 0
count_i = 0
if (same_inp == 1) { // puts all inputs in the same dendritic section
forsec RelDend {
Cell[0].dend[0] {
if(selected_section_e.x[k]==1) {
i_e[count_e] = new SEClamp(0.5)
count_e = count_e + 1
if(selected_section_i.x[k]==1) {
i_i[count_i] = new SEClamp(0.5)
count_i = count_i + 1
k = k + 1
} else {
forsec RelDend {
tmpsec[k] = new SectionRef()
tmpsec[k].sec {
if(selected_section_e.x[k]==1) {
i_e[count_e] = new SEClamp(0.5)
count_e = count_e + 1
if(selected_section_i.x[k]==1) {
i_i[count_i] = new SEClamp(0.5)
count_i = count_i + 1
k = k + 1