% NEURON_TREE Export tree as NEURON file.
% (trees package)
% [name path] = neuron_tree (intree, name, res, options)
% ------------------------------------------------------
% saves a complete tree in the section based neuron '.hoc' format.
% Alternatively tree can also be stored as '.nrn' file in which each
% segment from the tree graph becomes an independent section in neuron.
% Inputs
% ------
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree
% - name::string: name of file including the extension ".hoc" or ".nrn"
% {DEFAULT : open gui fileselect} spaces and other weird symbols not
% allowed!
% - res::number or vector: number of segments per compartment. If vector, one
% value per compartment, otherwise single value same for all compartments
% {DEFAULT : ceiling of length in um of compartment}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT : ''}
% '-s' : write procedures to collect
% '-w' : waitbar
% '-e' : include passive electrotonic parameters
% '->' : send directly to windows (necessitates -s option)
% See also load_tree swc_tree start_trees (neu_tree.hoc)
% Uses root_tree cyl_tree dissect_tree ver_tree D
% Output
% ------
% - name::string: name of output file; [] no file was selected -> no output
% - path::sting: path of the file, complete string is therefore: [path name]
% Example
% -------
% neuron_tree (sample_tree);
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [tname path] = neuron_tree (intree, tname, res, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin<1)||isempty(intree),
intree = length (trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure
% use full tree for this function
if ~isstruct (intree),
tree = trees {intree};
tree = intree;
if (nargin<3)||isempty(options),
options = ''; % {DEFAULT: no option}
% defining a name for the neuron-tree
if (nargin<2)||isempty(tname),
[tname path] = uiputfile ({'.hoc', 'export to hoc';...
'.nrn', 'export to nrn'}, 'Save as', 'tree.hoc');
if tname == 0,
tname = [];
path = '';
format = tname (end - 3 : end); % input format from extension:
% extract a sensible name from the filename string:
nstart = unique ([0 strfind(tname, '/') strfind(tname, '\')]);
name = tname (nstart (end) + 1 : end - 4);
name1 = tname (nstart (end) + 1 : end);
if nstart (end) > 0,
path = [path tname(1 : nstart (end))];
tname (1 : nstart (end)) = '';
name2 = [path 'run_' name '.hoc']; % show file, with '-s' option
tree = root_tree (tree); % add a starting node in root to avoid all starting branch point
if (nargin<3)||isempty(res),
res = ceil (len_tree (tree)); % {DEFAULT: resolution depends on lenght of segment}
ipar = ipar_tree (tree); % parent index structure (see "ipar_tree")
idpar = ipar (:, 2); % vector containing index to direct parent
D = tree.D; % local diameter values of nodes on tree
N = size (D, 1); % number of nodes in tree
if isfield (tree, 'R'),
R = tree.R; % region values on nodes in the tree
R = ones (N, 1); % add a homogeneous regions field of all ones
sect = dissect_tree (tree); % starting and end points of all branches
Rsect = R (sect (:, 2)); % region attribute to sections
uR = unique (R); % sorted regions
luR = length (uR); % number of regions
if isfield (tree, 'rnames'),
rnames = tree.rnames (uR);
for ward = 1 : length (uR),
rnames {ward} = [name '_' rnames{ward}];
if luR == 1,
rnames = {name};
rnames = cell (1, luR);
for ward = 1 : luR,
rnames {ward} = [name '_' num2str(uR (ward))];
switch format
case '.nrn' % save file in the NEURON .nrn format
H1 = histc (R, uR); % histogram of regions
H1 (R (1)) = H1 (R (1)) - 1;
[i1 i2] = sort (R); % i2 : index of sorted regions...
iR = ones (N, 1);
for te = 1 : luR,
if uR (te) == R (1),
iR (1 + find (R (2 : N) == uR (te))') = (1 : H1 (te))';
iR (find (R == uR (te))') = (1 : H1 (te))';
% file-pointer to the neuron-file
neuron = fopen ([path tname], 'w');
% HEADER of the file
% declaring the regions
if luR > 1,
for te = 1 : luR,
fwrite (neuron, ['create ' name '_' num2str(uR (te)) '[' num2str(H1 (te)) ']', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['create ' name '[' num2str(H1 (te)) ']', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% Connections:
HW = waitbar (0, 'writing connections ...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc topolneuron() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
o = 0;
for ward = 3 : N,
o = o + 1;
waitbar (ward / N, HW);
if luR > 1,
fwrite (neuron, [name '_' num2str(tree.R (idpar (ward))) '['], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [name '['], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [num2str(iR (idpar (ward)) - 1) '] connect '], 'char');
if luR>1,
fwrite (neuron, [name '_' num2str(tree.R (ward)) '['], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [name '['], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [num2str(iR (ward) - 1) '] (0), 1', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if o == 200,
o = 0;
fwrite (neuron, ['topolneuron' num2str(ward) '()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc topolneuron' num2str(ward) '() {', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
close (HW)
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% Cylinder-Geometry
fwrite (neuron, ['proc geometry() { local ward', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for te = 1 : luR,
fwrite (neuron, [' for ward = 0,' num2str(H1 (te) - 1) ' {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if luR > 1,
fwrite (neuron, [' ' name '_' num2str(uR(te)) '[ward]{', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' ' name '[ward]{', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' pt3dclear()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' nseg = fscan()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' pt3dadd(fscan(),fscan(),fscan(),fscan())', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' pt3dadd(fscan(),fscan(),fscan(),fscan())', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-e'),
% passive properties :
if isfield (tree, 'Ri'),
fwrite (neuron, [' insert pas', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if isfield (tree, 'Ri')
fwrite (neuron, [' Ra = ', num2str(tree.Ri), ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if isfield (tree, 'Gm')
fwrite (neuron, [' g_pas = ', num2str(tree.Gm), ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if isfield (tree, 'Cm')
fwrite (neuron, [' cm = ', num2str(tree.Cm), ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' cm = 1', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' e_pas = 0', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-e'),
% global passive properties if needed:
fwrite (neuron, ['forall insert pas', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forall Ra = ', num2str(tree.ri), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forall g_pas = ', num2str(1 ./ tree.rm), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forall cm = ',num2str(tree.cm * 1e6), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forall e_pas = 0', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% link to the connections
fwrite (neuron, ['topolneuron()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% footer
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['geometry()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
bindex = 1;
for te = 1 : luR,
if uR (te) == R (1),
bindex = bindex + 1;
HW = waitbar (0, ['writing cylinders of region' num2str(uR (te)) ' ...']);
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
for ward = 1 : H1 (te),
waitbar (ward / H1 (te), HW);
fwrite (neuron, [num2str(res (i2 (bindex))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.X (idpar (i2 (bindex)))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.Y (idpar (i2 (bindex)))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.Z (idpar (i2 (bindex)))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.D (i2 (bindex))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.X (i2 (bindex))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.Y (i2 (bindex))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.Z (i2 (bindex))), ' ', ...
num2str(tree.D (i2 (bindex))), char(13), char(10)]);
bindex = bindex + 1;
close (HW);
fclose (neuron);
case '.hoc' % save file in the NEURON .hoc format
H1 = histc (Rsect, uR); % distribution of section regions in H1
% file-pointer to the neuron-file
neuron = fopen ([path tname], 'w');
% HEADER of the file
fwrite (neuron, ['/*', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['This is a CellBuilder-like file written for the simulator NEURON', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['by an automatic procedure "neuron_tree" part of the TREES package', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['in MATLAB', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['copyright 2009 Hermann Cuntz', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['*/', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc celldef() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' topol()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' subsets()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' geom()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' biophys()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' geom_nseg()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% declaring the regions
for te = 1 : luR,
fwrite (neuron, ['create ' rnames{te} '[' num2str(H1(te)) ']', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
% topology procedure
fwrite (neuron, ['proc topol_1() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
countero = 1;
counteri = 1;
for ward = 1 : size (sect, 1),
s = sect (ward, 1); % start compartment of section
e = sect (ward, 2); % end compartment of section
ipsect = find (s == sect (:, 2)); % parent section
ip = sect (ipsect, 2); % parent index of section
if ~isempty(ip),
ie = find (ward == find (Rsect == R (e)));
ipe = find (ipsect == find (Rsect == R (ip)));
fwrite (neuron, [' connect ', ...
rnames{find(uR == R (e))} '[' num2str(ie - 1) '](0),' ...
rnames{find(uR == R (ip))} '[' num2str(ipe - 1) '](1)', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
countero = countero + 1;
if countero == 250,
countero = 1;
counteri = counteri + 1;
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc topol_' num2str(counteri) '() {', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc topol() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : counteri,
fwrite (neuron, [' topol_' num2str(ward) '()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' basic_shape()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc shape3d_1() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
countero = 1;
counteri = 1;
for ward = 1 : size (sect, 1),
s = sect (ward, 1); % start compartment of section
e = sect (ward, 2); % end compartment of section
ie = find (ward == find (Rsect == R (e)));
fwrite (neuron, [' ' rnames{find(uR == R(e))} ...
'[' num2str(ie - 1) '] {pt3dclear()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
indy = fliplr (ipar (e, 1 : find (ipar (e, :) == s)));
for te = 1 : length (indy),
fwrite (neuron, [' pt3dadd(', ...
num2str(tree.X (indy (te))),', ', ...
num2str(tree.Y (indy (te))),', ', ...
num2str(tree.Z (indy (te))),', ', ...
num2str(tree.D (indy (te))),')', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
countero = countero + 1;
if countero == 250,
countero = 1;
counteri = counteri + 1;
fwrite (neuron, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc shape3d_' num2str(counteri) '() {', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' ' rnames{find(uR == R(e))} ...
'[' num2str(ie - 1) '] {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc basic_shape() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : counteri,
fwrite (neuron, [' shape3d_' num2str(ward) '()', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['objref reg_' name, '_all', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : luR,
fwrite (neuron, ['objref reg_' rnames{ward}, ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc subsets() { local ward', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' reg_' name '_all = new SectionList()', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : luR,
fwrite (neuron, [' reg_' rnames{ward} ' = new SectionList()', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' for ward = 0, ' num2str(H1 (ward) - 1) ' ' ...
rnames{ward} '[ward] {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' reg_' rnames{ward} '.append()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' reg_', name, '_all.append()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc geom() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc geom_nseg() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['proc biophys() {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['access ' rnames{1} , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['celldef()', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-e'),
fwrite (neuron, ['forsec reg_' name '_all insert pas', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forsec reg_' name '_all g_pas = ' ...
num2str(tree.Gm), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forsec reg_' name '_all Ra = ' ...
num2str(tree.Ri), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forsec reg_' name '_all cm = ' ...
num2str(tree.Cm), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['forsec reg_' name '_all e_pas = 0', ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (neuron);
warning ('TREES:IO', 'format unknown');
if strfind (options, '-s'),
% file-pointer to the run-file
neuron = fopen (name2, 'w');
fwrite (neuron, ['load_file ("nrngui.hoc")', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (neuron, ['xopen ("' name1 '")', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (neuron);
if strfind (options, '->')
if ispc, % this even calls the file directly (only windows)
winopen (name2);