// Morphology file for Golgi cell
// A single compartment neuron with a spherical soma yielding
// an Rin (78 MegaOhm) and a time-constant (24 msec) as tabulated in Midtgaard (1992).
// The resulting Cm is 0.31 nF, assuming a specific membrane capacitance of 0.01 (F/m^2).
// The resulting surface area is 0.31e5 um^2.
// Written by RM (27/11/95).
// changed /library/soma to /library/interneuron/soma on 16/4/96 MAEX


*set_compt_param ELEAK {ELEAK}
*set_compt_param EREST_ACT {EREST_ACT}
   *set_compt_param RM	3.03 // 2.4000	// 24 000 ohm.cm^2
*set_compt_param RA	1.0000 	// 
*set_compt_param CM	0.0100	// 1microF/cm^2

// The entire neuron has now about the same membrane surface area
// as the original single soma compartment. In addition, all
// compartments have the same area.

*compt /library/granule/soma
   soma		none		0.000	0.000	0.000	12.25 // 30.0 // 99.33

*compt /library/granule/dend
   dend[0]        soma             0.0     30.0     0.0      5.0
   dend[1]        dend[0]          0.0     37.5     0.0      4.0
   dend[2]        dend[1]          0.0     50.0     0.0      3.0
   dend[3]        dend[2]          0.0     75.0     0.0      2.0
   dend[4]        dend[3]          0.0    150.0     0.0      1.0