% basic functions that have nothing to do with TREES
% Files
%   deg2rad             - Transposes from degrees to radians.
%   eucdist             - 2D Euclidean distances between two sets of points.
%   gauss               - Gauss function output.
%   gifmaker            - Simple movie on transparent background.
%   rad2deg             - Transposes from radians to degrees.
%   rotation_matrix     - Calculates rotation matrix for given angles.
%   roundshow           - a 3D round show of a plot.
%   scalebar            - Add a scalebar to a plot.
%   shine               - Add some effects on current axis.
%   tprint              - Simplified printing.
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009  Hermann Cuntz