# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "Zafeirios Fountas"
__credits__ = ["Murray Shanahan", "Mark Humphries", "Rob Leech", "Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski"]
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Zafeirios Fountas"
__email__ = "fountas@outlook.com"
__status__ = "Published"
from brian import *
from neuron_parameters import data as pars
from synaptic_parameters import data as pars_syn
class SimulationParameters(object) :
def __init__(self) :
# Load neuron parameters
self.neur = dict()
self.neur["MSN"] = pars["MSN"]
self.neur["FSI"] = pars["FSI"]
self.neur["STN-typeA"] = pars["STN-typeA"]
self.neur["STN-typeB"] = pars["STN-typeB"]
self.neur["STN-typeC"] = pars["STN-typeC"]
self.neur["GPe-typeA"] = pars["GPe-typeA"]
self.neur["GPe-typeB"] = pars["GPe-typeB"]
self.neur["GPe-typeC"] = pars["GPe-typeC"]
self.neur["SNr"] = pars["SNr"]
# Load synaptic parameters
self.syn = dict()
self.syn["MSN"] = pars_syn["MSN"]
self.syn["FSI"] = pars_syn["FSI"]
self.syn["STN"] = pars_syn["STN"]
self.syn["GPe"] = pars_syn["GPe"]
self.syn["SNr"] = pars_syn["SNr"]
#print "All parameters loaded."
def get_vpeak(self, neuron) :
return pars[neuron]['vpeak']['value']
# -- EXPERIMENT PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------
T1_amp = 2.5 * Hz # Rate (amplitude) of first stimulus
T2_amp = 5.0 * Hz # Rate (amplitude) of second stimulus
base_input_T1 = 3.0*Hz
base_input_T2 = 3.0*Hz
base_input_T3 = 3.0*Hz # Consistent with Belforte et al 2010 and Reed et al 2010.
# Also it is also consistent with Bauswein 1989 (Humphries 2006)
iFreq_LOW_T1 = 0.0
iFreq_HIGH_T1 = 0.0
iFreq_LOW_T2 = 0.0
iFreq_HIGH_T2 = 0.0
iPhase_LOW = 0.0 # * np.pi
# -- NUMBERS ---------------------------------------------------------------
N = 3 # Humphries - Number of channels
Ninput = 1000 # Number of input sources (neurons)
C = 300 # Times that the BG is scaled down
N_str = 2790000/C # Oorschot 1996
Nstn = 13600/C # Oorschot 1996
Ngpe = 46000/C # Oorschot 1996
Ngpi = 3200/C # Oorschot 1996
Nsnr = 26300/C # Oorschot 1996
Nsnc = 7200/C # Oorschot 1996
# Adding FSIs
FSIratio = 0.01 # Humphries 2010 - FSIs: 1% of striatal neurons
Nfsi = int( FSIratio * float(N_str) )
Nmsn = N_str - Nfsi
Ngpisnr = (3200+26300)/C#
Nmsn_d1 = Nmsn/2 #
Nmsn_d2 = Nmsn/2 #
Nmsn_ch = Nmsn/(2*N) # Number of neurons within a channel in striatum
Nstn_ch = Nstn/N # Number of neurons within a channel in stn
Ngpe_ch = Ngpe/N # Number of neurons within a channel in gpe
Ngpisnr_ch = Ngpisnr/N # Number of neurons within a channel in GPi/SNr
# -- SYNAPSES --------------------------------------------------------------
# Humphries 2014
# In the random model we ignored distance, and simply made connections to
# each neuron at random until the correct number of incoming connections of
# each type was made. The target number of connections were derived from the
# mean values obtained from the central neurons of the three-dimensional
# connectivity model in Humphries et al. (2010), and taken from column 1 of
# Table 5 in that paper:
# SPNs → 1 SPN: 728;
# FSIs → 1 SPN: 30.6;
# FSIs → 1 FSI: 12.8;
# FSI gap junctions per FSI: 0.65.
P_T_MSN = 0.084
P_T_FSI = P_T_MSN # From Humphries 2010
P_T_STN = 0.03 # Produces 20 Hz (40 in high mode) without inhibition, and
# NOTE: Lindahl 2013 also estimated this - no data evailable
# From Humphries:2010 and Tomkins:2013 and after properly simulating the
# channel spatially (explanation in Fountas et al, 2017)
P_MSN_MSN_in = 0.0718
P_MSN_MSN_ex = 0.0082
P_FSI_MSN_in = 0.2925
P_FSI_MSN_ex = 0.0314
P_FSI_FSI_in = 0.5864
P_FSI_FSI_ex = 0.0092
P_FSI_GAP_in = 0.1082
P_FSI_GAP_ex = 0.0003
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if P_CONNECTIONS == "Humphries" :
_Pc = 0.25 # Humphries - Probability of connectivity
_P_STN = _Pc / N # Humphries - Probability of connectivity of STN
P_GPe_STN = _Pc
P_SD1_SNr = _Pc
P_SD2_GPe = _Pc
P_GPe_SNr = _Pc
P_GPe_GPe = 0.1 # Fountas 2017
P_SNr_SNr = 0.1 # Fountas 2017
elif P_CONNECTIONS == "Lindahl" :
P_STN_GPe = 0.3 # Lindahl says 30% (30 out of 100 STNs are connected to each GPe)
P_GPe_STN = 0.1 # Lindahl says 10% (30 out of 300 GPes are connected to each STN)
P_STN_SNr = 0.3 # Lindahl says 30% (30 out of 100 STNs are connected to each SNr)
P_MSN_SNr = 0.033 # Lindahl says 3.3% (500 out of 15000 MSNs are connected to each SNr)
P_MSN_GPe = 0.033 # Lindahl says 3.3% (500 out of 15000 MSNs are connected to each GPe)
P_GPe_SNr = 0.1066 # Lindahl says 10.66% (32 out of 300 GPes are connected to each SNr)
P_GPe_GPe = 0.1 # Lindahl says 10% (30 out of 300 GPes are connected to each GPe)
P_SNr_SNr = 0.1 # Lindahl does not mention SNr collaterals
# -- SIMULATION PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------
DT = 0.25*ms # Simulation timestep
duration = 2000 * ms
fr_depth = 50 * ms # Fountas 2017
# because: fr_depth = int(FREQUENCY/2) * ms
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Technique: ampa = 1.0/(1.0+R)
# nmda = R/(1.0+R)
def resetSynapticParametersWithRatios(self, R_msn, R_stn, R_gpe, R_snr) :
self.syn["MSN"]["R"] = float(R_msn)
self.syn["STN"]["R"] = float(R_stn)
self.syn["GPe"]["R"] = float(R_gpe)
self.syn["SNr"]["R"] = float(R_snr)
self.syn["MSN"]["G"]["AMPA"]["value"] = 1.0/(1.0 + self.syn["MSN"]["R"])
self.syn["MSN"]["G"]["NMDA"]["value"] = \
self.syn["MSN"]["R"]/(1.0 + self.syn["MSN"]["R"])
self.syn["MSN"]["G"]["GABA"]["value"] = 1.0
self.syn["STN"]["G"]["AMPA"]["value"] = 1.0/(1.0 + self.syn["STN"]["R"])
self.syn["STN"]["G"]["NMDA"]["value"] = \
self.syn["STN"]["R"]/(1.0 + self.syn["STN"]["R"])
self.syn["STN"]["G"]["GABA"]["value"] = 1.0
self.syn["GPe"]["G"]["AMPA"]["value"] = 1.0/(1.0 + self.syn["GPe"]["R"])
self.syn["GPe"]["G"]["NMDA"]["value"] = \
self.syn["GPe"]["R"]/(1.0 + self.syn["GPe"]["R"])
self.syn["GPe"]["G"]["GABA"]["value"] = 1.0
self.syn["SNr"]["G"]["AMPA"]["value"] = 1.0/(1.0 + self.syn["SNr"]["R"])
self.syn["SNr"]["G"]["NMDA"]["value"] = \
self.syn["SNr"]["R"]/(1.0 + self.syn["SNr"]["R"])
self.syn["SNr"]["G"]["GABA"]["value"] = 1.0
delta_abs = 2 * ms # Humphries
ita = 0.5 # Humphries
V_lim = - 20 * mV # Humphries
# Used and mentioned as very significant in: Wolf,Moyer,Lazarewicz etal 2005
ratio_NMDAoverAMPA = 0.5 # Myme etal 2003, Sugino, Turrigiano, Nelson
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------