%% Fractional Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model
% Model files for the paper
% Wondimu Teka, Toma M.Marinov, Fidel Santamaria (2014) Neuronal Spike Timing Adaptation Described with a Fractional Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model.
% PLoS Comput Biol 10(3): e1003526. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003526
Ncells=1; %number of cells, do not change this value, this code is not for network, it is only for one cell.
% parameters values that can be varied.
dt=0.1; %ms time step. This value is used for all the data.
t=0:dt:1000; %ms mostly is up to 5000 ms (5sec) or 10000 ms (10 sec) is used.
% alpha= ??; % the fractional exponent (order) it is varied below using a for loop
Rm=40; %Mohms
taum=20*ones([1 Ncells]); %ms membrane time constant
Cm=0.5; %nF % this is not used since taum and Rm are used and note taum = Cm*Rm
refrac=8*ones([1 Ncells]); %ms absolute refarctory period
v0= -70*ones([1 Ncells]); % mV initial value
% initial voltage was varied: used values are v0= -70, v0= -75 v0= -58, v0= -45,
vrest= -70; % mV the resting potential which is used for reset too.
vth= vrest + 20*ones([1 Ncells]); % is -50 mV, threshold value of membrane voltage
vpeak = vrest + 100*ones([1 Ncells]); % is 30 mV, peak value of he voltage at spike
Iinjamplitude= 3; % nA injected current amplitude, see Iinj for the whole injected current
% for the subthershold use Iinjamplitude= 0.3;
Namp=0; %noise amplitude, to add white Gaussian noise with this standard devation Namp, which is noise amplitude
% This value should be changed only for figure 11,
% Namp=1 % For only figure 11,
% used for most of the simulations
Iinj=Iinjamplitude*ones(length(t),Ncells)+ Namp*(randn(length(t),Ncells));
% for the sinusoidal simulation with non constant freqency, use the following ZAP current
% f=0.1*(2./(1+exp(-t./1500))-1).^3; % frequency in cycle per ms. since time is in ms; the freqency increases from 0 Hz to 100 Hz
% Iinj=0.3*sin((2*pi).*f.*t)';
% for figure 10 use the following current instead of the above
% for the sinusoidal simulation with constant freqency, use the following
%f = 0.003 % this is in cycle per ms, it is the same is 3 Hz
%Iinj= 2 +2*sin((0:dt:t(end)).*2*pi*f)';
% names for parameters to pass them to the main function: runNetworkderivative
NetProp.Rm=Rm; %Mohms
NetProp.Cm=Cm; %nF % this is not used since taum and Rm are used.
%Main integrator
% Integrating output for different alpha values using the fractional derivative
for alpha=1:-0.2:0.2
out(b)=runNetworkderivative(NetProp,Iinj,t,rseed,alpha); % main output
% Note:This has the following output out.v=v for voltage; out.sp=sp for spike ; out.Memo2=Memo2 for memery; out.t=t for time;
ISI{b}=diff(out(b).t(logical(out(b).sp(1:end-1)))); % calculates ISI in msec
firingrate{b} = 1000./ISI{b}; %in Hz, calculates firing rate
totalspike(b) = sum(out(b).sp); % for toltal number of spikes for total time
b= b+1
for b=1:length(out) % for alpha =1.0
plot(out(b).t(trange), out(b).v(trange), cv(b), 'Linewidth',1.5) %
set(gca, 'FontSize', 14, 'FontName', 'Helvetica')
set(gca, 'LooseInset', get(gca,'TightInset'))
ylabel('V (mV)', 'fontsize',14, 'FontName', 'Helvetica');
legendinfo2= sprintf('\\alpha= %0.1f\n', alphavalue(b));
axis([-1 1000 -75 35])
legend(legendinfo2,'Location','SouthWest', 'fontsize',11, 'FontName', 'Helvetica')
clear legendinfo2;
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'fontsize',14, 'FontName', 'Helvetica');