Modification of NetStim by Padraig Gleeson & Matteo Farinella for use in neuroConstruct.

Used to provide a time varying frequency of stimulation to a synaptic input. Actually varies the 
interval until the next spike as function of time.



    ARTIFICIAL_CELL NetStimVariable
    RANGE minFrequency
    RANGE noise, delay, dur
    RANGE dc_comp, amp, freq, phase


    minFrequency = 0.0005 (1/ms) <1e-9,1e9>  : min frequency of stimulation, since frequency = 0 means no future spikes
    noise = 0 <0,1>                          : amount of randomeness (0.0 - 1.0)
    dur = 800 (ms)                           : burst duration
    delay = 100  (ms)                          : delay before onset of burst
    dc_comp = 0.01   (1/ms)                             : DC amplitude (between 0 az 1/3)
    amp = 0.005    (1/ms)                                 : amplitude of stimuli
    freq  = 0.007 (1/ms)                                   : frequency of stimuli
    phase = 0                                   : phase of stimuli


    event (ms)
    end (ms)

PROCEDURE seed(x) {


FUNCTION getFrequency() {
    LOCAL evalFreq

    evalFreq = dc_comp +  amp * sin(2 * 3.14159265 * freq * (t-delay) + phase)  : Will be replaced by real expression in neuroConstruct

    if(evalFreq < minFrequency) {
        getFrequency = minFrequency
    } else {
        getFrequency = evalFreq

    LOCAL interval
    on = 0

    if (noise < 0) {
            noise = 0
    if (noise > 1) {
            noise = 1

    if (delay >= 0 ) {

            interval = 1/getFrequency()

            : randomize the first spike so on average it occurs at
            : delay + noise*interval
            event = delay + invl(interval) - interval*(1. - noise)

            :printf("----- First event will be at: %g\n", event)
            : but not earlier than 0
            if (event < 0) {
                    event = 0
            net_send(event, 3)

PROCEDURE init_sequence(t(ms)) {

    if (getFrequency() > 0) {
            on = 1
            event = t
            end = delay + dur

FUNCTION invl(mean (ms)) (ms) {

    if (mean <= 0.) {
            mean = .01 (ms) : I would worry if it were 0.
    if (noise == 0) {
            invl = mean
    } else {
            invl = (1. - noise)*mean + noise*mean*exprand(1)

PROCEDURE event_time() {

    if (getFrequency() > 0) {
            event = event + invl(1/getFrequency())
    if (event > end) {
            on = 0


    :printf("----- NET_RECEIVE at: %g, flag: %g, on: %g\n", t, flag, on)

    if (flag == 0) { : external event

            if (w > 0 && on == 0) { : turn on spike sequence
                    net_send(0, 1)
            } else if (w < 0 && on == 1) { : turn off spiking
                    on = 0
    if (flag == 3) { : from INITIAL
            if (on == 0) {
                    net_send(0, 1)
    if (flag == 1 && on == 1) {
            if (on == 1) {
                    :printf("----- Next event time: %g\n", event)
                    net_send(event - t, 1)