% MST_TREE Minimum spanning tree based tree constructor.
% (trees package)
% [tree indx] = MST_tree (msttrees, X, Y, Z, bf, thr, mplen, DIST, options)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Creates trees corresponding to the minimum spanning tree keeping the path
% length to the root small (with balancing factor bf). A sparse distance
% matrix DIST between nodes is added to the cost function. Don't forget to
% include input tree nodes into the distance matrix DIST!
% For speed and memory considerations an area of close vicinity is drawn
% around each tree as it grows.
% Input
% -----
% - msttrees::vector: indices to the starting points of trees(# determines
% # of trees), or starting trees as cell array of trees structures
% {DEFAULT: additional node (0,0,0)}
% - X::vertical vector: X coords of pts to be connected {1000 rand. pts}
% - Y::vertical vector: Y coords of pts to be connected {1000 rand. pts}
% - Z::vertical vector: Z coords of pts to be connected {DEFAULT: zeros}
% - bf::number between 0 1: balancing factor {DEFAULT: 0.4}
% - thr::value: max distance that a connection can span {DEFAULT: 50}
% - mplen::value: maximum path length in a tree {DEFAULT: 10000}
% (doesn't really work yet..)
% - DIST::sparse matrix BIGNxBIGN: zero indicates probably no connection,
% numbers increasing probabilities of a connection {DEFAULT: sparse
% zeros matrix}. order of elements is first all trees in order and then
% all open points.
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-w'}
% '-s' : show plot (much much much slower)
% '-w' : with waitbar
% '-t' : time lapse save
% '-b' : suppress multifurcations
% Output
% ------
% if no output is declared the trees are added in trees
% - tree:: structured output trees, cell array if many
% - indx:: index indicating where points ended up [itree inode]
% Example
% -------
% X = rand (100, 1) * 100; Y = rand (100, 1) * 100; Z = zeros (100, 1);
% tree = MST_tree (1, [50;X], [50;Y], [0;Z], .5, 50, [], [], '-s');
% See also rpoints_tree quaddiameter_tree BCT_tree
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [tree, indx] = MST_tree (msttrees, X, Y, Z, bf, thr, mplen, DIST, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin<2)||isempty(X),
X = rand (1000, 1) .* 400;
if (nargin<3)||isempty(Y),
Y = rand (size (X, 1), 1) .* 400;
if (nargin<4)||isempty(Z),
Z = zeros (size (X, 1), 1);
if (nargin<1)||isempty(msttrees),
% starting tree is just point (0,0,0)
msttrees = {};
msttrees {1}.X = 0; msttrees {1}.Y = 0; msttrees {1}.Z = 0;
msttrees {1}.dA = sparse (0); msttrees {1}.D = 1; msttrees {1}.R = 1;
msttrees {1}.rnames = {'tree'};
if ~iscell (msttrees),
ID = msttrees;
msttrees = cell (1, length (ID));
for ward = 1:length (ID),
msttrees {ward}.X = X (ID (ward));
msttrees {ward}.Y = Y (ID (ward));
msttrees {ward}.Z = Z (ID (ward));
msttrees {ward}.dA = sparse (0); msttrees {ward}.D = 1;
msttrees {ward}.R = 1;
msttrees {ward}.rnames = {'tree'};
X (ID) = []; Y (ID) = []; Z (ID) = [];
if (nargin<5)||isempty(bf),
bf = 0.4;
if (nargin<6)||isempty(thr),
thr = 50;
if (nargin<7)||isempty(mplen),
mplen = 10000;
lenX = length (X); % number of points
lent = length (msttrees); % number of trees
if (nargin<8)||isempty(DIST),
DIST = [];
Derr = max (max (DIST)); DIST = DIST / Derr;
if ~isempty (DIST),
iDIST = cell (lent, 1); iDISTP = cell (lent, 1); TSUM = 0;
for ward = 1 : lent,
N = length (msttrees {ward}.X); % number of nodes in tree;
% DIST index creation, which indicates which node in the tree
% corresponds to which field in DIST:
iDIST {ward} = TSUM + 1 : TSUM + N; TSUM = TSUM + N;
if (nargin<9)||isempty(options),
options = '-w';
if strfind (options, '-t'), % time lapse save
timetrees = cell (lent, 1);
for tissimo = 1 : lent,
timetrees{tissimo}{1} = msttrees {tissimo};
if strfind (options, '-s'), % prepare a plot if showing
colors = [[1 0 0];[0 1 0];[0 0 1];[0.2 0.2 0.2];[1 0 1];[1 1 0];[0 1 1]];
if lent > 7,
colors = [colors; rand(lent - 7, 3)];
plot3 (X, Y, Z, 'k.'); hold on;
HP = cell (1, lent);
for ward = 1 : lent,
HP {ward} = plot_tree (msttrees {ward});
view (2); grid on;
axis image;
% initialization:
N = cell (lent, 1); tthr = cell (lent, 1); root_dist = cell (lent, 1);
rdist = cell (lent, 1); irdist = cell (lent, 1); plen = cell (lent, 1);
avic = cell (lent, 1); inX = cell (lent, 1); dplen = cell (lent, 1);
ITREE = cell (lent, 1);
for ward = 1 : lent,
N {ward} = length (msttrees {ward}.X); % number of nodes in tree;
if N {ward} > 1, % initialization is a lot harder when starting tree is
% not empty:
% starting path length to the root in the tree:
plen {ward} = Pvec_tree (msttrees {ward});
plen {ward} (plen {ward} > mplen) = NaN; % don't allow to go beyond a maximum path length
% threshold distance determining the vicinity circle:
eucl = eucl_tree (msttrees {ward});
tthr {ward} = max (eucl) + thr;
% calculate distance from all open points to root
root_dist {ward} = sqrt ((X - msttrees {ward}.X(1)).^2 + ...
(Y - msttrees {ward}.Y(1)).^2 + (Z - msttrees {ward}.Z(1)).^2)';
% calculate distance from all open points to any point on the tree
dis = zeros (1, lenX); idis = ones (1, lenX);
if strfind (options, '-b'), % avoid multifurcations
iCT = find (sum (msttrees {ward}.dA, 1) < 2); % non-branch points
for te = 1 : lenX % search only among non-branch-points:
sdis = sqrt ((X (te) - msttrees {ward}.X(iCT)).^2 + ...
(Y (te) - msttrees {ward}.Y(iCT)).^2 + ...
(Z (te) - msttrees {ward}.Z(iCT)).^2);
[dis(te) idis(te)] = min (sdis); % dis contains closest node on tree
idis = iCT (idis); % retranslate index to all nodes
for te = 1 : lenX
sdis = sqrt ((X (te) - msttrees {ward}.X).^2 + ...
(Y (te) - msttrees {ward}.Y).^2 + ...
(Z (te) - msttrees {ward}.Z).^2);
[dis(te) idis(te)] = min (sdis); % dis contains closest node on tree
dis (dis > thr) = NaN; % don't allow to go beyond the threshold distance
% sort points according to their distance to the tree:
[rdist{ward} irdist{ward}] = sort (dis);
% set actual vicinity to all points in distance tthr of root
avic {ward} = sum (rdist {ward} < tthr {ward});
if strfind (options, '-s'),
plot3 (X (irdist {ward}(1 : avic{ward})), ...
Y (irdist {ward}(1 : avic{ward})), ...
Z (irdist {ward}(1 : avic{ward})), 'g.');
% vector index in XYZ all points which are in vicinity but not yet on tree
inX{ward} = irdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward});
if ~isempty (DIST),
% index of open points in distance matrix DIST:
iDISTP {ward} = inX {ward} + TSUM;
% initialize distance vector including path to root and extra
% distance:
dplen {ward} = rdist {ward}(1 : avic{ward}) + bf * plen {ward} (idis (inX {ward}))' + ...
Derr * (1 - DIST (iDIST {ward} (idis (inX {ward}))', iDISTP {ward}));
% initialize distance vector including path to root
dplen {ward} = rdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward}) + bf * plen {ward} (idis (inX {ward}))';
% initialize index vector indicating to which point on tree an open point
% is closest to:
ITREE {ward} = idis (inX {ward});
% starting path length to the root in the tree is just 0
plen {ward} = 0;
% threshold distance determining the vicinity circle
tthr {ward} = thr;
% calculate distance from all open points to root
root_dist {ward} = sqrt ((X - msttrees {ward}.X(1)).^2 +...
(Y - msttrees {ward}.Y(1)).^2 + (Z - msttrees {ward}.Z(1)).^2)';
% dis contains closest node on tree
dis = root_dist {ward};% simply the distance to root in this case
dis (dis > thr) = NaN; % don't allow to go beyond the threshold distance
% sort points according to their distance to the root:
[rdist{ward} irdist{ward}] = sort (root_dist {ward});
% set actual vicinity to all points in distance tthr of root
avic {ward} = sum (rdist {ward} < tthr {ward});
if strfind (options, '-s'),
plot3 (X (irdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward})), ...
Y (irdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward})), ...
Z (irdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward})), 'g.');
% vector index in XYZ all points which are in vicinity but not yet on tree
inX {ward} = irdist {ward} (1 : avic {ward});
if ~isempty (DIST),
% index of open points in distance matrix DIST:
iDISTP{ward} = inX {ward} + TSUM;
% initialize distance vector including path to root and extra
% distance:
dplen {ward} = dis (inX {ward}) + ...
Derr * (1 - DIST (iDIST {ward} (1), iDISTP {ward}));
% initialize distance vector including path to root
dplen {ward} = dis (inX {ward});
% initialize index vector indicating to which point on tree an open point
% is closest to: in the beginning all points are closest to the root (#1)
ITREE {ward} = ones (1, avic {ward});
if strfind (options, '-w'),
HW = waitbar (0, 'finding minimum spanning tree...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
% find closest point one by one
counter = 0; flag = 1; indx = zeros (size (X, 1), 2);
while ~isempty (dplen) && (flag == 1),
if strfind (options, '-w'),
if mod (counter, 500) == 0,
waitbar (counter / lenX, HW);
flag = 0;
for ward = 1 : lent, % proceed iteratively one tree at a time
% choose closest point:
[idis iopen] = min (dplen {ward}, [], 2); % iopen: index in Open points of vicinity
itree = ITREE {ward} (iopen); % itree: index in tree
if ~isnan (idis), % NaN means distance is bigger than threshold (see below)
% update vicinity distance:
tthr {ward} = max (tthr {ward}, thr + root_dist {ward} (inX {ward} (iopen)));
% update adjacency matrix dA
msttrees {ward}.dA (end + 1, itree) = 1;
msttrees {ward}.dA (itree, end + 1) = 0;
N {ward} = N {ward} + 1; % update number of nodes in tree
% calculate the actual distance of the point to its closest
% partner in the tree (itree)
dis = sqrt ((X (inX {ward} (iopen)) - msttrees {ward}.X (itree)).^2+...
(Y (inX {ward} (iopen)) - msttrees {ward}.Y (itree)).^2+...
(Z (inX {ward} (iopen)) - msttrees {ward}.Z (itree)).^2);
dis (dis > thr) = NaN; % don't allow to go beyond the threshold distance
% and add this to the path length of that point (itree) to get
% the total path length to the new point:
plen_new = plen {ward} (itree) + dis;
plen_new (plen_new > mplen) = NaN; % don't allow to go beyond a maximum path length
plen {ward} = [plen{ward}; plen_new];
% update node coordinates in tree
msttrees {ward}.X = [msttrees{ward}.X; X(inX {ward} (iopen))];
msttrees {ward}.Y = [msttrees{ward}.Y; Y(inX {ward} (iopen))];
msttrees {ward}.Z = [msttrees{ward}.Z; Z(inX {ward} (iopen))];
msttrees {ward}.D = [msttrees{ward}.D; 1];
msttrees {ward}.R = [msttrees{ward}.R; 1];
% remember which node came from where:
indx (inX {ward} (iopen), :) = [ward length(msttrees {ward}.X)];
if ~isempty (DIST), % move node index of DIST matrix from open points to tree
iDIST {ward} = [iDIST{ward} iDISTP{ward}(iopen)];
iDISTP {ward} (iopen) = [];
% eliminate point in other trees:
for mation = [1:ward-1 ward+1:lent],
iiopen = find (inX {mation} == inX {ward} (iopen));
dplen {mation} (iiopen) = [];
inX {mation} (iiopen) = [];
ITREE {mation} (iiopen) = [];
iiiopen = find (irdist {mation} == inX {ward} (iopen));
irdist {mation} (iiiopen) = [];
rdist {mation} (iiiopen) = [];
if iiiopen <= avic {mation}, avic {mation} = avic {mation} - 1; end;
if ~isempty (DIST), % get rid of indices in DIST of open nodes in all other trees
iDISTP {mation} (iiopen) =[];
% get rid of point in open points in vicinity
dplen {ward} (iopen) = []; inX {ward} (iopen) = []; ITREE {ward} (iopen) = [];
% compare point to dplen to point which is now in the tree
if ~isempty (dplen {ward}), % update in current vicinity
dis = (sqrt ((X (inX {ward}) - msttrees {ward}.X (end)).^2 + ...
(Y (inX {ward}) - msttrees {ward}.Y (end)).^2 + ...
(Z (inX {ward}) - msttrees {ward}.Z (end)).^2));
dis (dis > thr) = NaN;
if ~isempty (DIST), % add DISTance matrix factor to Error
[dplen{ward} idplen] = min ([dplen{ward}; ...
(dis+bf*plen{ward}(end) + ...
Derr*(1-DIST(iDISTP{ward},iDIST{ward}(end))) )'],[],1);
else %
[dplen{ward} idplen] = min([dplen{ward}; ...
ITREE{ward} (idplen == 2) = N {ward}; % last added point
if strfind (options, '-b'),
if sum (msttrees {ward}.dA (:, itree)) > 1,
iCT = find (sum (msttrees {ward}.dA, 1) < 2); % non-branch points
inewbp = find (ITREE {ward} == itree);
if ~isempty (inewbp),
for tetete = 1 : length (inewbp),
dis = (sqrt ((X (inX {ward} (inewbp (tetete))) - msttrees {ward}.X (iCT)).^2+...
(Y (inX {ward} (inewbp (tetete))) - msttrees {ward}.Y (iCT)).^2+...
(Z (inX {ward} (inewbp (tetete))) - msttrees {ward}.Z (iCT)).^2));
dis (dis > thr) = NaN;
if ~isempty (DIST),
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * plen {ward} (iCT) + ...
Derr * (1 - DIST (iDISTP {ward} (inewbp (tetete)), ...
iDIST {ward} (iCT)))', [], 1);
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * plen {ward} (iCT), [], 1);
dplen {ward} (inewbp (tetete)) = d1;
ITREE {ward} (inewbp (tetete)) = iCT (id1);
% update vicinity
vic = sum (rdist {ward} < tthr {ward});
% update dplen etc... according to new vicinity
if vic > avic {ward},
indo = irdist {ward} (avic {ward} + 1 : vic); % new points in vicinity
leno = length (indo); % number of new points
% repeat the old story with all new points:
if strfind (options, '-b'),
iCT = find (sum (msttrees {ward}.dA, 1) < 2); % non-branch points
dis = sqrt ((repmat (X (indo)', length (iCT), 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.X (iCT), 1, leno)).^2 + ...
(repmat (Y (indo)', length (iCT), 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.Y (iCT), 1, leno)).^2 + ...
(repmat (Z (indo)', length (iCT), 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.Z (iCT), 1, leno)).^2);
dis (dis > thr) = NaN;
if ~isempty (DIST),
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * repmat (plen {ward} (iCT), 1, leno) + ...
Derr * (1 - DIST (sub2ind (size (DIST), ...
repmat (indo, length (iCT), 1), ...
repmat (iDIST {ward} (iCT), leno, 1)'))), [], 1);
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * repmat (plen {ward} (iCT), 1, leno), [], 1);
id1 = iCT (id1);
dis = sqrt ((repmat (X (indo)', N {ward}, 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.X, 1, leno)).^2 + ...
(repmat (Y (indo)', N {ward}, 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.Y, 1, leno)).^2 + ...
(repmat (Z (indo)', N {ward}, 1) - ...
repmat (msttrees {ward}.Z, 1, leno)).^2);
dis (dis > thr) = NaN;
if ~isempty (DIST),
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * repmat (plen {ward}, 1, leno) + ...
Derr * (1 - DIST (sub2ind (size (DIST), repmat (indo, N {ward}, 1), ...
repmat (iDIST {ward}, leno, 1)'))), [], 1);
[d1 id1] = min (dis + bf * repmat (plen {ward}, 1, leno), [], 1);
dplen {ward} = [dplen{ward} d1];
ITREE {ward} = [ITREE{ward} id1];
inX {ward} = [inX{ward} indo];
if ~isempty (DIST),
iDISTP {ward} = [iDISTP{ward} indo+TSUM];
if strfind (options, '-s'),
plot3 (X (indo), Y (indo), Z (indo), 'g.');
avic {ward} = vic;
if strfind (options, '-s'),
set (HP {ward}, 'visible', 'off');
HP {ward} = plot_tree (msttrees {ward}, colors (ward, :));
if strfind (options, '-t'),
timetrees{ward}{end+1} = msttrees {ward};
flag = 1; % indicates that a point has been added in at least one tree
counter = counter + 1;
if strfind (options, '-w'),
close (HW);
if strfind (options, '-t'),
msttrees = timetrees;
if (nargout > 0),
if lent == 1,
tree = msttrees {1};
tree = msttrees;
trees = [trees msttrees];