% POV_TREE POV-Ray rendering of trees.
% (trees package)
% [name path] = pov_tree (intree, name, v, options)
% -------------------------------------------------
% writes POV-ray files using the anatomy-data contained in intree.
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree or
% cell-array of trees. Also: at any point instead of a full tree give a
% Nx4 matrix containing points [X Y Z D] rendered as spheres then.
% - name::string: name of file including the extension ".pov"
% {DEFAULT : open gui fileselect} spaces and other weird symbols not
% allowed!
% - v::vector: values to be color-coded, cell array if for more than one
% tree, same organization as intree.
% - options::string: {DEFAULT: '-b -w', because blob much much faster}
% '-b' : blob, draws a skin around the cylinders
% '-s' : show, write an extra standard file to display the povray object -
% filename is same but starts with 'sh'. Options are -s1.. -s6.
% -s1 : green fluorescence on black {DEFAULT}
% -s2 : black on sand (add a photoshop canvas texture afterwards)
% -s3 : black on white (no color mapping either)
% -s4 : alien
% -s5 : glass on cork
% -s6 : red coral and watersurface on z = 0 plane
% '-w' : waitbar
% '-v' : adopt viewpoint from currently active axis
% '-c' : brainbow colors (and '-z' sharp contrast brainbow)
% '-minmax' : normalizes v values between min and max before
% coloring, else: normalizes v values from zero to max before coloring
% '->' : send directly to windows (necessitates -s option)
% Output
% ------
% - name::string: name of output file; [] no file was selected -> no output
% - path::sting: path of the file, complete string is therefore: [path name]
% - rpot::vector:output is the binned vector used for the coloring
% Example
% -------
% pov_tree (sample_tree, [], [], '-w -b -s ->')
% See also plot_tree x3d_tree swc_tree
% Uses len_tree cyl_tree D
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [tname path rpot] = pov_tree (intree, tname, v, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin<1)||isempty(intree),
intree = length(trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
% defining a name for the povray-tree
if (nargin<2)||isempty(tname),
[tname path] = uiputfile ('.pov', 'export to POV-Ray', 'tree.pov');
if tname == 0,
tname = [];
path = '';
% extract a sensible name from the filename string:
nstart = unique ([0 strfind(tname, '/') strfind(tname, '\')]);
name = tname (nstart (end) + 1 : end - 4);
if nstart (end) > 0,
path = [path tname(1 : nstart (end))];
tname (1 : nstart (end)) = '';
name2 = [path name '.dat']; % imaging file, if v not empty or '-c' option
name3 = [path 'sh' name '.pov']; % show file, with '-s' option
if (nargin<3)||isempty(v),
v = []; % {DEFAULT: no color mapping}
if (nargin<4)||isempty(options),
options = '-b -w'; % {DEFAULT: blobs and waitbar}
if isempty (v) && isempty (strfind (options, '-c')) && isempty (strfind (options, '-z')),
iflag = 0; % imaging is off, no specified colors.
iflag = 1; % imaging is on, colors specified by v or random (brainbow)
map = jet (256); % colormap, change if necessary
lenm = size (map, 1); % number of colormap entries
povray = fopen (name2, 'w'); % open file
if strfind (options, '-c') % brainbow
if iscell (intree), % many cells
rpot = cell (1, length (intree)); % concatenate all values between 0 and 1
for ward = 1 : length (intree)
if isstruct (intree {ward})
len = len_tree (intree{ward});
lenner = sum (len > 0.0001);
lenner = size (intree {ward}, 1);
colorcode = repmat (rand (1, 3), lenner, 1);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', numel (colorcode), 1);
rpot {ward} = repmat (ward / length (intree), lenner, 1);
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
else % single cell: random color
rpot = {};
if isstruct (intree) || (numel (intree) == 1),
len = len_tree (intree);
lenner = sum (len > 0.0001);
lenner = size (intree, 1);
colorcode = repmat (rand (1, 3), lenner, 1);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', numel (colorcode), 1);
rpot {1} = zeros (lenner, 1);
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
elseif strfind (options, '-z') % brainbow high contrast
if iscell (intree), % many cells
rpot = cell (1, length (intree)); % concatenate all values between 0 and 1
for ward = 1 : length (intree)
if isstruct (intree {ward})
len = len_tree (intree {ward});
lenner = sum (len > 0.0001);
lenner = size (intree {ward}, 1);
R = rand (1, 3); R = R - min (R); R = R ./ max (R);
colorcode = repmat (R, lenner, 1);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', numel (colorcode), 1);
rpot {ward} = repmat (ward / length (intree), lenner, 1);
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
else % single cell: random color
rpot = {};
if isstruct (intree) || (numel (intree) == 1),
len = len_tree (intree);
lenner = sum (len > 0.0001);
lenner = size (intree, 1);
R = rand (1, 3); R = R - min (R); R = R ./ max (R);
colorcode = repmat (R, lenner, 1);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', numel (colorcode), 1);
rpot {1} = zeros (lenner, 1);
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
if iscell (intree),
if isstruct (intree {1})
len = len_tree (intree {1});
len = ones (size (intree {1}, 1), 1);
vt = v {1};
if size (vt, 2) == 3,
rpot = cell (1, length (intree));
for ward = 1 : length (intree),
if isstruct (intree {ward})
len = len_tree (intree {ward});
len = ones( size (intree {ward}, 1), 1);
vt = v {ward};
if islogical (vt), vt = double (vt); end
vt = vt (len > 0.0001, :);
colorcode = reshape (vt', length (vt) * 3, 1);
rpot {ward} = vt;
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
if islogical (vt), vt = double (vt); end
vt = vt (len > 0.0001);
if isempty (strfind (options, '-minmax')),
irange = [min(vt) max(vt)];
irange = [0 max(vt)];
for ward = 2 : length (intree) % first find v value range
if isstruct (intree {ward})
len = len_tree (intree {ward});
len = ones (size (intree {ward}, 1), 1);
vt = v {ward};
if islogical (vt), vt = double (vt); end
vt = vt (len > 0.0001);
if max (vt) > irange (2),
irange (2) = max (vt);
if strfind (options, '-minmax'),
if min (vt) < irange (1),
irange (1) = min (vt);
rpot = cell (1, length (intree));
for ward = 1 : length (intree)
if isstruct (intree {ward})
len = len_tree (intree {ward});
len = ones (size (intree {ward}, 1), 1);
vt = v {ward};
if islogical (vt), vt = double (vt); end
vt = vt (len > 0.0001);
vt = floor ((vt - irange (1)) ./ ((irange (2) - irange (1)) ./ lenm));
vt (vt < 1) = 1; vt (vt > lenm) = lenm;
colorcode = map (vt, :);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', length (vt) * 3, 1);
rpot {ward} = vt;
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
if isstruct (intree) || (numel (intree) == 1),
len = len_tree (intree);
len = ones (size (intree, 1), 1);
if size (v, 2) == 3,
if islogical (v), v = double (v); end
v = v (len > 0.0001, :);
colorcode = reshape (v', length (v) * 3, 1);
rpot = {}; rpot {1} = v;
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
if islogical (v), v = double (v); end
v = v (len > 0.0001);
if strfind (options, '-minmax'),
irange = [min(v) max(v)];
irange = [0 max(v)];
v = floor((v - irange (1))./((irange (2) - irange (1)) ./ lenm));
v (v < 1) = 1; v (v > lenm) = lenm;
colorcode = map (v, :);
colorcode = reshape (colorcode', length (v) * 3, 1);
rpot = {}; rpot {1} = v;
fprintf (povray, '%12.8f,\n', colorcode);
fclose (povray); % close file
if iscell (intree),
if strfind (options, '-s') % show option: extra file
X = cell (length (intree), 1); Y = cell (length (intree), 1);
for ward = 1 : length (intree),
if isstruct (intree {ward}),
X {ward} = intree {ward}.X; Y {ward} = intree {ward}.Y;
X {ward} = intree {ward} (:, 1); Y {ward} = intree {ward} (:, 2);
% file-pointer to the povray-file
povray = fopen ([path tname], 'w');
% Writing the cylinders into a povray variable called 'name'
fwrite (povray, ['#declare ' name ' = union{', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: initialization
HW = waitbar (0, 'writing trees ...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
for te = 1 : length (intree),
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: update
if mod (te, 500) == 0,
waitbar (te ./ length (intree), HW);
if isstruct (intree {te}),
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ['blob { threshold .15 // cell obj #', num2str(te), ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
D = intree {te}.D;
cyl = cyl_tree (intree {te});
len = len_tree (intree {te});
N = length (D);
for ward = 1 : N,
if len (ward) > 0.0001,
fwrite (povray, ['cylinder { <', num2str(cyl (ward, 1)), ',', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 3)), ',', num2str(cyl (ward, 5)), '>, <', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 2)), ',', num2str(cyl (ward, 4)), ',', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 6)), '>, ', num2str(D (ward) ./ 2)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-b') % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ', 1', 'char');
if iflag
fwrite (povray, [' texture {#read (inning, R) #read (inning, G) #read (inning, B) ', ...
'pigment {color red R green G blue B}}'], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ['blob { threshold .15 // points obj #', num2str(te), ...
char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : size (intree {te}, 1),
fwrite (povray, ['sphere { <', num2str(intree {te} (ward, 1)), ',', ...
num2str(intree {te} (ward, 2)), ',', num2str(intree {te} (ward, 3)), '>, ', ...
num2str(intree {te} (ward, 4) ./ 2)], 'char');
if findstr (options, '-b'),
fwrite (povray, ', 1', 'char');
if iflag,
fwrite (povray, [' texture {#read (inning, R) #read (inning, G) #read (inning, B) ', ...
'pigment {color red R green G blue B}}'], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: close
close (HW);
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
X = {}; Y = {};
if ~isstruct (intree),
if (numel (intree) == 1)
D = trees {intree}.D;
if strfind (options, '-s') % show option: extra file
X {1} = trees {intree}.X;
Y {1} = trees {intree}.Y;
if strfind (options, '-s') % show option: extra file
X {1} = intree (:, 1);
Y {1} = intree (:, 2);
D = intree.D;
if strfind (options, '-s') % show option: extra file
X {1} = intree.X;
Y {1} = intree.Y;
% file-pointer to the povray-file
povray = fopen ([path tname], 'w');
% Writing the cylinders into a povray variable called 'name'
fwrite (povray, ['#declare ' name ' = union{', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: initialization
HW = waitbar (0, 'writing cylinders ...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ['blob { threshold .15', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if isstruct (intree) || (numel (intree) == 1),
N = length (D);
cyl = cyl_tree (intree);
len = len_tree (intree);
for ward = 1 : N,
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: update
if mod (ward, 500) == 0,
waitbar (ward ./ N, HW);
if len (ward) > 0.0001,
fwrite (povray ,['cylinder { <', num2str(cyl (ward, 1)), ',', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 3)), ',', num2str(cyl (ward, 5)), '>, <', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 2)), ',', num2str(cyl (ward, 4)), ',', ...
num2str(cyl (ward, 6)), '>, ', num2str(D (ward) ./ 2)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ', 1', 'char');
if iflag
fwrite (povray, [' texture {#read (inning, R) #read (inning, G) #read (inning, B) ', ...
'pigment {color red R green G blue B}}'], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
for ward = 1 : size (intree, 1),
if findstr (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
if mod (ward, 500) == 0,
waitbar (ward ./ size (intree, 1), HW);
fwrite (povray, ['sphere { <', num2str(intree (ward, 1)), ',', ...
num2str(intree (ward, 2)), ',', num2str(intree (ward, 3)), '>, ', ...
num2str(intree (ward, 4) ./ 2)], 'char');
if findstr (options, '-b'),
fwrite (povray, ', 1', 'char');
if iflag,
fwrite (povray, [' texture {#read (inning, R) #read (inning, G) #read (inning, B) ', ...
'pigment {color red R green G blue B}}'], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-w') % waitbar option: close
close (HW);
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-b'), % blob option: skin around bodies, faster but sloppier
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
if strfind (options, '-s') % show option: extra file
a1 = strfind (options, '-s');
if length (options) > a1 + 1
typ = str2double (options (a1 + 2));
if isnan (typ),
typ = 1;
typ = 1;
povray = fopen (name3, 'w');
X = cat (1, X {:}); Y = cat (1, Y {:});
dX = abs (max (X) - min (X));
mX = min (X)+(max (X) - min (X)) ./ 2;
mY = min (Y)+(max (Y) - min (Y)) ./ 2;
if strfind (options, '-v'),
ax = get (gcf, 'CurrentAxes');
if ~isempty (ax),
cpos = get (ax, 'cameraposition');
cangle = get (ax, 'cameraviewangle') * 1.3;
tpos = get (ax, 'cameratarget');
skyvec = get (ax, 'CameraUpVector');
uvec = [1 0 0];
cX = cpos (1); cY = cpos (2); cZ = cpos (3);
tX = tpos (1); tY = tpos (2); tZ = tpos (3);
cX = mX; cY = mY; cZ = -dX;
tX = mX; tY = mY; tZ = 0; cangle = 65;
cX = mX; cY = mY; cZ = -dX;
tX = mX; tY = mY; tZ = 0; cangle = 65;
if iflag
fwrite (povray, ['#fopen inning "' name '.dat" read', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['#include "' name '.pov"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['#include "colors.inc"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
switch typ
case 1
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['background {rgbt <0,0,0,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind (options, '-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' /*focal_point <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '-150> ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' aperture 50 // increase for more focal blur', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' blur_samples 150*/ // add focal blur if you want', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '> White fade_distance 500}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['/*plane { // uncomment for water surface', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 50', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{rgbt <1,1,0.9,0.95>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 1 brilliance 16.0 reflection 0}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {bumps 0.5 scale 120 turbulence .1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, -200', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{rgbt <1,1,0.9,0.95>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.55 brilliance 16.0 reflection 0.5}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {bumps 0.5 scale 60 turbulence .1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} */ ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgb <1, 1, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' texture {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment {rgbft <0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.15,0.5>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.8 diffuse 0.6 reflection .28 ior 3 specular 1 roughness .001}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
case 2
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['background {rgbt <0.95,0.85,0.75,0.55>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind(options,'-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '> White fade_distance 500}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane { // paper 1', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 50', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{ color rgbt <.95,.95,0.05,0.7>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {wrinkles 1 scale 0.4}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {diffuse .7 roughness .085 ambient 0.1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane { // paper 2', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 51', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{ color rgbt <1,0,0,0.85>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {wrinkles 1 scale 100}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {diffuse .7 roughness .085 ambient 0.1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane { // paper 3', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 52', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{ color rgbt <.5,1,0,.85>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {wrinkles 1 scale 1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {diffuse .7 roughness .85 ambient 0.1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 0.5>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {wrinkles 1 scale 0.4}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {diffuse .7 roughness .085 ambient 0.1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
case 3
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['background {rgbt <1,1,1,0>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind(options,'-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 0.5>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name '}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
case 4
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['background {rgbt <0.05,0.05,0.05,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind(options,'-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '> White fade_distance 500}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 50', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{rgbt <1,1,0.5,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 1 brilliance 16.0 reflection 0}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {bumps 0.5 scale 120 turbulence .1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, -200', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{rgbt <1,1,0.5,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.55 brilliance 16.0 reflection 0.5}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {bumps 0.5 scale 60 turbulence .1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgb <1, 1, 1>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' hollow interior{media {emission 0}}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{color rgbt <0.5,0,0,0.2>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {wrinkles 1.25 scale 0.35}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish { reflection 0.75}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
case 5
fwrite (povray, ['#include "textures.inc"', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind(options,'-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '> White fade_distance 500}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 150', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' texture {White_Wood scale 5}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgb <0, 0, 1>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment {rgbft <0.2, 0.2, 1, 1,0.7>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.1 reflection .2 ior 1 specular 1 roughness .001}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
case 6
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['background {rgbt <0.7,0.7,0.7,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['camera {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
if strfind(options,'-v'),
fwrite (povray, [' sky<' num2str(skyvec (1)), ',' , num2str(skyvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(skyvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' up<' num2str(uvec (1)), ',' , num2str(uvec (2)), ',' ,...
num2str(uvec (3)), '>' , char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' right x*image_width/image_height', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' location <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' look_at <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' /*focal_point <' num2str(tX) ',' num2str(tY) ',' num2str(tZ) '-150> ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' aperture 50 // increase for more focal blur', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' blur_samples 150*/ // add focal blur if you want', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' angle ' num2str(cangle), char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source { <' num2str(cX) ',' num2str(cY) ',' num2str(cZ) '> White fade_distance 500}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['plane { //plane of water at z=0', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' z, 0', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{rgbt <1,1,0.5,0.75>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.55 brilliance 6.0 reflection 0.2}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal {bumps 0.5 scale 20 turbulence 1}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['} ', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['light_source {', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' <0, 0, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' color rgb <1, 1, 0>', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' looks_like {' name, char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' hollow interior{ media {emission 0}}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' pigment{ color rgbt <0.5,0,0,0.2>}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' normal { wrinkles 1.25 scale 0.35}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, [' }', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fwrite (povray, ['}', char(13), char(10)], 'char');
fclose (povray);
if strfind (options, '->')
if ispc, % this even calls the file directly (only windows)
winopen (name3);