% functions to generate artificial trees
% Files
% allBCTs_tree - Outputs all possible trees with N nodes.
% BCT_tree - Creates a tree from a BCT string.
% clean_tree - Cleans a tree from nodes inside of main branches.
% clone_tree - Cloning a tree type using the minimum spanning tree constructor.
% cplotter - Plots a contour.
% cpoints - Returns points on a contour.
% gscale_tree - Scales trees from a set of trees to mean tree size.
% in_c - Applies inpolygon on contour.
% isBCT_tree - Checks if tree is sorted to be BCT conform.
% jitter_tree - Jitters coordinates of a tree.
% MST_tree - Minimum spanning tree based tree constructor.
% quaddiameter_tree - Map quadratic diameter tapering to tree.
% quadfit_tree - Fit quadratic diameter taper to tree.
% rpoints_tree - Weighted distribution random points within a hull.
% smooth_tree - Smoothens a tree along its longest paths.
% smoothbranch - Smoothen points along one path.
% soma_tree - Adds a soma to a tree.
% spines_tree - Add spines to an existing tree.
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz