Main issues, not entirely completed files: - clone_tree, gscale_tree - stats_tree, dstats_tree - neurolucida_tree - simplified hull/vhull for quick and XYZ - profile the GUI - delete_tree: issue with regions (B=bug, BB= serious bug) and suggested improvements (N=new) Known issues: - B redirect_tree: after deleting the root redirect does not work - B quaddiameter_tree: was fitted only to approx 1000um, beyond that does nonsense - N branch_tree: a function which returns the nodes of a branch, input is a node from the branch - N strahler_tree: calculate strahler order - N etau_tree/cap_tree: time course of current injection (non-steady-state electrotonics) - N diameter-related and other statistics - N plot_tree: no alpha mapping - B cyl_tree: has no '-s' option - B ver_tree: does not have input in trees array - N insert_tree: output where new nodes went in new tree - B neuron_tree: replace underscore region names GUI related: - N export GUI axes to matlab '.fig' - N ele_ panel: .electrode positions and names; .synapse positions and names; .electrical synapses connecting two cells .simple neuron run_ function - N cam_ panel: . create camera paths . export to povray and blender for movies . internal movie function - BB jumpy rotation - B printing page size not under my control - N until now: zmaxcursoronstack looks only at active stack - N sdiametertestimage not implemented - BB colorbar crashes when left on - stk_ edit: cutout in 2 dimension (shift-c) does not always work - specific GUI problem identification: .vis_cla line ~497 colorbar .vis_tight problem line ~540 .vis_cbar line ~670 colorbar .vis_jpg can't set page size .vis_cmap_t5/t0 cbar problems line ~896 .incorporate_tree malfunction line ~5538 .cat_cleartree colorbar line ~1738