# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "Zafeirios Fountas"
__credits__ = ["Murray Shanahan", "Mark Humphries", "Rob Leech", "Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski"]
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Zafeirios Fountas"
__email__ = "fountas@outlook.com"
__status__ = "Published"
from brian import *
from numpy import cos, pi
from os import path
def fitnessFunction(inhA, inhB, notInh, PRINT=True) :
inhA = float(inhA) # Nimber of spikes in the first inhibited channel
inhB = float(inhB) # Nimber of spikes in the first inhibited channel
notInh = float(notInh) # Nimber of spikes in the free channel
allSpikes = inhA + inhB + notInh
if allSpikes == 0 :
print "No spikes reported here - Score is 0"
return 0.0
# The percentage of spikes in the channels that are supposed to receive them
inhPercentage = (inhA + inhB) / allSpikes # Between [0,1]
if (inhA+inhB) == 0 :
print "No spikes in the inhibited areas reported here - Score is 0"
return 0.0
perA = inhA/(inhA+inhB)
if perA > 0.5 :
perA = 1.0 - perA
closenessOfAandB = 2.0*perA # Between [0,1]
score = (inhPercentage**7.0)*closenessOfAandB
if PRINT :
print '\t\tScore:', score," \t(inhA:",inhA,"inhB:",inhB,"notInh",notInh,")"
print '\t\t\tinh: ',inhPercentage,"\t(against:",(1.0-inhPercentage),")"
print '\t\t\tCloseness:',closenessOfAandB, "\t(perA", perA,")"
return score
def HIGH_FREQ(t, freq) :
if freq == 0.0 :
return 1.0
return (1.0+cos( freq*2.0*pi*t ))
# I implement a random walk with boundaries LOW and HIGH and in order to feed
# the returned list to the function in the rate argument of the PoissonGroup
def RandWalkList(LOW, HIGH, duration=50000) :
Y = []
Nsigma = 0.5 # 1.0
Nmean = -0.05 # NOTE: A bit negative so there is only small portion of short higly active inputs.
HIGH = float(HIGH)
LOW = float(LOW)
mean = (HIGH-LOW)/2.0
my_list = list(np.random.normal(Nmean, Nsigma, duration))
for i in range(duration) :
mean = mean + my_list[i]
if mean > 10.0 : mean = 10.0
if mean < 0.0 : mean = 0.0
return Y
def ListRates(t, input_list=[]) :
return input_list[int(t*1000.0)]*Hz
def RampRates(t, start, end, ramp_dur, base, freqLOW, freqHIGH, phaseLOW, Tamp) :
if t > start and t < end :
if float(freqLOW) == 0.0 :
oscillation = Tamp
else :
oscillation = (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t + phaseLOW * second))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*Tamp
# Activate the ramp (from 0 to 1)
if t < start + ramp_dur : # Angle is 1/dur
return base + oscillation * float(t-start)/float(ramp_dur)
else :
return base + oscillation
else :
return 3.0*Hz
def T1rates_tr(t, start, end, base, freqLOW, freqHIGH, T1_amp) :
if t > start and t < end :
if float(freqLOW) == 0.0 :
return base + T1_amp
else :
return base + (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t ))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T1_amp
else :
return 3.0*Hz
def T2rates_tr(t, start, end, base, freqLOW, freqHIGH, phaseLOW, T2_amp) :
if t > start and t < end :
if float(freqLOW) == 0.0 :
return base + T2_amp
else :
return base + (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t + phaseLOW * second))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T2_amp
else :
return 3.0*Hz
def T1rates(t, base, freqLOW, freqHIGH, T1_amp) :
return base + (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t ))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T1_amp
#return (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t ))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T1_amp
def T2rates(t, base, freqLOW, freqHIGH, phaseLOW, T2_amp) :
return base + (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t + phaseLOW * second))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T2_amp
#if t > 300*ms :
# return base + (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t + phaseLOW * second))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T2_amp
#else :
# return base
#return (1.0+cos( freqLOW*2.0*pi*t + phaseLOW * second))*HIGH_FREQ(t,freqHIGH)*T2_amp
def post_progress(progress, slotX, slotY, exp_name, message="") :
from pycurl import Curl
import cStringIO
from socket import gethostname
response = cStringIO.StringIO()
address ='www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~zf509/'+exp_name+'/ip.php?name='+gethostname()+\
c = Curl()
c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write)
c.setopt(c.URL, address)
server_res = response.getvalue()
print "Server replied:", server_res
if server_res[0]=="T" and server_res[1]=="E" and server_res[2]=="R" :
return False
else :
return True
# Used in STN model!
def IMP(u, imp) :# abs could be ommited if I make sure that the sign is correct!
return (1.0/(imp * abs(u) + 1.0/imp))
def izhi_reset_stn(P, spikes) :
P.v[spikes] = P.c[spikes] - (IMP(P.u2[spikes],P.w1[spikes]) * P.u2[spikes])*ms
#P.v[spikes] = P.c[spikes] - P.u2_imp[spikes] * P.u2[spikes]*ms
P.u1[spikes] += P.d1[spikes]
P.u2[spikes] += P.d2[spikes]
# It's already vectorized!!
def heaviside(x):
x = np.array(x)
if x.shape != ():
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
y[x > 0.0] = 1
y[x == 0.0] = 0.5
else: # special case for 0d array (a number)
if x > 0: y = 1
elif x == 0: y = 0.5
else: y = 0
return y
# It's already vectorized!!
# It returns zero, if x < 0 and 1 otherwise..
def heaviside01(x):
x = np.array(x)
if x.shape != ():
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
y[x >= 0.0] = 1.0
else: # special case for 0d array (a number)
if x >= 0: y = 1.0
else: y = 0.0
return y
# Used to populate the neuron arrays with different parameters
from numpy.random import rand
import numpy as np
def two_choices(size, prob1, choice1, choice2) :
result = []
for i in rand(size) :
if i < prob1 :
else :
return np.array(result)
def three_choices(size, prob1, prob2, choice1, choice2, choice3) :
result = []
for i in rand(size) :
if i < prob1 :
elif i < (prob1+prob2) :
else :
return np.array(result)
def two_det_choices(size, channels, prob1, choice1, choice2) :
result = []
channel_size = int(size/channels)
first = int(round(channel_size*prob1))
second = channel_size - first
for i in range(channels) :
for j in range(first) :
for j in range(second) :
return np.array(result)
def three_det_choices(size, channels, prob1, prob2, choice1, choice2, choice3) :
result = []
channel_size = int(size/channels)
first = int(round(channel_size*prob1))
second = int(round(channel_size*prob2))
third = channel_size - first - second
for i in range(channels) :
for j in range(first) :
for j in range(second) :
for j in range(third) :
return np.array(result)
# Used to populate C with a suggested SD adding a limit (0.5*C) and resampling
# import numpy as np
def get_random_C(C, C_var, N, mySeed) :
#np.random.seed(seed = mySeed)
C_list = np.random.normal(C, C_var, N)
for i in range(N) :
while abs(C_list[i] - C) > 0.5 * C :
C_list[i] = np.random.normal(C, C_var, 1)
return C_list
# Returns a list where the first element is the general firing rate and the next
# N elements are the firing rates of each individual channel (of a total N)
# duration: duration of simulation
def calc_firing_rates(spikes_data, neurons_per_ch, duration = 1.0):
ch = []
channels = len(spikes_data)
for i in range(channels) :
ch.append( round( spikes_data[i]/(float(neurons_per_ch*duration)), 2) )
ch[0] = round(sum(ch)/channels,2)
return ch