% SCALEBAR Add a scalebar to a plot.
% (scheme package)
% HP = scalebar (unit, pos)
% -------------------------
% Adds a scalebar to the figure.
% Input
% -----
% - unit::string: {DEFAULT: micrometer, '\mum'}
% - pos::string: position {DEFAULT: southwest '-sw'}
% '-sw' : southwest
% '-se' : southeast
% '-nw' : northwest
% '-ne' : northeast
% Output
% ------
% HP::handles: HP links to the graphical objects
% Example
% -------
% plot_tree (sample_tree); axis off;
% scalebar;
% See also start_trees
% Uses
% the TREES toolbox: edit, visualize and analyze neuronal trees
% Copyright (C) 2009 Hermann Cuntz
function HP = scalebar (unit, pos)
if (nargin < 1)||isempty(unit),
unit = '\mum'; % {DEFAULT: micrometer unit}
if (nargin < 2)||isempty(pos),
pos = '-sw'; % {DEFAULT: position southwest}
dx = xlim;
ddx = (dx (2) - dx (1)) / 5;
rddx = (10 ^ (floor (log10 (ddx))));
ddx = round (ddx ./ rddx) .* rddx;
if strcmp (pos, '-sw'),
ddx2 = 0.05 .* (dx (2) - dx (1)) + dx (1);
dy = ylim; ddy = 0.05 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
ddy3 = 0.07 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
HPL = line ([ddx2 ddx2+ddx], [ddy ddy]);
HPT = text (ddx2, ddy3, [num2str(ddx) ' ' unit]);
elseif strcmp (pos, '-se'),
ddx2 = 0.95 .* (dx (2) - dx (1)) + dx (1);
dy = ylim; ddy = 0.05 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
ddy3 = 0.07 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
HPL = line ([ddx2 ddx2-ddx], [ddy ddy]);
HPT = text (ddx2 - ddx, ddy3, [num2str(ddx) ' ' unit]);
elseif strcmp (pos, '-ne'),
ddx2 = 0.95 .* (dx (2) - dx (1)) + dx (1);
dy = ylim; ddy = 0.90 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
ddy3 = 0.92 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
HPL = line ([ddx2 ddx2-ddx], [ddy ddy]);
HPT = text (ddx2 - ddx, ddy3, [num2str(ddx) ' ' unit]);
elseif strcmp (pos, '-nw'),
ddx2 = 0.05 .* (dx (2) - dx (1)) + dx (1);
dy = ylim; ddy = 0.90 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
ddy3 = 0.92 .* (dy (2) - dy (1)) + dy (1);
HPL = line ([ddx2 ddx2+ddx], [ddy ddy]);
HPT = text (ddx2, ddy3, [num2str(ddx) ' ' unit]);
set (HPL, 'color', [0 0 0], 'linewidth', 2);
set (HPT, 'fontsize', 12, 'verticalAlignment', 'bottom');
HP = [HPL; HPT];