% RPOINTS_TREE Weighted distribution random points within a hull.
% (trees package)
% [X, Y, Z, HP] = rpoints_tree (M, N, c, x, y, z, thr, options)
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% distributes N random points in accordance with the density matrix M. Only
% points within the sharp boundaries of a 2d contour are selected. Note
% that the number of resulting points is therefore typically smaller than
% N. The boundary can be further reduced by a distance thr, minimal
% distance that a point needs to be away from any point on the contour.
% This makes particularly sense if the contour was obtained using
% "hull_tree" in 2D. The contour (see "contourc") is defined by:
% c = [contour1 x1 x2 x3 ... contour2 x1 x2 x3 ...;
% #number_of_pairs y1 y2 y3 ... #number_of_pairs y1 y2 y3 ...]'
% Inputs
% ------
% - M::2D/3D matrix:density matrix containing (horiz. dim. 2: x)
% - N::integer:number of points to be distributed
% - c::matrix with two rows: contour as described above
% - x::vector: if M is undefined x is 2-tupel with min max limits
% {DEFAULT [-500 500]}
% otherwise x labels bins in M {DEFAULT 1:size(M,2)}
% - y::vector: same as x
% - z::vector: same as x and y. If M is 2D who cares about z...
% - thr::value: distance threshold away from contour {DEFAULT: 0}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT: ''}
% '-s' : show
% Output
% ------
% - X, Y, Z::vertical vectors: X Y Z coordinates of randomly distributed
% points
% Example
% -------
% % define a 65 point circular polygon with diameter 100 um:
% circlec = [0 65;[sin(0:pi/32:2*pi)' cos(0:pi/32:2*pi)'].*100];
% % distribute 1000 points in the boundaries -100 to 100 um
% [X Y Z] = rpoints_tree([], 1000, circlec, [-100 100], [-100 100], [], 20, '-s');
% See also gdens_tree
% Uses
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [X, Y, Z, HP] = rpoints_tree (M, N, c, x, y, z, thr, options)
if (nargin <1)||isempty(M),
M = [];
% possibly:
% sr = 25; % sets the bin size for sampling the density
% % calculates the density matrix M at points (dX, dY):
% [M, dX, dY] = gdens_tree(intree,sr,B_tree(intree)|T_tree(intree));
if (nargin <2)||isempty(N),
N = 1000;
if (nargin <3)||isempty(c),
c = [];
if (nargin <7)||isempty(thr),
thr = [];
if (nargin <8)||isempty(options),
options = '-w';
if ~isempty (M),
if (nargin <4)||isempty(x),
% possibly go gdens_tree
x = 1 : size (M, 2);
if (nargin <5)||isempty(y),
y = 1 : size (M, 1);
if (nargin <6)||isempty(z),
z = 1 : size (M, 3);
if strfind (options, '-w'),
HW = waitbar (0, 'distributing points...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
if length (size (M)) == 2, % 2D density matrix
R = rand (1, N) * sum (sum (M));
CS = cumsum (reshape (M, numel (M), 1)); % weighting vector for the bins
% apply CS on the random variable, (r1, r2) then correspond to the
% bin for each value in R.
r1 = zeros (length (R), 1); r2 = zeros (length (R), 1);
for ward = 1 : length (R),
if strfind (options, '-w'),
waitbar (ward / length (R), HW);
[r1(ward) r2(ward)] = ind2sub (size (M), sum (~((CS - R (ward)) > 0)));
% within that bin the point is randomly chosen (homogeneously):
X = x (r2)' + (rand (N, 1) - 0.5) .* (diff (x (1 : 2)));
Y = y (r1)' + (rand (N, 1) - 0.5) .* (diff (y (1 : 2)));
Z = zeros (N, 1);
else % 3D density matrix
R = rand (1, N) * sum (sum (sum (M)));
CS = cumsum (reshape (M, numel (M), 1)); % weighting vector for the bins
% apply CS on the random variable, (r1, r2) then correspond to the
% bin for each value in R.
r1 = zeros (length (R), 1); r2 = zeros (length (R), 1);
r3 = zeros (length (R), 1);
for ward = 1 : length (R),
if strfind (options, '-w'),
waitbar (ward / length (R), HW);
[r1(ward) r2(ward) r3(ward)] = ind2sub (size (M), sum (~((CS - R (ward)) > 0)));
% within that bin the point is randomly chosen (homogeneously):
X = x (r2)' + (rand (N, 1) - 0.5) .* (diff (x (1 : 2)));
Y = y (r1)' + (rand (N, 1) - 0.5) .* (diff (y (1 : 2)));
Z = z (r3)' + (rand (N, 1) - 0.5) .* (diff (z (1 : 2)));
if strfind (options, '-w'),
close (HW);
else % if no density matrix was defined do a fully homogeneous picking
if (nargin <4)||isempty(x),
x = [-500 500];
if (nargin <5)||isempty(y),
y = x;
if diff (x) ~= diff (y),
warning ('TREES:construct', ...
'If x and y are not same size points will be misdistributed');
R = rand (N, 2);
X = R (:, 1) .* diff (x) +x (1);
Y = R (:, 2) .* diff (y) +y (1);
Z = zeros (N, 1);
if ~isempty (c),
IN = find (in_c (X, Y, c));
[PX PY] = cpoints (c);
M = eucdist (X (IN), PX, Y (IN), PY);
IN2 = min (M, [], 2) > thr;
XR = X; YR = Y;
X = XR (IN (IN2));
Y = YR (IN (IN2));
Z = zeros (length (Y), 1);
if findstr (options, '-s');
clf; hold on;
if ~isempty (c),
cplotter (c);
HP = plot3 (X, Y, Z, 'k.');
set (HP, 'markersize', 12); legend (HP, 'random points');
title ('distribute random points');
xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
view (3); grid on; axis image;