% SPREAD_TREE Extracts coordinates to display trees separately.
% (trees package)
% [DD outtrees] = spread_tree (intrees, dX, dY, options)
% ------------------------------------------------------
% creates a cell array DD same organization as intrees which gives X Y and
% Z coordinates to display trees spread over the surface of a graph. DD is
% then an input to most functions in the "graphical" folder of the TREES
% toolbox (see "plot_tree" for example). If nesting level is 2 deep trees
% are separated in groups additionally.
% Input
% -----
% - intrees::integer:cell array of trees. {DEFAULT: cell array trees}
% - dX::value: horizontal spacing {DEFAULT: 50um}
% - dY::value: vertical spacing {DEFAULT: 50um}
% - options::string: {DEFAULT ''}
% '-s' : show
% Output
% ------
% - DD::cell array of 3-tupels: X Y Z coordinates. Organization same as
% intrees
% - outtrees::cell array of trees: trees with applied translations
% Example
% -------
% spread_tree ({sample_tree hsn_tree hss_tree sample2_tree}, [], [], '-s');
% See also plot_tree xplore_tree
% Uses X,Y,Z
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [DD outtrees] = spread_tree (intrees, dX, dY, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intrees),
intrees = trees; % {DEFAULT: trees cell array}
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(dX),
dX = 50; % {DEFAULT: trees are 50 um apart horizontally}
if (nargin < 3)||isempty(dY),
dY = 50; % {DEFAULT: trees are 50 um apart vertically}
if (nargin <4)||isempty(options),
options = ''; % {DEFAULT: no option}
if isstruct (intrees),
level = 0;
level = 1;
for ward = 1 : length (intrees),
if ~isstruct (intrees {ward}),
level = 2;
if (nargout > 1)
outtrees = intrees;
switch level
case 2
superY = 0;
DD = cell (1, length (intrees));
for te = 1 : length (intrees),
lent = length (intrees {te});
X = zeros (lent, 1); Y = zeros (lent, 1); Z = zeros (lent, 1); % minimum positions
mX = zeros (lent, 1); mY = zeros (lent, 1); mZ = zeros (lent, 1); % position ranges
for ward = 1 : lent,
X (ward) = min (intrees {te}{ward}.X); % minimum positions
Y (ward) = max (intrees {te}{ward}.Y);
Z (ward) = min (intrees {te}{ward}.Z);
mX (ward) = max (intrees {te}{ward}.X) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.X); % widths..
mY (ward) = max (intrees {te}{ward}.Y) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.Y);
mZ (ward) = max (intrees {te}{ward}.Z) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.Z);
% sqrtN gives a maximum deflection in X
sqrtN = sum (mX + dX) ./ sqrt (length (mX)); % make the layout sort of square
% divide summed up X ranges (+dX) by sqrtN and collect
% remainder in DDX:
DDX = mod ([0; cumsum(mX + dX)], sqrtN); cY = floor ([0; cumsum(mX + dX)] / sqrtN);
DDX = DDX (1 : end - 1); cY = cY (1 : end - 1);
% take from DDX the first empty bit in each line:
dDDX = DDX ([1; diff(cY)] > 0); DDX = DDX - dDDX (cY + 1);
% add in Y the maximum Y-deflection in each line:
ucY = unique (cY); mmY = zeros (length (ucY), 1);
for ward = 1 : length (ucY), mmY (ward) = max (mY (cY == ucY (ward))); end
% DDY becomes the cumulative sum of these maximum deflections (+DY)
mmY = [0; -cumsum(mmY + dY)]; DDXYZ = [DDX mmY(cY + 1)];
% DDZ is kept zero, but for each cell:
dDD = [DDXYZ zeros(size (DDXYZ, 1), 1)] - [X Y-superY Z];
DD {te} = num2cell (dDD, 2)';
superY = superY + dDD (end, 2);
if (nargout > 1)
for ward = 1 : length (intrees {te}),
outtrees{te}{ward} = tran_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, DD{te}{ward});
case 1
lent = length (intrees); % number of trees
% initialization
X = zeros (lent, 1); Y = zeros (lent, 1); Z = zeros (lent, 1); % minimum positions
mX = zeros (lent, 1); mY = zeros (lent, 1); mZ = zeros (lent, 1); % position ranges
for ward = 1 : lent, % walk through all trees
X (ward) = min (intrees {ward}.X); % minimum positions
Y (ward) = max (intrees {ward}.Y);
Z (ward) = min (intrees {ward}.Z);
mX (ward) = max (intrees {ward}.X) - min (intrees {ward}.X); % widths etc..
mY (ward) = max (intrees {ward}.Y) - min (intrees {ward}.Y);
mZ (ward) = max (intrees {ward}.Z) - min (intrees {ward}.Z);
% sqrtN gives a maximum deflection in X
sqrtN = sum (mX + dX) ./ sqrt (length (mX)); % make the layout sort of square
% divide summed up X ranges (+dX) by sqrtN and collect remainder in DDX:
DDX = mod([0; cumsum(mX + dX)], sqrtN); cY = floor([0; cumsum(mX + dX)] / sqrtN);
DDX = DDX(1:end-1); cY = cY(1:end-1);
% take from DDX the first empty bit in each line:
dDDX = DDX([1; diff(cY)] > 0); DDX = DDX - dDDX (cY + 1);
% add in Y the maximum Y-deflection in each line:
ucY = unique (cY); mmY = zeros (length (ucY), 1);
for ward = 1 : length (ucY); mmY (ward) = max (mY (cY == ucY (ward))); end
% DDY becomes the cumulative sum of these maximum deflections (+DY)
mmY = [0; -cumsum(mmY + dY)]; DDXYZ = [DDX mmY(cY + 1)];
% DDZ is kept zero, but for each cell:
dDD = [DDXYZ zeros(size(DDXYZ,1),1)] - [X Y Z];
DD = num2cell (dDD, 2)';
if (nargout > 1)
for ward = 1 : length (intrees),
outtrees {ward} = tran_tree (intrees {ward}, DD {ward});
case 0
DD = [0 0 0];
if (nargout > 1)
outtrees = tran_tree (intrees);
if strfind (options, '-s'),
switch level
case 2
for te = 1 : length (intrees)
for ward = 1 : length (intrees {te}),
plot_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, [], DD{te}{ward});
case 1
for ward = 1 : lent,
plot_tree (intrees {ward}, [], DD{ward});
case 0
plot_tree (intrees);
title ('spread trees');
xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
view (2); grid on; axis image;