% CLEAN_TREE   Cleans a tree from nodes inside of main branches.
% (trees package)
% tree = clean_tree (intree, radius, options)
% -------------------------------------------
% Cleans tree of improbable nodes (after e.g. automated
% reconstruction or artificial generation of a tree structure). Termination
% points in close vicinity of other nodes on a different branch will be
% deleted and very short terminal branches as well. The "close vicinity"
% depends on the radius of the "other node" and on the input parameter
% radius. Consecutive calls of this function can be useful.
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree
% - radius::value: scaling factor for radius delimiter  {DEFAULT: no scaling == 1}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-w'}
%     '-s' : show
%     '-w' : waitbar
% Output
% ------
% if no output is declared the trees are added in trees
% - tree:: structured output tree
% Example
% -------
% clean_tree (sample_tree, 10, '-s')
% See also quaddiameter_tree RST_tree
% Uses sort_tree idpar_tree ver_tree
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009  Hermann Cuntz

function tree = clean_tree (intree, radius, options)

% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees

if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intree),
    intree = length(trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure

if (nargin<2)||isempty(radius),
    radius = 1;

if (nargin<3)||isempty(options),
    options = '-w';

tree  = sort_tree (intree, '-LO'); % sort tree to be BCT conform, heavy parts left
D     = tree.D; % local diameter values of nodes on tree

len   = len_tree (tree); % vector containing length values of tree segments [um]
% sum (dA) (actually faster than sum(dA)) ;-):
typeN = (ones (1, size (tree.dA, 1)) * tree.dA)';
iT    = find (typeN == 0); % find terminals
iBpar = []; % delete only one terminal branch per branch point!
idpar = idpar_tree (tree);

IFFER = [];
if length(iT) > 1
    if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: initialization
        HW = waitbar (0, 'cleaning the tree...');
        set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
    for ward = 1 : length (iT),
        if strfind (options, '-w'),
            waitbar (ward / length (iT), HW); % waitbar option: update
        % wow! Simple way to describe branch indices when tree was sorted:
        %     plot3 (tree.X (iT (ward)), tree.Y (iT(ward)), tree.Z (iT (ward)), 'go');
        ibranch = find (abs (typeN (1 : iT (ward) - 1) - 1), 1, 'last') + 1 : iT (ward);
        idbpar  = idpar (ibranch (1)); % direct parent branch point
        %     plot3 (tree.X (idbpar),    tree.Y (idbpar),   tree.Z (idbpar),    'ro');
        %     plot3 (tree.X (ibranch),   tree.Y (ibranch),  tree.Z (ibranch),   'kx');
        if ~ismember (idbpar, iBpar) && ...
                ~isempty (setdiff (find (eucl_tree (tree, iT (ward)) < (D / 2 + radius / 2)), ...
            iBpar = [iBpar idbpar];
            IFFER = [IFFER ibranch];
            %         plot3 (tree.X (ibranch), tree.Y (ibranch), tree.Z (ibranch),  'bo');
        if ~ismember(idbpar,iBpar) && ~isempty(ibranch) && (sum(len(ibranch))<radius),
            iBpar = [iBpar idbpar];
            IFFER = [IFFER ibranch];
            %         plot3 (tree.X (ibranch), tree.Y (ibranch), tree.Z (ibranch),  'yo');
        %    pause(1);
        %    drawnow; % commented code shows the timelapse movie...
    if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: close
        close (HW);
IFFER = unique (IFFER);
if ~isempty (IFFER),
    tree = delete_tree (tree, IFFER); % delete all unwanted points

if strfind (options, '-s'),
    clf; hold on; plot_tree (intree, [], [], [], [], '-3l');
    plot_tree (tree, [1 0 0], [], [], [], '-3l');
    HP (1) = plot (1, 1, 'k-'); HP (2) = plot (1, 1, 'r-');
    legend (HP, {'before', 'after'});
    set (HP, 'visible', 'off');
    title  ('clean tree');
    xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
    view (2); grid on; axis image;

if (nargout == 0) && ~(isstruct(intree))
    trees {intree} = tree; % otherwise the orginal tree in trees is replaced