% functions for visual output and various hulls
% Files
%   chull_tree      - Convex hull around whole or part of a tree.
%   dA_tree         - Plots the adjacency matrix of a tree.
%   dendrogram_tree - plots a dendrogram of a tree.
%   gdens_tree      - Density matrix of a tree.
%   hull_tree       - isosurface/line at a distance from any point on tree.
%   lego_tree       - Lego density plot of a tree.
%   plot_tree       - Plots a tree.
%   plotsect_tree   - Plots a selected path along a tree.
%   pointer_tree    - Draws pointers (electrodes) to nodes on a tree.
%   spread_tree     - Extracts coordinates to display trees separately.
%   vhull_tree      - Voronoi based subdivision of a tree.
%   vtext_tree      - Write text at node locations in a tree.
%   xdend_tree      - Dendrogram X-coordinates of a tree.
%   xplore_tree     - Tree exploration plots.
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009  Hermann Cuntz