% STATS_TREE Collects tree statistics using TREES toolbox functions.
% (trees package)
% [stats name path] = stats_tree (intrees, s, name, options)
% ----------------------------------------------------------
% collects typical statistics on trees. A graphical output is controlled by
% dstats_tree. Input trees can be organized as:
% .single tree
% .one group of trees: {tree1, tree2,... treen}
% .many groups of trees: {{treei1,...,treein},{treej1,...,treejm},...}
% Input
% -----
% - intrees::tree, cell array of trees or cell array of cell array of trees
% {DEFAULT: cell array of trees trees}
% - s::cell array of strings: names of the groups of cells. Must be
% organized like intrees input.
% - name::string: file name with path if statistics should be saved as
% ".sts" file
% - options::string: {DEFAULT: '-w -s -x'}
% '-s' : show results
% '-w' : waitbar
% '-2d' : 2d tree, concerns hulls
% '-x' : no extras (much much less time consuming)
% '-f' : save as file
% Output
% -------
% - stats::structure: structure containing all statistics on sets of trees.
% Example
% -------
% stats_tree (sample_tree, [], [], '-s')
% See also
% Uses
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function [stats tname tpath] = stats_tree (intrees, s, tname, options)
% trees : contains the tree structures in the trees package
global trees
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(intrees),
intrees = trees; % {DEFAULT trees: full trees cell array}
% make intrees cell array convoluted to 2 depth:
if ~iscell (intrees)
intrees = {{intrees}};
if ~iscell (intrees {1})
intrees = {intrees};
lens = length (intrees);
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(s),
s = num2str ((1 : lens)'); % {DEFAULT strings: call tree groups '1', '2', ...}
if (nargin < 4)||isempty(options),
options = '-w -s -x'; % {DEFAULT: waitbar and show results}
if strfind(options,'-f') % save as file option
if (nargin<3)||isempty(tname),
[tname tpath] = uiputfile ('.sts','save trees statistics','trees.sts');
if tname==0,
tname = '';
tpath = '';
gstats = struct([]); dstats = struct([]);
if isempty (strfind (options, '-x')), % extras option
% sholl plot prescan:
maxlen = 0; % find longest euclidean distance to root among all trees
for te = 1 : lens,
for ward = 1 : length (intrees {te}),
maxy = max (eucl_tree (intrees{te}{ward}));
if maxlen < maxy, maxlen = maxy; end;
% this way we get a common ground for sholl
dsholl = 0 : round (1.1 * 2 * max (maxlen));
if findstr (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: initialization
HW = waitbar (0, 'extracting statistics tree by tree ...');
set (HW, 'Name', '..PLEASE..WAIT..YEAH..');
for te = 1 : lens, % walk through tree groups
if findstr (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: update
waitbar (te ./ lens, HW);
lent = length (intrees {te}); % number of trees in this group
% first initialize all parameter vectors:
% feature distributions over:
dstats(te).BO = {}; % branching order
dstats(te).Plen = {}; % metric path length [um]
dstats(te).peucl = {}; % ratio between path length and euclidean distance
dstats(te).angleB = {}; % angle at branch points [rad]
dstats(te).blen = {}; % branch lengths [um]
% global features
gstats(te).len = zeros(lent,1); % total length of tree [um]
gstats(te).max_plen = zeros(lent,1); % maximum metric path length [um]
gstats(te).bpoints = zeros(lent,1); % number of branching points
gstats(te).mpeucl = zeros(lent,1); % mean ratio of path length and euclidean distance
gstats(te).maxbo = zeros(lent,1); % maximum branching order
gstats(te).mangleB = zeros(lent,1); % mean angle at branch points [rad]
gstats(te).mblen = zeros(lent,1); % mean branch lengths [um]
gstats(te).mplen = zeros(lent,1); % mean path length (depends on node resolution) [um]
gstats(te).mbo = zeros(lent,1); % mean branch order
gstats(te).wh = zeros(lent,1); % height against width of spanning field
gstats(te).wz = zeros(lent,1); % z-range against width of spanning field
gstats(te).chullx = zeros(lent,1); % center of mass x
gstats(te).chully = zeros(lent,1); % center of mass y
gstats(te).chullz = zeros(lent,1); % center of mass z
if isempty (strfind (options, '-x')), % extras option
dstats(te).sholl = {}; % sholl intersections
dstats(te).asym = {}; % asymmetry at branching points
dstats(te).parea = {}; % area covered by one topological point
gstats(te).hull = zeros(lent,1); % convex hull area (volume)
gstats(te).uharea = zeros(lent,1); %
gstats(te).lharea = zeros(lent,1);
gstats(te).masym = zeros(lent,1); % mean asymmetry at branch points
gstats(te).mparea = zeros(lent,1); % mean area of voronoi pieces
for ward = 1 : lent,
len = len_tree (intrees{te}{ward}); % vector containing length values of tree segments [um]
Plen = Pvec_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, len); % path length from the root [um]
BO = BO_tree (intrees{te}{ward}); % branch order of each node (# BPs on way to root)
eucl = eucl_tree (intrees{te}{ward}); % euclidean distances of nodes to root [um]
iBB = B_tree (intrees{te}{ward}); % vector containing 1 where branch point 0 else
iBT = T_tree (intrees{te}{ward}) | iBB; % 1 branch or termination points 0 else
dstats(te).BO{ward} = BO (iBT); % branch order of topological points
dstats(te).Plen{ward} = Plen (iBT); % metric path lengths of topological points
peucl = eucl (iBT) ./ Plen (iBT);
dstats(te).peucl{ward} = peucl; % ratios between euclidean and metric path length
% branching angles:
dstats(te).angleB{ward} = angleB_tree (intrees{te}{ward});
% dissect trees into individual branches (for branch length
% distribution):
sect = dissect_tree (intrees{te}{ward});
blen_d = diff (Plen(sect), [], 2);
dstats(te).blen{ward} = blen_d (blen_d > 0.2);
if isempty (strfind (options, '-x')), % extras option
% asymmetry:
dstats(te).asym{ward} = asym_tree (intrees{te}{ward},...
T_tree (intrees{te}{ward}));
% sholl analysis:
dstats(te).sholl{ward} = sholl_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, dsholl);
% calculate convex hull area and put in "ahull"
if strfind (options, '-2d'),
[khull ahull] = convhull ( intrees{te}{ward}.X, intrees{te}{ward}.Y);
[khull ahull] = convhulln ([intrees{te}{ward}.X, intrees{te}{ward}.Y, ...
gstats(te).hull(ward) = ahull; % convex hull area (volume)
% density calculation:
if strfind (options, '-2d'),
dhull = hull_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, [], [], [], [], '-2d');
[Xt Yt] = cpoints(dhull); points = [Xt Yt];
[HP VO KK vol] = vhull_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, [], points, ...
find (iBT), [], '-2d');
dhull = hull_tree(intrees{te}{ward},[],[],[],[],'none');
points = dhull.vertices;
[HP VO KK vol] = vhull_tree (intrees{te}{ward}, [], points, ...
find (iBT), [], 'none');
dstats(te).parea{ward} = vol;
gstats(te).len(ward) = sum (len); % total length of tree [um]
gstats(te).max_plen(ward) = max (Plen); % maximum metric path length [um]
gstats(te).bpoints(ward) = sum (iBB); % number of branching points
% mean ratio of path length and euclidean distance
% (nanmean(peucl) with statistics toolbox):
gstats(te).mpeucl(ward) = mean (peucl (~isnan (peucl)));
% maximum branching order:
gstats(te).maxbo(ward) = max (dstats(te).BO{ward});
% mean angle at branch points [rad]:
gstats(te).mangleB(ward) = mean (dstats(te).angleB{ward}(~isnan (dstats(te).angleB{ward})));
% mean branch lengths [um]:
gstats(te).mblen(ward) = mean (dstats(te).blen{ward});
% mean path length (depends on node resolution) [um]:
gstats(te).mplen(ward) = mean (Plen);
% mean branch order
gstats(te).mbo(ward) = mean (dstats(te).BO{ward});
if isempty (strfind (options, '-x')), % extras option
gstats(te).mparea(ward) = mean (dstats(te).parea{ward});
[cx cy] = cpoints (dhull);
cy_uh = cy; cy_uh(cy_uh < 0) = 0;
cy_lh = cy; cy_lh(cy_lh > 0) = 0;
gstats(te).uharea(ward) = polyarea (cx, cy_uh);
gstats(te).lharea(ward) = polyarea (cx, cy_lh);
% mean asymmetry at branch points:
gstats(te).masym(ward) = mean (dstats(te).asym{ward}(~isnan (dstats(te).asym{ward})));
gstats(te).chullx(ward) = mean (intrees{te}{ward}.X);
gstats(te).chully(ward) = mean (intrees{te}{ward}.Y);
gstats(te).chullz(ward) = mean (intrees{te}{ward}.Z);
gstats(te).wh(ward) = (max (intrees{te}{ward}.X) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.X)) ./ ...
(max (intrees{te}{ward}.Y) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.Y));
if isinf (gstats(te).wh(ward)), gstats(te).wh(ward) = 0; end;
gstats(te).wz(ward) = (max (intrees{te}{ward}.X) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.X)) ./ ...
(max (intrees{te}{ward}.Z) - min (intrees{te}{ward}.Z));
if isinf (gstats(te).wz(ward)), gstats(te).wz(ward) = 0; end;
if strfind (options, '-w'), % waitbar option: close
close (HW);
stats.gstats = gstats;
stats.dstats = dstats;
stats.s = s;
if exist ('dsholl', 'var'),
stats.dsholl = dsholl;
if isempty (strfind (options, '-x')),
stats.extras = 1; % flag indicating that extras have been calculated
if strfind (options, '-2d'),
stats.dim = 2; % indicate that hulls were calculated for 2D
stats.dim = 3; % indicate that hulls were calculated for 3D
if strfind (options, '-f'),
if tname ~= 0,
save ([tpath tname], 'stats');
if strfind (options, '-s'), % show option, see "dstats_tree"
dstats_tree (stats, [], '-d -c -g');