forall delete_section()
/* -----------------------------------------------------
    Layer V Cortical Pyramidal Cell

    Based on Yu Yuguo ( May 1, 2008)

20150512 NTC
Updated for use with 
that have been revised to eliminate a spurious 
temperature-dependence of effective channel density.
This involved multiplying the following parameters
by a factor of 3.2094.
See the header in na.mod for details.
----------------------------------------------------- */

TADJ = 3.2094 // see comment above

objref somatodendritic, dendritic

// --------------------------------------------------
//    Parameter Settings
// --------------------------------------------------

/* Global */
  dt = 0.01
  celsius   = 37
  steps_per_ms = 1/dt
  tstop = 100
  v_init = -70

/* Others */
  delay = 2  // global delay for preparing

/* Passive membrane */
  ra        = 150  // decrease ad to decrease of soma vth variability, increase axon's vth variability
  global_ra = ra
  rm        = 30000   // g_pas=1/rm
  c_m       = 0.5
  cm_myelin = 0.02
  g_pas_node = 0.02

/* Active channels */
  // Nav
  Ena = 60
  gna12_soma = 80
  gna12_dend = 80
  gna12_ais_max = 3200   // Nav1.2
  gna16_ais_max = 3200   // Nav1.6
  gna16_nakeaxon= 300
  gna12_myelin=20       // Nav1.2 at myelins
  gna16_node = 3200     // Nav1.6 at node
  gna12_soma = 80*TADJ
  gna12_dend = 80*TADJ
  gna12_ais_max = 3200*TADJ   // Nav1.2
  gna16_ais_max = 3200*TADJ   // Nav1.6
  gna16_nakeaxon= 300*TADJ
  gna12_myelin=20*TADJ       // Nav1.2 at myelins
  gna16_node = 3200*TADJ     // Nav1.6 at node

  vhalf_na12 = -30
  vhalf_na16 = -43
  vhalf_na = -30

  // Kv
  Ek = -90
//  gkv_soma = 20
//  gkv_dend = 10
//  gkv_axon = 1000
  gkv_soma = 20*TADJ
  gkv_dend = 10*TADJ
  gkv_axon = 1000*TADJ

  // Km
//  gkm = 0.3
  gkm = 0.3*TADJ
  gkm_soma = gkm
  gkm_soma = gkm

  // Kca
//  gkca = 3
  gkca = 3*TADJ
  gkca_soma = gkca

  // Ca
//  gca = 0.3
  gca = 0.3*TADJ
  gca_soma = gca

// ------------------------------------------------
//    Cell Geometry
// ------------------------------------------------

/* Clean up */
  forall delete_section()

/* Soma and Dendrites */

  // build a sectionlist for soma and dendrites
  somatodendritic = new SectionList()
  forall {
    if (L/nseg>40) {
      nseg = L/40 + 1
    }    // make sure no segments exceed 40 uM length. Note, soma.nseg remains 10.
    somatodendritic.append()  // soma and dendrites are all included

  // build a sectionlist for dendrites only
  dendritic = new SectionList()
  forsec somatodendritic dendritic.append()
  soma  dendritic.remove()     // remove soma for pure dendritic sectionlist

/* Axon */
  load_file ("geom/hu_axon.hoc")

/* Spines */
  aspiny = 0  // 0 for spiny
  if (!aspiny) {
    load_file ("geom/hu_spines.hoc")

    define_shape() // Define shape in pt3d

  distance(0,axonOnSoma)  // set the point where axon seated on soma as the origin

// ----------------------------------------------------
//  Insert Density Mechanisms
// ----------------------------------------------------

/* ---------------------------------------------
     Define the Density Mechanisms

// --------------------------------------------
//  Install Passive Properties
// --------------------------------------------

proc install_passive() {

  // Forall
  forall {
    insert pas
    Ra = ra
    cm = c_m
    g_pas = 1/rm
    e_pas = v_init
  // Exceptions along the myelinated axon
  forsec "myelin" cm = cm_myelin
  forsec "node" g_pas = g_pas_node

// --------------------------------------------
//  Install Active Channels
// --------------------------------------------

proc  install_channels() {

  /* Add all kinds of channels to all sections*/
    forall {
      insert na gbar_na=0
      insert na12  gbar_na12=0
      insert na16  gbar_na16=0
      insert kv    gbar_kv=0
      insert km    gbar_km=0
      insert kca   gbar_kca=0
      insert ca    gbar_ca=0

    // Added by Hu
    vshift_na12 = -35 - vhalf_na12 -10  // negative shift of input voltage, high threshold  -30mV
    vshift_na16 = -35 - vhalf_na16 -10    // positive shift of input voltage, low threshold  -43mV
    vshift_na = -35 - vhalf_na -10  // the same as Na12

  /* Channel Constants */
    forall if(ismembrane("k_ion")) ek = Ek
    forall if(ismembrane("na_ion")) ena = Ena
    forall if(ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
      eca = Eca
      vshift_ca = 0

  /* Somatodendritic */
    forsec somatodendritic {

    /********* NOTE *********/
    // channel densities for ca, kca, km, kv, na12, na16, and na
    // are all 3.2094 times larger than the comments indicate
    // see comment at top of this file 

      gbar_na = gna12_dend    // 80
      gbar_kv = gkv_dend        // 20
      gbar_km  = gkm            // 0.3
      gbar_kca = gkca           // 0.3
      gbar_ca = gca             // 0.3
      insert cad                // Internal calcium concentration mechanism only at somatodendritic region.
    soma {
      gbar_na=gna12_soma          // 80
      gbar_kv = gkv_soma            // 20
      gbar_km = gkm_soma            // 0.3
      gbar_kca = gkca_soma          // 0.3
      gbar_ca = gca_soma            // 0.3

  /* hill -> ais[0] -> ... -> ais[9] */

    // Nav 1.2   ( gna12_ais_max=3200, refer to "Nav% iseg.xls")
    // actually, because of tadj, the value used to calculate
    // the ionic conductance and current never was 3200--NTC
    hill.gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max     		*	1	*	0.8
    ais[0]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max      *	0.96	*	1
    ais[1]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.9	*	1
    ais[2]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.75	*	1
    ais[3]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.55	*	0.95
    ais[4]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.366985879	*	0.880142857
    ais[5]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.2	*	0.75
    ais[6]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.100330761	*	0.647857143
    ais[7]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0.011532125	*	0.520285714
    ais[8]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0	*	0.428571429
    ais[9]. gbar_na12= gna12_ais_max  		*	0	*	0.342857143

    // Nav 1.6  ( gna16_ais_max=3200, refer to "Nav% iseg.xls" )
    // actually, because of tadj, the value used to calculate
    // the ionic conductance and current never was 3200--NTC
    hill.gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	    *	0	*	0.8
    ais[0]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.04	*	1
    ais[1]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.1	*	1
    ais[2]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.25	*	1
    ais[3]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.45	*	0.95
    ais[4]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.633014121	*	0.880142857
    ais[5]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.8	*	0.75
    ais[6]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.899669239	*	0.647857143
    ais[7]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	0.988467875	*	0.520285714
    ais[8]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	1	*	0.428571429
    ais[9]. gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max	*	1	*	0.342857143

    // Kv delayed rectifier channels  ( gkv_axon=1000 )
    // actually, because of tadj, the value used to calculate
    // the ionic conductance and current never was 1000--NTC
    hill.gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.1
    ais[0]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.2
    ais[1]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.3
    ais[2]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.4
    ais[3]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.5
    ais[4]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.6
    ais[5]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.7
    ais[6]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.8
    ais[7]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	0.9
    ais[8]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	1
    ais[9]. gbar_kv = gkv_axon	*	1

  /*  Nakeaxon */
    nakeaxon  {
      gbar_na16 = gna16_nakeaxon	    // 300, artificial (ought to be 1600)
      // actually, because of tadj, the value used to calculate
      // the ionic conductance and current never was 300--NTC
      gbar_na12 = 0
//      gbar_kv = 1500
      gbar_kv = 1500*TADJ

  /* ( Myelin[0] Node[0] ) -> ... -> ( Myelin[n_myelin] Node[n_myelin] )  */
    forsec "myelin" gbar_na = gna12_myelin    // 20
    forsec "node" gbar_na16 = gna16_ais_max/2  // 1600


proc  install_chanrhod() {

    central_node = 7
    soma {insert chanrhod}
    forsec "dend" {insert chanrhod}
    forsec "ais" {insert chanrhod}
    hill {insert chanrhod}
    nakeaxon {insert chanrhod}
    forsec "myelin" {insert chanrhod}
    forsec "node" {insert chanrhod}

// Install passive membrane properties

// Install active channels

// Install Channelrhodopsin

/*  Recording and Graphing   */
// Call the Recording Section
// Call the Session "hu_full"
//xopen ("session/")

/* Inject soma, the oringinal one */