% DISSECT_TREE Groups together nodes belonging to same branches.
% (trees package)
% [sect vec] = dissect_tree (intree, options)
% ----------------------------------------------
% groups segments together which belong to same branches to be used as
% sections in neuron-like compartmental modeling. Branches are defined as
% being separated by either branching or termination points or
% region-defined borders. To simplify a tree to its dissected version
% delete all continuation points with "delete_tree(tree,find(C_tree(tree))"
% Input
% -----
% - intree::integer:index of tree in trees structure or structured tree
% - options::string: {DEFAULT: ''}
% '-s' : show branches
% Output
% ------
% - sect::two-column vector: 1. starting node 2. ending node
% - vec::optional vector Nx2: attributes to each element a branch index and
% a path length value [in um] within the given section
% NOTE! this function isn't completely correct yet at the root
% Example
% -------
% sect = dissect_tree (sample_tree, '-s')
% See also resample_tree, delete_tree, neuron_tree
% Uses root_tree ipar_tree idpar_tree T_tree B_tree Pvec_tree ver_tree R
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [sect vec] = dissect_tree (intree, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intree),
intree = length(trees); % {DEFAULT tree: last tree in trees cell array}
ver_tree (intree); % verify that input is a tree structure
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(options),
options = ''; % {DEFAULT: no option}
tree = root_tree (intree); % add an empty compartment in the root
ipar = ipar_tree (tree); % parent index structure (see "ipar_tree")
ipar = ipar + 1;
% iBT: positions at which to cut the tree:
iBT = T_tree (tree) | B_tree (tree); % binary vector with ones at branch and terminals
if isfield(tree,'R'),
idpar = idpar_tree (tree); % vector with indices to direct parent
iR = idpar(find(tree.R~=tree.R(idpar))); % detect region changes
iBT(iR) = 1; % also dissect where regions change
% iBT therefore is one whenever a changing point B, T or new R
iiBT = [1; iBT];
% iS contains for each changing point the index in ipar to the directly
% previous changing point (the beginning of that branch)
if sum(iBT)==1,
iS = sum(cumsum(iiBT(ipar(iBT,:))')'<=1,1)+1;
iS = sum(cumsum(iiBT(ipar(iBT,:))')'<=1,2)+1;
% starting points of the branches are therefore just ipar of iS for all
% changing points:
startB = ipar(sub2ind(size(ipar),find(iBT),iS))-1;
startB(startB==0) = 1;
endB = find(iBT); % end points are obviously just all changing points
sect = [startB endB]-1; sect(sect==0)=1;
vec = [];
if nargout > 1
vec = zeros(size(tree.dA,1)+1,2);
Plen = [0; Pvec_tree(tree)]; % path length values from the root
o = 1;
for ward = find(iBT)',
% correct the full path length values with the start of each
% section:
DEC = ipar(sub2ind(size(ipar), ones(1,iS(o)).*ward, 1:iS(o)));
pif = diff(Plen(DEC([end 1])));
pof = Plen(DEC(1:end-1)) - Plen(DEC(end));
vec(DEC(1:end-1), 1) = o;
vec(DEC(1:end-1), 2) = pof./pif;
o = o + 1;
vec = vec(3:end, :); vec(1,2) = 0;
if strfind(options,'-s'), % show option
clf; hold on; shine;
if ~isempty(vec)
R = rand(size(sect,1),1); HP = plot_tree (intree,R(round(vec(:,1)),:));
HP = plot_tree (intree);
L = line([tree.X(startB) tree.X(endB)]',[tree.Y(startB) tree.Y(endB)]',...
[tree.Z(startB) tree.Z(endB)]');
set(L,'color',[1 0 0],'linewidth',2);
HP(1) = plot(1,1,'r-');
legend(HP,{'dissected branches'},'box','off');
xlabel ('x [\mum]'); ylabel ('y [\mum]'); zlabel ('z [\mum]');
view(2); grid on; axis image;