% PLOT_TREE Plots a tree.
% (trees package)
% HP = plot_tree (intree, color, DD, ipart, res, options)
% -------------------------------------------------------
% plots a directed graph contained in intree. Many settings allow to play
% with the output results. Colour handling is differently on line plots than
% on patchy '-b' or '-p'. Even if metrics are nonexistent plot_tree will
% plot its best guess for a reasonable tree (see "xdend_tree"). Line plots
% are always slower than any patch display.
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees or structured tree
% - color::RGB 3-tupel, vector or matrix: RGB values {DEFAULT [0 0 0]}
% if vector then values are treated in colormap (must contain one value
% per node then!).
% if matrix (N x 3) then individual colors are mapped to each
% element, works only on line-plots
% - DD:: 1x3 vector: coordinates offset {DEFAULT no offset [0,0,0]}
% - ipart::index:index to the subpart to be plotted {DEFAULT: all nodes}
% - res::integer>1: resolution for cylinders. Does not affect line and
% quiver or blatt. {DEFAULT: 8}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-p'} has to be one of the following:
% '-b' : 2D pieces are displayed on a 3D grid (-b stands for -blatt)
% showing the diameter but not as real cylinders. Output is a
% series of patches. Fastest representation.
% '-b1' : patches are mapped on x y {DEFAULT}
% '-b2' : patches are mapped on x z
% '-b3' : patches are mapped on y z
% '-p' : correct cylinder representation but not yet flawless and a
% bit slower than "blatt" representation.
% '-2l' : 2D (using only X and Y). forces line output (2D), no diameter
% (slower), color is mapped independently of matlab, always
% min to max.
% '-3l' : 3D. forces line output (2D), no diameter (slower, as '-l')
% '-2q' : 2D (using only X and Y). edges are represented as arrows
% (using quiver) . Color vectors do not work.
% '-3q' : 3D. edges are represented as arrows (using quiver, as '-q')
% additional options:
% '-thin' : all diameters 1um, for line and quiver linewidth 0.25
% '-thick' : all diameters + 3um, for line and quiver linewidth 3
% Output
% ------
% - HP::handles: depending on options HP links to the graphical objects.
% Example
% -------
% plot_tree (sample_tree)
% See also vtext_tree xplore_tree
% Uses cyl_tree ver_tree
% directly adapted for TREES toolbox, code from: Friedrich Forstner
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function HP = plot_tree (intree, color, DD, ipart, res, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intree),
intree = length(trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure
% use full tree for this function
if ~isstruct (intree),
tree = trees {intree};
tree = intree;
if (~isfield(tree,'X'))||(~isfield(tree,'Y'))
[xdend tree] = xdend_tree (intree); % if metrics are missing replace by equivalent tree
N = size (tree.X, 1); % number of nodes in tree
if (nargin < 4)||isempty(ipart),
ipart = (1 : N)'; % {DEFAULT index: select all nodes/points}
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(color),
color = [0 0 0]; % {DEFAULT color: black}
if (size (color, 1) == N) && (size (ipart, 1) ~= N),
color = color (ipart);
if (nargin < 3)||isempty(DD),
DD = [0 0 0]; % {DEFAULT 3-tupel: no spatial displacement from the root}
if length(DD)<3,
DD = [DD zeros(1, 3 - length (DD))]; % append 3-tupel with zeros
if (nargin < 5)||isempty(res),
res = 8; % {DEFAULT: 8 points around cylinder}
if (nargin < 6)||isempty(options),
options = '-p'; % {DEFAULT: full cylinder representation}
if strfind (options,'-b'),
if isfield (tree, 'D'),
D = tree.D (ipart);
D = ones (length (ipart), 1);
if strfind (options, '-thin'),
D = ones (length (ipart), 1);
if strfind (options, '-thick'),
D = D + 3;
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2] = cyl_tree (intree);
X1 = X1 (ipart) + DD (1); X2 = X2 (ipart) + DD (1);
Y1 = Y1 (ipart) + DD (2); Y2 = Y2 (ipart) + DD (2);
Z1 = Z1 (ipart) + DD (3); Z2 = Z2 (ipart) + DD (3);
warning ('off', 'MATLAB:divideByZero');
% direction vectors:
dP = [X2-X1 Y2-Y1 Z2-Z1] ./ repmat (sqrt ((X2 - X1).^2 + (Y2 - Y1).^2 + (Z2 - Z1).^2), 1, 3);
warning ('on', 'MATLAB:divideByZero');
a1 = strfind (options, '-b');
if length (options) > a1 + 1
typ = str2double (options (a1 + 2));
if isnan (typ),
typ = 1;
typ = 1;
if isfield (tree, 'frustum') && (tree.frustum == 1),
idpar = idpar_tree (tree);
parD = D (idpar);
switch typ % draw plates (4 coordinates back and forth on cylinder):
case 2
dP = dP (:, [1 3]);
% use rotation matrix to rotate the data
V1 = (dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V2 = (dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
if isfield (tree, 'frustum') && (tree.frustum == 1),
V3 = (dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V4 = (dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
MX = [X1+V4(:, 1) X1+V3(:, 1) X2+V1(:, 1) X2+V2(:, 1)]';
MY = [Y1 Y1 Y2 Y2]';
MZ = [Z1+V4(:, 2) Z1+V3(:, 2) Z2+V1(:, 2) Z2+V2(:, 2)]';
MX = [X1+V2(:, 1) X1+V1(:, 1) X2+V1(:, 1) X2+V2(:, 1)]';
MY = [Y1 Y1 Y2 Y2]';
MZ = [Z1+V2(:, 2) Z1+V1(:, 2) Z2+V1(:, 2) Z2+V2(:, 2)]';
case 3
dP = dP (:, [2 3]);
% use rotation matrix to rotate the data
V1 =(dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V2 =(dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
if isfield (tree, 'frustum') && (tree.frustum == 1),
V3 = (dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V4 = (dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
MX = [X1 X1 X2 X2]';
MY = [Y1+V4(:, 1) Y1+V3(:, 1) Y2+V1(:, 1) Y2+V2(:, 1)]';
MZ = [Z1+V4(:, 2) Z1+V3(:, 2) Z2+V1(:, 2) Z2+V2(:, 2)]';
MX = [X1 X1 X2 X2]';
MY = [Y1+V2(:, 1) Y1+V1(:, 1) Y2+V1(:, 1) Y2+V2(:, 1)]';
MZ = [Z1+V2(:, 2) Z1+V1(:, 2) Z2+V1(:, 2) Z2+V2(:, 2)]';
dP = dP (:, [1 2]);
% use rotation matrix to rotate the data
V1 = (dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V2 = (dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (D, 1, 2) ./ 2);
if isfield (tree, 'frustum') && (tree.frustum == 1),
V3 = (dP*[0 -1;1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
V4 = (dP*[0 1;-1 0]) .* (repmat (parD, 1, 2) ./ 2);
MX = [X1+V4(:, 1) X1+V3(:, 1) X2+V1(:, 1) X2+V2(:, 1)]';
MY = [Y1+V4(:, 2) Y1+V3(:, 2) Y2+V1(:, 2) Y2+V2(:, 2)]';
MZ = [Z1 Z1 Z2 Z2]';
MX = [X1+V2(:, 1) X1+V1(:, 1) X2+V1(:, 1) X2+V2(:, 1)]';
MY = [Y1+V2(:, 2) Y1+V1(:, 2) Y2+V1(:, 2) Y2+V2(:, 2)]';
MZ = [Z1 Z1 Z2 Z2]';
if (size (color, 1) > 1) && (size (color, 2) == 1),
HP = patch (MX, MY, MZ, color');
HP = patch (MX, MY, MZ, 0);
if (size (color, 2) == 3) && (size (color, 1) == 1),
set (HP, 'facecolor', color); % map color
if ~isempty ([strfind(options, '-2') strfind(options, '-3')]),
% if color values are mapped:
if size (color, 1) > 1,
if size (color, 2) ~= 3,
if islogical (color),
color = double (color);
crange = [min(color) max(color)];
% scaling of the vector
if diff (crange) == 0,
color = ones (size (color, 1), 1);
color = floor ((color - crange (1)) ./ ((crange (2) - crange (1)) ./ 64));
color (color < 1) = 1;
color (color > 64) = 64;
map = colormap;
colors = map (color, :);
if ~isempty ([strfind(options, '-2l') strfind(options, '-3l')]),
if strfind (options, '-2l'),
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2] = cyl_tree (intree, '-2d');
HP = line([X1(ipart) X2(ipart)]' + DD (1), [Y1(ipart) Y2(ipart)]' + DD (2));
if strfind (options, '-3l'),
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2] = cyl_tree (intree);
HP = line([X1(ipart) X2(ipart)]' + DD (1), [Y1(ipart) Y2(ipart)]' + DD (2),...
[Z1(ipart) Z2(ipart)]' + DD (3));
if size (color, 1) > 1,
for ward = 1 : length (ipart)
set (HP (ward), 'color', colors (ward, :));
set (HP, 'color', color);
if strfind (options, '-2q'),
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2] = cyl_tree (intree, '-2d');
HP = quiver (X1 (ipart) + DD (1), Y1 (ipart) + DD (2), ...
X2 (ipart) - X1 (ipart), Y2 (ipart) - Y1 (ipart), 0);
if size (color, 1) > 1,
color = [0 0 0];
set (HP, 'color', color);
if strfind (options, '-3q'),
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2] = cyl_tree (intree);
HP = quiver3 (X1 (ipart) + DD (1), Y1 (ipart) + DD (2), Z1 (ipart) + DD (3),...
X2 (ipart) - X1 (ipart), Y2 (ipart) - Y1 (ipart), Z2 (ipart) - Z1 (ipart), 0);
if size (color, 1) > 1,
color = [0 0 0];
set (HP, 'color', color);
if strfind (options, '-thin'),
set (HP, 'linewidth', 0.25);
if strfind (options, '-thick'),
set (HP, 'linewidth', 3);
if strfind (options, '-p'),
[X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2] = cyl_tree (intree);
X1 = X1 (ipart) + DD (1); X2 = X2 (ipart) + DD (1);
Y1 = Y1 (ipart) + DD (2); Y2 = Y2 (ipart) + DD (2);
Z1 = Z1 (ipart) + DD (3); Z2 = Z2 (ipart) + DD (3);
P = [X1 Y1 Z1]; % location of starting nodes
dP = [X2-X1 Y2-Y1 Z2-Z1]; % direction vector
N = size (X1, 1); % number of nodes in tree
% initialize sampling angles, remove duplicate angles (0 and 2*pi)
theta = linspace (0, 2 * pi, res + 1); theta = theta (1 : end - 1);
% initialize storage arrays
b1 = zeros (N, 3); b2 = zeros (N, 3);
% calculate orthonormal vectors to the direction vector of each compartment
for ward = 1 : N
% singular value decomposition
v = null (dP (ward, :)); %%% BOTTLENECK
% orthogonal bases setup
b1 (ward, :) = v (:, 2); b2 (ward, :) = v(:, 1);
% replicate vectors and reshape
b1 = repmat (b1, 1, 2 * res);
b1 = reshape (b1', 3, 2 * res * size (b1, 1))';
b2 = repmat (b2, 1, 2 * res);
b2 = reshape (b2', 3, 2 * res * size (b2, 1))';
% this is the first translation vector list to move the cylinder
% terminals away from null
dP = cat (2, zeros (N, 3 * res), repmat (dP (1 : end, :), 1, res));
dP = reshape (dP', 3, N * 2 * res)';
% second translation list to move each cylinder to it's final destination
P = repmat (P (1 : end, :), 1, 2 * res);
P = reshape (P', 3, 2 * res * N)';
% setup diameters:
% use frustums for ratio (radius/parent) >$threshold and < 1/treshhold to
% avoid strange visualization results of thin branches leaving
% from bigger ones, else: use cylinders
if isfield (tree, 'D'),
D = tree.D;
D = ones (length (X1), 1);
if strfind (options, '-thin'),
D = ones (length (ipart), 1);
if strfind (options, '-thick'),
D = D + 3;
if isfield (tree, 'frustum') && (tree.frustum == 1),
threshold = .15;
idpar = idpar_tree (intree); % vector containing index to direct parent
parD = D (idpar (1 : end));
D = D (ipart); parD = parD (ipart);
use_parD = double ((D (1 : end) ./ parD) > threshold &...
(D (1 : end) ./ parD) < (1 / threshold));
diff_rad = parD - D (1 : end);
D = cat (2, repmat (D (1 : end) + (use_parD .* diff_rad), 1, res),...
repmat (D (1 : end), 1, res));
D = reshape (D', 1, res * 2 * N)';
D = D (ipart);
D = repmat (D, 1, res * 2); D = reshape (D', numel (D), 1);
% replicate angular sampling
theta_sin = repmat (sin (theta)', N * 2, 3);
theta_cos = repmat (cos (theta)', N * 2, 3);
% create final vertex list
vertex_array = dP + P + (theta_cos.*b1 + theta_sin.*b2) .* repmat (D/2, 1, 3);
% face index creation, start with the two points on the base level and
% then connect them to the two others on the terminal level
% start with a standard poly list for a cylinder then replicate and shift
first_col = (1 : 1 : res - 1)';
second_col = (2 : 1 : res)';
third_col = (res + 2 : 1 : 2 * res)';
fourth_col = (res + 1 : 1 : 2 * res - 1)';
poly_array = [first_col, second_col, third_col, fourth_col];
poly_array = [poly_array; [res, 1, res+1, 2*res]];
poly_array = repmat (poly_array, N, 1);
shift_vec = repmat ((0 : 2 * res : (2 * res * N) - 1)', 1, res * 4);
shift_vec = reshape (shift_vec', 4, res * N)';
poly_array = poly_array + shift_vec;
if (size (color, 1) > 1) && (size (color, 2) == 1),
C = repmat (color, 1, res * 2); C = reshape (C', numel (C), 1);
HP = patch ('Faces', poly_array, 'Vertices', vertex_array, ...
'cdata', C', 'facecolor', 'interp', 'linestyle', 'none');
C = repmat (color, size (vertex_array, 1), 1);
HP = patch ('Faces', poly_array, 'Vertices', vertex_array, ...
'faceVertexCData', C, 'faceColor', 'interp', 'linestyle', 'none');
if ~(sum (get (gca, 'DataAspectRatio') == [1 1 1]) == 3)
axis equal