% GSCALE_TREE Scales trees from a set of trees to mean tree size.
% (trees package)
% [spanning ctrees] = gscale_tree (intrees, options)
% --------------------------------------------------
% Extracts region by region features from a group of trees intrees which
% are sufficient to constrain the artificial generation of trees similar to
% the original group. Is based on the assumption that the density of
% topological points on the trees are more or less scalable. The result is
% a structure spanning with some info about the spanning fields of the
% individual regions throughout the trees. ctrees contains the scaled
% trees.
% Input
% -----
% - intrees::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree or
% cell-array of trees.
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-w'}
% '-s' : show plot
% '-w' : with waitbar
% Output
% ------
% - spanning:: structure containing scaling info about spanning fields of
% ordered by region
% - trees:: cell array of scaled trees as trees structures.
% Example
% -------
% dLPTCs = load_tree ('dLPTCs.mtr');
% [spanning ctrees] = gscale_tree (dLPTCs{1}) % scaling of HSE dendrites
% See also clone_tree
% Uses
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [spanning ctrees] = gscale_tree (intrees, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intrees),
intrees = length (trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(options),
options = '-w';
for ward = 1:length(intrees),
intrees {ward} = tran_tree (intrees {ward});
% structure containing info about scaling of trees and all the points:
spanning = [];
% in the array of input trees look for common region names
spanning.regions = intrees {1}.rnames;
for ward = 2 : length (intrees);
spanning.regions = [spanning.regions intrees{ward}.rnames];
spanning.regions = unique (spanning.regions); lenr = length (spanning.regions);
% establish the spanning volume of the different regions for all trees
spanning.xlims = cell (1, lenr); spanning.ylims = cell (1, lenr);
spanning.zlims = cell (1, lenr);
spanning.xmass = cell (1, lenr); spanning.ymass = cell (1, lenr);
spanning.zmass = cell (1, lenr);
spanning.iR = cell (1, 1); spanning.nBT = cell (1, 1);
dR = zeros (1, lenr); % empty region flag
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: initialization
HW = waitbar (0, 'scanning spanning fields region by region...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
for ward = 1 : length (spanning.regions);
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (ward / length (spanning.regions), HW);
flag = 0;
for counter = 1 : length (intrees),
iR0 = find (strcmp (intrees {counter}.rnames, spanning.regions {ward}));
if ~isempty (iR0),
% read out index values for each region in each cell:
spanning.iR{ward}{counter} = find (intrees {counter}.R == iR0);
BT = ~C_tree (intrees {counter});
iBT = logical (BT (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
% branch and termination points in that region
iRBT = spanning.iR{ward}{counter}(iBT);
spanning.nBT{ward}{counter} = length (iRBT);
if ~isempty (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}),
% if nodes exist in that region in that cell readout x y z
% limits:
spanning.xlims {ward} = [spanning.xlims{ward}; ...
[min(intrees {counter}.X (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})) ...
max(intrees {counter}.X (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}))]];
spanning.ylims {ward} = [spanning.ylims{ward}; ...
[min(intrees {counter}.Y (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})) ...
max(intrees {counter}.Y (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}))]];
spanning.zlims {ward} = [spanning.zlims{ward}; ...
[min(intrees {counter}.Z (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})) ...
max(intrees {counter}.Z (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}))]];
% now readout the center of mass:
spanning.xmass {ward} = [spanning.xmass{ward}; ...
spanning.ymass {ward} = [spanning.ymass{ward}; ...
spanning.zmass {ward} = [spanning.zmass{ward}; ...
mean(intrees {counter}.Z (iRBT))];
flag = 1; % indicate that nodes were found in that region at least in one cell
spanning.xlims {ward} = [spanning.xlims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.ylims {ward} = [spanning.ylims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.zlims {ward} = [spanning.zlims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.xmass {ward} = [spanning.xmass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.ymass {ward} = [spanning.ymass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.zmass {ward} = [spanning.zmass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.xlims {ward} = [spanning.xlims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.ylims {ward} = [spanning.ylims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.zlims {ward} = [spanning.zlims{ward}; [NaN NaN]];
spanning.xmass {ward} = [spanning.xmass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.ymass {ward} = [spanning.ymass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.zmass {ward} = [spanning.zmass{ward}; NaN];
spanning.iR{ward}{counter} = [];
% if flag is not set then the region is fully empty and we can delete
% it (see below):
if ~flag,
dR (ward) = 1;
% create sample tapering in trees to determine region-wise tapering parameters
qtrees = cell (1, 1);
for ward = 1 : length (intrees)
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (ward / length (intrees), HW);
qtrees{ward} = quaddiameter_tree (intrees {ward});
% measure wriggliness amplitude independently of region
% can be expanded
spanning.wriggles = zeros (length (intrees), 2);
for counter = 1:length (intrees)
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (counter / length (intrees), HW);
tree = intrees {counter};
ampl = 2 * (sum (len_tree (tree)) ./ ...
sum (len_tree (delete_tree (tree, find (C_tree (tree))))) - 1);
lambda = 5;
spanning.wriggles (counter, :) = [ampl lambda];
% delete emptyregions
emptyregion = find (dR);
for ward = 1 : length (emptyregion),
spanning.regions (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.xlims (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.ylims (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.zlims (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.xmass (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.ymass (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.zmass (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.iR (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
spanning.nBT (emptyregion (ward)) = [];
lenr = length (spanning.regions);
spanning.mxdiff = zeros (lenr, 1); spanning.stdxdiff = zeros (lenr, 1);
spanning.mydiff = zeros (lenr, 1); spanning.stdydiff = zeros (lenr, 1);
spanning.mzdiff = zeros (lenr, 1); spanning.stdzdiff = zeros (lenr, 1);
for ward = 1 : lenr;
% readout mean and standard deviation of spanning hull limits
isy = ~isnan (spanning.xlims {ward}(:, 1));
spanning.mxdiff (ward) = mean (diff (spanning.xlims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
if spanning.mxdiff (ward) == 0, spanning.mxdiff (ward) = 1; end
spanning.stdxdiff (ward) = std (diff (spanning.xlims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
spanning.mydiff (ward) = mean (diff (spanning.ylims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
if spanning.mydiff (ward) == 0, spanning.mydiff (ward) = 1; end
spanning.stdydiff (ward) = std (diff (spanning.ylims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
spanning.mzdiff (ward) = mean (diff (spanning.zlims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
if spanning.mzdiff (ward) == 0, spanning.mzdiff (ward) = 1; end
spanning.stdzdiff (ward) = std (diff (spanning.zlims {ward}(isy, :), [], 2));
ctrees = intrees;
spanning.X = cell (1, 1); spanning.Y = cell (1, 1); spanning. Z = cell (1, 1);
spanning.qdiam = cell (1, 1);
for ward = 1 : length (spanning.regions);
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (ward / length (spanning.regions), HW);
spanning.qdiam {ward} = [];
for counter = 1 : size (spanning.xlims {ward}, 1),
BT = ~C_tree (intrees {counter});
iBT = logical (BT (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
% branch and termination points in that region
iRBT = spanning.iR{ward}{counter} (iBT);
Xpre = intrees {counter}.X (iRBT);
Ypre = intrees {counter}.Y (iRBT);
Zpre = intrees {counter}.Z (iRBT);
% scale X Y Z coordinates with mean limits and collect for all
% cells:
if diff (spanning.xlims {ward}(counter, :)) ~= 0
spanning.X{ward}{counter} = spanning.xmass {ward}(counter) + ...
spanning.mxdiff (ward) * (Xpre - spanning.xmass {ward}(counter))' / ...
diff (spanning.xlims {ward}(counter, :));
ctrees {counter}.X (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}) = spanning.mxdiff (ward) *...
ctrees {counter}.X (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})' / ...
diff (spanning.xlims {ward}(counter, :));
spanning.X{ward}{counter} = Xpre';
if diff (spanning.ylims {ward}(counter, :)) ~= 0
spanning.Y{ward}{counter} = spanning.ymass {ward}(counter) + ...
spanning.mydiff (ward) * (Ypre - spanning.ymass {ward}(counter))' / ...
diff (spanning.ylims {ward}(counter, :));
ctrees {counter}.Y (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}) = spanning.mydiff (ward)*...
ctrees {counter}.Y (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})' / ...
diff (spanning.ylims {ward}(counter, :));
spanning.Y{ward}{counter} = Ypre';
if diff (spanning.zlims {ward}(counter, :)) ~= 0
spanning.Z{ward}{counter} = spanning.zmass {ward}(counter) + ...
spanning.mzdiff (ward) * (Zpre - spanning.zmass {ward}(counter))' /...
diff (spanning.zlims {ward}(counter, :));
ctrees {counter}.Z (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}) = spanning.mzdiff (ward) *...
ctrees {counter}.Z (spanning.iR{ward}{counter})' / ...
diff (spanning.zlims {ward}(counter, :));
spanning.Z{ward}{counter} = Zpre';
% determine region-wise tapering:
if ~isempty (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}),
m1 = min (intrees {counter}.D (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
m2 = max (intrees {counter}.D (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
mm1 = min (qtrees {counter}.D (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
mm2 = max (qtrees {counter}.D (spanning.iR{ward}{counter}));
spanning.qdiam {ward}(end + 1, :) = .5 * [(m2 - m1)/(mm2 - mm1) m1/mm1];
spanning.mnBT = zeros (lenr, 1); spanning.stdnBT = zeros (lenr, 1);
for ward = 1: lenr,
spanning.mnBT (ward) = mean (cat (2, spanning.nBT{ward}{:}));
spanning.stdnBT (ward) = std (cat (2, spanning.nBT{ward}{:}));
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: close
close (HW);
if strfind (options, '-s'),
clf; hold on; shine;
cX = [0 0 0 0; 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0; 1 1 0 0; 1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 1] - 0.5;
cY = [0 0 1 1; 0 0 1 1; 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 1] - 0.5;
cZ = [0 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0; 1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 1; 1 0 0 1; 0 1 1 0] - 0.5;
colors = [[0 0 0];[1 0 0];[0 1 0];[0 0 1]]; colors = [colors; rand(lenr - 4, 3)];
for ward = 1 : lenr,
HP = patch (mean (spanning.xmass {ward}) + cX' * spanning.mxdiff (ward), ...
mean (spanning.ymass {ward}) + cY' * spanning.mydiff (ward),...
mean (spanning.zmass {ward}) + cZ' * spanning.mzdiff (ward), colors (ward, :));
set (HP, 'edgecolor', colors (ward, :), 'facealpha', .2);
HP = patch (mean (spanning.xmass {ward}) + ...
cX' * (spanning.mxdiff (ward) + spanning.stdxdiff (ward)), ...
mean (spanning.ymass {ward}) + ...
cY' * (spanning.mydiff (ward) + spanning.stdydiff (ward)), ...
mean (spanning.zmass {ward}) + ...
cZ' * (spanning.mzdiff (ward) + spanning.stdzdiff (ward)), ...
colors (ward, :));
set (HP, 'edgecolor', colors (ward, :), 'facealpha', 0);
XT = cat (2, spanning.X{ward}{:});
YT = cat (2, spanning.Y{ward}{:});
ZT = cat (2, spanning.Z{ward}{:});
% SR = round(max([max(XT)-min(XT) max(YT)-min(YT)...
% max(ZT)-min(ZT)])/20);
% if (SR==0)|(isempty(SR)), SR = 10;end;
HT = text (mean (spanning.xmass {ward}) - spanning.mxdiff (ward) / 2, ...
mean (spanning.ymass {ward}) + spanning.mydiff (ward) / 2, ...
mean (spanning.zmass {ward}) - spanning.mzdiff (ward) / 2, spanning.regions {ward});
set (HT, 'color', colors (ward, :), 'verticalalignment', 'bottom');
title ('spanning the tree');
xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
view (2); grid on; axis image;