% NEUROML_TREE Export tree to NeuroML format.
% (trees package)
% [name path] = neuroml_tree (intree, name, options)
% --------------------------------------------------
% exports a tree to NeuroML format for use for example
% MORE...
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree
% - name::string: name of file including the extension ".xml"
% {DEFAULT : open gui fileselect}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-v2a'}
% '-w' : waitbar
% '-v1l1' : version v1l1
% '-v2a' : version v2a
% Output
% ------
% - name::string: name of output file; [] no file was selected -> no output
% - path::sting: path of the file, complete string is therefore: [path name]
% Example
% -------
% neuroml_tree (sample_tree)
% See also load_tree and start_trees
% Uses ver_tree
% code by Padraig Gleeson 16 March 2011
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [tname path] = neuroml_tree (intree, tname, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(intree),
intree = length (trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure
% use full tree for this function
if ~isstruct (intree),
tree = trees {intree};
tree = intree;
% defining a name for saved file
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(tname),
[tname path] = uiputfile ('.xml', 'export to NeuroML', 'tree.xml');
if tname == 0,
tname = [];
path = '';
% extract a sensible name from the filename string:
nstart = unique ([0 strfind(tname, '/') strfind(tname, '\')]);
nend = [length(tname) strfind(tname, '.xml')];
name = tname (nstart (end) + 1 : nend (end) - 1);
if (nargin < 3)||isempty(options),
options = '-v2a';
if strfind (options, '-v1l1'),
nml_ver = 'nml_v1_l1';
nml_ver = 'nml_v2a';
D = tree.D; % local diameter values of nodes on tree
N = size (D, 1); % number of nodes in tree
idpar0 = idpar_tree (tree, '-0'); % vector containing index to direct parent
idpar0 (idpar0 == 0) = -1;
nmlfile = fopen ([path tname], 'w'); % open file
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
nml_v1_l1 = strcmp ('nml_v1_l1', nml_ver);
nml_v2a = strcmp ('nml_v2a', nml_ver);
notes_el = 'meta:notes';
if nml_v1_l1
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<neuroml xmlns="http://morphml.org/neuroml/schema" ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xmlns:meta="http://morphml.org/metadata/schema"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xmlns:mml="http://morphml.org/morphml/schema"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xsi:schemaLocation="http://morphml.org/neuroml/schema ', ...
'http://www.neuroml.org/NeuroMLValidator/NeuroMLFiles/Schemata/v1.8.1/Level1/NeuroML_Level1_v1.8.1.xsd"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' length_units="micrometer">', char(13), char(10), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
elseif nml_v2a
notes_el = 'notes';
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<neuroml xmlns="http://www.neuroml.org/schema/neuroml2"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.neuroml.org/schema/neuroml2', ...
'http://neuroml.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/neuroml/DemoVer2.0/lems/Schemas/NeuroML2/NeuroML_v2alpha.xsd"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' id="', name,'">', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<',notes_el,'>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' TREES toolbox tree - ' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' written by an automatic procedure "neuroml_tree" part of the TREES package', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' in MATLAB (Copyright 2009 Hermann Cuntz)', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' NeuroML export functionality by Padraig Gleeson', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [' Export version: ', nml_ver, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, ['</', notes_el, '>', char(13), char(10), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if nml_v1_l1
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<cells>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<cell name="', name, '">', char(13), char(10)],'char');
elseif nml_v2a
fwrite (nmlfile, ['<cell id="', name,'">', char(13), char(10)],'char');
if nml_v1_l1
fwrite (nmlfile, [' <segments xmlns="http://morphml.org/morphml/schema">', char(13), char(10)],'char');
elseif nml_v2a
fwrite (nmlfile, [' <morphology id="', name,'_morphology">', char(13), char(10)],'char');
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: initialization
HW = waitbar (0, 'writing tree ...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
for ward = 2 : N,
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (ward ./ N, HW);
segid = ward - 2 ;
distpoint = ward;
proxpoint = idpar0 (ward);
parentid = idpar0 (ward) -2;
if (parentid == -1)
parentid = 0;
parentinfo = sprintf ('parent = "%i"', parentid);
if (ward == 2)
parentinfo = ' ';
if (nml_v2a && ward~=2)
parentinfo = sprintf ('>\n <parent segment = "%i"/', parentid);
seginfo = sprintf (' <segment id = "%i" name = "Seg_%i_P%i_to_P%i" %s>', ...
[segid segid proxpoint distpoint parentinfo]);
fwrite (nmlfile, [seginfo, char(13), char(10)],'char');
fprintf (nmlfile, ' <proximal x = "%12.8f" y = "%12.8f" z = "%12.8f" diameter="%12.8f"/>\n', ...
[tree.X(proxpoint) tree.Y(proxpoint) tree.Z(proxpoint) tree.D(distpoint)]); % NOTE: dist diameter!!
fprintf (nmlfile, ' <distal x = "%12.8f" y = "%12.8f" z = "%12.8f" diameter="%12.8f"/>\n', ...
[tree.X(distpoint) tree.Y(distpoint) tree.Z(distpoint) tree.D(distpoint)]);
fprintf (nmlfile, ' </segment>\n');
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: close
close (HW);
if nml_v1_l1
fwrite (nmlfile, [' </segments>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
elseif nml_v2a
fwrite (nmlfile, [' </morphology>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, ['</cell>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
if nml_v1_l1
fwrite (nmlfile, ['</cells>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
fwrite (nmlfile, [char(13), char(10), '</neuroml>', char(13), char(10)],'char');
fclose (nmlfile);