% XDEND_TREE Dendrogram X-coordinates of a tree.
% (trees package)
% [xdend tree] = xdend_tree (intree, options)
% -------------------------------------------
% returns a vector of x-values useful for constructing a dendrogram. Each
% element's x-value is set in the middle of the labeled terminal children
% (maximum index + minimum index)/2. Optional output is a correlate
% (equivalent) tree to intree with same branch lengths and topology but
% with standard and sorted metrics. Branch overlap is also avoided if
% possible etc... intree must be in BCT conform format. If unsure just
% apply repair_tree beforehand.
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees structure or structured tree
% - options::string: {DEFAULT '-w'}
% '-s' : show
% '-w' : waitbar
% Output
% ------
% - xdend::vector:x-values.
% - tree::tree: standard tree with exact same electrotonic properties as
% original but completely lost metric coordinates
% Example
% -------
% xdend_tree (sample_tree, '-s')
% See also dendrogram_tree BCT_tree allBCTs_tree
% Uses ipar_tree T_tree
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [xdend tree] = xdend_tree (intree, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intree),
intree = length (trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure
if (nargin <2)||isempty(options),
options = ''; % {DEFAULT: no option}
% xdend is (minT+maxT)./2 after labeling terminals with T_tree
% this is still tricky because we have to obtain minT and maxT from ipar(T)
ipar = ipar_tree (intree); % parent index structure (see "ipar_tree")
iparT = ipar (T_tree (intree), :); % parent index path only for termination points
[i1 i2] = sort (reshape (iparT', numel (iparT'), 1)); % sorting iparT as a vector
[a, b] = ind2sub (size (iparT'), i2); % b is the label
di = [0; diff(i1)]; idi = [diff(i1); 1];
minT = b (di == 1); maxT = b (idi == 1); maxT = maxT (2 : length (maxT));
xdend = (maxT + minT) ./ 2; % there you go
if (nargout>1)||~isempty(strfind(options,'-s')),
if ~isstruct (intree),
tree = trees {intree};
tree = intree;
angle = pi - 2 * pi * xdend ./ max (xdend);
N = length (xdend);
PL = PL_tree (tree);
if isfield (tree, 'X'),
len = len_tree (tree);
tree.X = cos (angle) .* PL;
tree.Y = sin (angle) .* PL;
tree.Z = zeros (N, 1);
tree.X = cos (angle) .* PL;
tree.Y = sin (angle) .* PL;
tree.Z = zeros (N, 1);
tree.D = ones (N, 1);
tree.R = ones (N, 1);
tree.rnames = {'region1'};
len = 10 * ones (N, 1); % replacement length of segment values
% (avoid showing result as well but conserve waitbar)
if strfind (options, '-w')
tree = morph_tree (tree, len, '-w');
tree = morph_tree (tree, len, 'none');
if strfind (options, '-s'), % show option
clf; shine; hold on;
HP = plot_tree (intree, [], -150); set (HP, 'facealpha', .5);
HP = plot_tree (tree, [1 0 0]); set (HP, 'facealpha', .5);
xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
view (2); grid on; axis image;
title ('equivalent tree');