# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# glmcc_validation_network.py
# Author: Anno Kurth
# Contact: a.kurth@fz-juelich.de
# Before running create directory 'data' in WD
import numpy as np
import os
import nest
import csv
abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
path, tail = os.path.split(abspath)
data_dir = os.path.join(path, 'data')
Simulation setup
N_mpi = 1 # number of mpi processes
N_cpus = 8 # number of CPUs per mpi process
N_vps = N_mpi*N_cpus
Experimental Setup
Network parameters changing for different experimental setups corresponding to
avergage incoming excitatory connections of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200
setup = [
{'avg_inp_ex' : 10, # average number of incoming excitatory connections
'scal_poi_ex' : 1.1, # scaling rate Poisson-input for excitatory neurons
'scal_poi_in' : 1.2, # sclaing rate Poisson-input for inhibitory neurons
'I_e_ex' : -0.32, # external current injected to excitatory neurons
'I_e_in' : -0.32}, # etxernal current injected to inhibitory neurons
{'avg_inp_ex' : 20,
'scal_poi_ex' : 1.1,
'scal_poi_in' : 1.2,
'I_e_ex' : -0.28,
'I_e_in' : -0.28},
{'avg_inp_ex' : 50,
'scal_poi_ex' : 1.1,
'scal_poi_in' : 1.2,
'I_e_ex' : -0.19,
'I_e_in' : -0.19},
{'avg_inp_ex' : 100,
'scal_poi_ex' : 1.1,
'scal_poi_in' : 1.2,
'I_e_ex' : -0.06,
'I_e_in' : -0.06},
{'avg_inp_ex' : 200,
'scal_poi_ex' : 1.1,
'scal_poi_in' : 1.3,
'I_e_ex' : 0.31,
'I_e_in' : 0.3}
setup_number = 3 # number defining given experimental setup
Assigning simulation parameters
dt = 0.1 # time resolution in ms
simtime = 10. # 1000.*60*90 # simtime in ms
delay = 2.
Definition of network parameters
model = 'iaf_psc_exp' # neuron model
N_neurons = int(1e4) # total number of neurons
NI = N_neurons//5 # number of inhibitory neurons
NE = N_neurons - NI # number of excitatory neurons
N_rec = 100 # total number neurons to be recorded from
NI_rec = N_rec//5 # number of inhibitory neurons recorded from
NE_rec = N_rec - NI_rec # number of excitatory neurons recorded from
g = 7.5 # ratio of inhibitory weight/excitatory weight
avg_inp_ex = setup[setup_number]['avg_inp_ex'] # average input from excitatory neurons
scal_poi_ex = setup[setup_number]['scal_poi_ex'] # scaling rate Poisson-input
scal_poi_in = setup[setup_number]['scal_poi_in'] # scaling rate Poissin-input
I_e_ex = setup[setup_number]['I_e_ex'] # external current to exc-neurons
I_e_in = setup[setup_number]['I_e_in'] # external current to inh-neurons
Definition of single neuron parameters
See Zaytsev, Morrison, Deger, Reconstruction of recurrent synaptic connectivity
of thousands of neurons from simulated spiking activity,
J Comput Neurosci (2015) 39:77-103, DOI 10.1007/s10827-015-0565-5
neuron_params = {'C_m': 0.45, # membrane capacitance in pF
'tau_m': 20.0, # membrane time constant in ms
'tau_syn_ex': 0.5, # synpatic time constant for EPSC in ms
'tau_syn_in': 0.5, # synpatic time constant for IPSC in ms
't_ref': 2.0, # refractory period in ms
'E_L': 0.0, # resting potential in mV
'V_reset': 0.0, # spike after-potential in mV
'V_m': 0.0, # initial membrane potential in mV
'V_th': 20.0} # threshold in mV
Definition of connectivity parameters
CE = int(np.round(avg_inp_ex*N_neurons/NE)) # indegree of excitatory connections
CI = 2*CE # indegree of inhibitory connections
J_ex = 2.
J_in = -g*J_ex
T_start = 100. # start of recording in ms
Definition of external rate
nu_th = neuron_params['V_th']/(J_ex*CE*neuron_params['tau_m'])
nu_th = 1000.*nu_th*CE
nu_ex = scal_poi_ex*nu_th # rate of Poisson noise to excitatory neurons
nu_in = scal_poi_in*nu_th # rate of Poisson noise to inhibitory neurons
Configuration of simulation kernel
nest.SetKernelStatus({'print_time': False,
'resolution': dt,
'total_num_virtual_procs': N_vps,
'overwrite_files': True})
msd = 123456
nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': range(msd+N_vps+1, msd+2*N_vps+1)})
Configuration of chosen model for simulation
nest.SetDefaults(model, neuron_params)
nest.CopyModel('poisson_generator', 'noise_ex', {'rate': nu_ex})
nest.CopyModel('poisson_generator', 'noise_in', {'rate': nu_in})
Creation of nodes
nodes_ex = nest.Create(model, NE)
nodes_in = nest.Create(model, NI)
nodes_rec = nodes_ex[:NE_rec] + nodes_in[:NI_rec]
noise_ex = nest.Create('noise_ex')
noise_in = nest.Create('noise_in')
espikes = nest.Create('spike_detector')
ispikes = nest.Create('spike_detector')
spikes = nest.Create('spike_detector')
Configuration of neurons
nest.SetStatus(nodes_ex, [{'I_e': I_e_ex}])
nest.SetStatus(nodes_in, [{'I_e': I_e_in}])
Configuration of spike detectors
nest.SetStatus(espikes, [{'label': os.path.join(data_dir, 'spikes_ex'),
'withtime': True,
'withgid': True,
'to_file': True}])
nest.SetStatus(ispikes, [{'label': os.path.join(data_dir, 'spikes_in'),
'withtime': True,
'withgid': True,
'to_file': True}])
nest.CopyModel('static_synapse', 'excitatory', {'weight': J_ex, 'delay': delay})
syn_params_ex = {'model': 'excitatory'}
conn_params_ex = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CE}
conn_params_in = {'rule': 'fixed_indegree', 'indegree': CI}
nest.Connect(noise_ex, nodes_ex, syn_spec=syn_params_ex)
nest.Connect(noise_in, nodes_in, syn_spec=syn_params_ex)
nest.Connect(nodes_ex, nodes_ex+nodes_in, conn_params_ex,
{'model': 'static_synapse', 'weight': J_ex, 'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(nodes_in, nodes_ex+nodes_in, conn_params_in,
{'model': 'static_synapse', 'weight': J_in, 'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(nodes_ex[0:NE_rec], espikes)
nest.Connect(nodes_in[0:NI_rec], ispikes)
Simulation of the network
conns = nest.GetStatus(nest.GetConnections(nodes_rec, nodes_rec),
keys=['target', 'source', 'weight'])
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'connections.csv'), 'w') as out:
csv_out = csv.writer(out)
csv_out.writerow(['target', 'source', 'weight'])
for row in conns: