// Note that for alcohol experiments you need to set km of pump.mod to be 12 instead of 40
multiple = 1           // this is a single parameter that can affect the rate of decline. But is more complicated than this though, so take a look at code below. 

create soma
create Couple

soma	      {nseg=1 L=22 diam=22 }

length = 529.29

diamax = 4311.37/(3.14*length)
diamax_2 = sqrt(diamax)
diamax_3 = diamax_2 * 2

Couple {nseg=1 L= length diam= diamax_3 }  //  rallbranch=1}

access soma
 soma connect Couple(0),1

// length = 529.29, DIAMETER = 3.22

forall for (x) a += area(x) 

corrD = 42310/a 

// global_ra = 250
// set_ra()

access soma
soma {

cm = 0.8

insert narsg      // Na current. Resurgent. Markov model
insert hpkj       // Ih              hyperpolarisation activated cation current
insert bkpkj      // BK ca2+ dependent K+ current
insert cadiff     // calcium diffusion
insert kpkj
insert kpkj2
insert kpkjslow
insert captain        // P type ca. P type calcium current

gbar_narsg = 0.156     
ghbar_hpkj = 0.00104           
gkbar_bkpkj = 0.0728
gkbar_kpkj = 0.0416        
gkbar_kpkj2 = 0.0208       
gkbar_kpkjslow = 0.0416     
pcabar_captain = 0.00052   //  0.00005 

insert lkpkj      // leak current
e_lkpkj = -70
g_lkpkj = 0.0001

ena = 60
ek = -88

// -------------------
insert pump 
km_pump = 40                 // Michaelis-Menten
n_pump = 1
decline_pump = alcohol        // If this is set to 1 then we switch on the oubain/alcohol pump decline system
initialdensity_pump = 1   // this is the density before the decline or the fixed density if no decline is chosen
red_pump = 0           // this is the lag before the decline takes place
lex_pump = 70 * multiple                    // this sets the speed of the decline
// -------------------

insert nadifl D_nadifl = 0.60 
tau_nadifl = 5000  

insert myexchangersoma

insert mypumpsoma
decline_mypumpsoma = alcohol                       // If this is set to 1 then we switch on the oubain/alcohol pump decline system
initialdensity_mypumpsoma = 0.5             // this is the density before the decline or the fixed density if no decline is chosen
red_mypumpsoma = 50000           // this is the lag before the decline takes place
lex_mypumpsoma = 200 * multiple                   // this sets the speed of the decline
green_mypumpsoma = 50000           // this is the lag before the second rate of decline takes place
lux_mypumpsoma = 200 * multiple                    // this sets the speed of the second set of decline

insert gkca
gkbar_gkca = 0.01


Couple   {

cm=0.8 * corrD 

insert cha   gkhbar_cha = 0.00028914405 * corrD       // Ih              hyperpolarisation activated cation current. CHANGED NAME
insert leak 
gl_leak = (7.93319415*10^-5) * corrD
el_leak = -80
nab = 0.036    //  KD
ruti = 0.032   // KA
tt =  0.001    // Whalter Kv1.1 (or maybe kv1.2)

        insert cap2 cai = 4e-5 cao = 2.4 gcabar_cap2 = 0.0016 * corrD
         insert cat cai = 4e-5 cao = 2.4  gcabar_cat = 0.0006 * corrD
         insert cae cai = 4e-5 cao = 2.4  gcabar_cae = 0.0032 * corrD
         insert khh gkbar_khh = 0.00024 * corrD
         insert km  gkbar_km  = 0.000004 * corrD
         insert ka  gkbar_ka  = ruti * corrD
         insert kd  gkbar_kd  = nab * corrD
         insert kc3 gkbar_kc3  = 0.06 * corrD
         insert k23 gkbar_k23  = 0.000156 * corrD
         insert cad taur_cad = 2 cainf_cad = 4e-5
		    kt_cad = 4e-5 kd_cad = 4e-5 
depth_cad = 0.1  * corrD

insert kv1
gbar_kv1 = tt * corrD

insert kdyn
KAF_kdyn = 0.0119 // bursts at 5,149 
// 0.01 - no bursts // 0.012 - bursts at 5000  // 0.013 bursts at around 3,500 // 0.015 bursts at around 2,500 // 0.02 - bursts at around 1000  
// OLD: 0.1428571428571  //  0.008  // 0.011    //  (~50:50)
// OLD: IN FULL MODEL IS 0.143, IN 40 COMPARTMENT IS 0.033, IN 5 COMPARTMENT IS 0.02. IN 2 COMPARTMENT IS 0.008 (BUT if Ra = 250+length = 240, it is 0.0055)
dep_kdyn = 70e-3    // Have not applied corrD to the depth
peak_kdyn = 3.03     // peak value of extracellular K concentration (because of buffering system)

insert myexchanger
ImaxNax_myexchanger = 0.00208768267 * corrD


insert mypump
decline_mypump = alcohol                                 // If this is set to 1 then we switch on the oubain/alcohol pump decline system
initialdensity_mypump = 0.00208768267 * corrD              // this is the density before the decline or the fixed density if no decline is chosen
red_mypump = 50000                                         // this is the lag before the decline takes place
lex_mypump = 200 * multiple                                            // this sets the speed of the decline

insert newnew
km_newnew = 2.245        
n_newnew = 1
decline_newnew = alcohol                                   // If this is set to 1 then we switch on the oubain/alcohol pump decline system
initialdensity_newnew = 0.0010438413 * corrD         // this is the density before the decline or the fixed density if no decline is chosen
red_newnew = 50000           // this is the lag before the decline takes place
lex_newnew = 200 * multiple                   // this sets the speed of the decline

// YOUR OWN ERG CURRENT (sequential, Hodgkin-Huxley)
insert erg
gbar_erg = 0 * corrD     //  0.01, 0.03 too small    0.1 does it, 0.05 does it.     (with vhalf = -5)
vhalf_erg = -5   // - 35 is the default, but you could legitimately change this to -5 because it is -5 with physiological levels of external calcium 
// (external calcium allosterically effects the channel)


// ------------------------------------
// Some global stuff. 
// ------------------------------------

celsius = 36

// ------------------------------------
// Synapses 
// ------------------------------------

// inix = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
inix = 0

// enux = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
enux = 0

// paranux = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
paranux = 0

// basket_nux = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
basket_nux = 0

// -----------
// -----------

objref Exciteconn
objref Esynapse
objref Espikesource // A spike source for our inhibitory synapse
objref ecit_synapses,excit_synapses, ec_list
ecit_synapses = new List()
excit_synapses = new List()
ec_list = new List()

Couple   {

 ecit_synapses.append(Espikesource = new NetStim(0.5)) // arbitrary location
  Espikesource.interval = 1000
  /* inter-spike interval of the input (in ms)  1Hz = 1000ms inter-spike 
100Hz = 10ms interspike interval
  Espikesource.number = enux
  Espikesource.start = 0
  Espikesource.noise = 0 // =0 periodic input, = 1 Poisson
//  for j=0,336 {   // have taken this out. so now only have a single CF synapse on this compartment 
    Couple excit_synapses.append(Esynapse = new Exp2Syn(0.5)) /* the location of
    synapse on
    the compartment */
    Esynapse.tau1 = 0.5 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Esynapse.tau2 = 1.2 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Esynapse.e = 0 // synaptic reversal potential (mV)
/* opening time constant of 0.5 ms, a closing time constant of 1.2 ms
and a reversal potential of 0 mV. */
    thresh = 10 // not important when connection is from NetStim
    delay = 0     // 54000
    Eweight = 0.1  // 0.0062 connection strength in S                 0.0000000062 = 6.2nS
    Exciteconn = new NetCon(Espikesource, Esynapse, thresh, delay, Eweight)
// setpointer mix_nip(0.5), Esynapse.i
// setpointer mix_cadifl(0.5), Esynapse.i
// }

// ------------------------------------
// Synapses
// j=0,19 adds 20 synapses to each dendritic compartment
// j=0,1000 adds 1001 synapses to each dendritic compartment
// PS you can use the synapse lists to double check things like:
// print icit_synapses.count
// print inhib_synapses.count
// If there is j=0,19 then there will be 20 synapses to each dendritic compartment. There will be 20*(85+1002) synapses.
// print 20*(85+1002)
// ------------------------------------

// -----------
// -----------

objref Econn
objref Isynapse
objref Ispikesource // A spike source for our inhibitory synapse
objref icit_synapses,inhib_synapses, nc_list
inhib_synapses = new List()
icit_synapses = new List()
nc_list = new List()

// 50 basket cells terminate on Purkinje cell on the soma 
// Ispikesource.noise set to 0 because firing synchronously

 soma icit_synapses.append(Ispikesource = new NetStim(0.5)) // arbitrary location
  Ispikesource.interval = 1000       
  /* inter-spike interval of the input (in ms)  1Hz = 1000ms inter-spike 
  interval */
  Ispikesource.number = basket_nux
  Ispikesource.start = 0
  Ispikesource.noise = 0 // =0 periodic input, = 1 Poisson
for j=0,49 {
    soma inhib_synapses.append(Isynapse = new Exp2Syn(0.5))
    /* the location of synapse on the compartment */
    Isynapse.tau1 = 0.9 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Isynapse.tau2 = 26.5 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Isynapse.e = -80 // synaptic reversal potential (mV)
/* opening time constant of 0.9 ms, a closing time constant of 26.5 ms
and a reversal potential of -80 mV. */
    thresh = 10 // not important when connection is from NetStim
    delay = 0.0
    Iweight = 0 //3.72 connection strength in S
    Econn = new NetCon(Ispikesource, Isynapse, thresh, delay, Iweight)

// -----------
// -----------

// 2 stellate cell synaptic contacts on every smooth dendritic compartment
// Ispikesource.noise set to 1 because firing asynchronously
// 1 on each SpinyDendrite (1002 synapses); 2 on every SmoothDendrite (2*85 = 190 synapses); total = 1,192 synapses

// What you've done now - instead of having 1192 synaptic contacts onto this single comparment: you have just a single connection but you increase the 
// frequency of this connect by 1192 times (i.e. decrease the interspike interval by 1192 times). This greatly speeds up the simulation. 

Couple  {
  Couple icit_synapses.append(Ispikesource = new NetStim(0.5)) // arbitrary location
  Ispikesource.interval = 1000/1192
  /* inter-spike interval of the input (in ms)  1Hz = 1000ms inter-spike 
100Hz = 10ms interspike interval
  Ispikesource.number = inix
  Ispikesource.start = 0
  Ispikesource.noise = 1 // =0 periodic input, = 1 Poisson

//   for j=0,1191 {
    Couple inhib_synapses.append(Isynapse = new Exp2Syn(0.5))
    /* the location of synapse on the compartment */
    Isynapse.tau1 = 0.9 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Isynapse.tau2 = 26.5 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Isynapse.e = -80 // synaptic reversal potential (mV)
/* opening time constant of 0.9 ms, a closing time constant of 26.5 ms
and a reversal potential of -80 mV. */
    thresh = 10 // not important when connection is from NetStim
    delay = 0.0
    Iweight = 0.001 // 0.09604   // 0.2 // 0.002604  // 0.02604 // 52.08 connection strength in S
    Econn = new NetCon(Ispikesource, Isynapse, thresh, delay, Iweight)
//  }

// -----------
// -----------

// Parralel fiber synaptic inputs
//1 contact on every spiny dendritic compartment
// Espikesource.noise set to 1 because firing asynchronously
// j=0,199 is 200 synapses per spinydendrite

// 200,000 synapses at 0.01 Hz
// replace with just 1 synapse; frequency = 2000 Hz 
// interspike inteval = 0.5

Couple  {

  Couple ecit_synapses.append(Espikesource = new NetStim(0.5)) // arbitrary location
  Espikesource.interval = 0.5
  /* inter-spike interval of the input (in ms)  1Hz = 1000ms inter-spike 
100Hz = 10ms interspike interval
1000 Hz = 1ms interspike interval
2000 Hz = 0.5 ms interspike interval
10,000 Hz = 0.1 ms interspike interval

  Espikesource.number = paranux
  Espikesource.start = 0
  Espikesource.noise = 1 // =0 periodic input, = 1 Poisson
    Couple excit_synapses.append(Esynapse = new Exp2Syn(0.5)) /* the location of
    synapse on
    the compartment */
    Esynapse.tau1 = 0.5 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Esynapse.tau2 = 1.2 // synaptic time constant (ms)
    Esynapse.e = 0 // synaptic reversal potential (mV)
/* opening time constant of 0.5 ms, a closing time constant of 1.2 ms
and a reversal potential of 0 mV. */
    thresh = 10 // not important when connection is from NetStim
    delay = 0.0
    Eweight = 0.00007  // 0.007 // 0.0007  // connection strength in S   0.0000000007 = 0.7nS
    Exciteconn = new NetCon(Espikesource, Esynapse, thresh, delay, Eweight)