 *                                                                 *
 * File          : band.c                                          *
 * Programmers   : Scott D. Cohen and Alan C. Hindmarsh, and       *
 *                 Radu Serban @ LLNL                              *
 * Version of    : 26 June 2002                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California *
 * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory          *
 * All rights reserved                                             *
 * For details, see sundials/shared/LICENSE                        *
 * This is the implementation file for a generic BAND linear       *
 * solver package.                                                 *
 *                                                                 *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "band.h"
#include "sundialstypes.h"
#include "sundialsmath.h"

#define ZERO RCONST(0.0)
#define ONE  RCONST(1.0)

#define ROW(i,j,smu) (i-j+smu)

/* Implementation */

BandMat BandAllocMat(integertype N, integertype mu, integertype ml, 
                     integertype smu)
  BandMat A;

  if (N <= 0) return(NULL);
  A = (BandMat) malloc(sizeof *A);
  if (A == NULL) return (NULL);

  A->data = bandalloc(N, smu, ml);
  if (A->data == NULL) {
  A->size = N;
  A->mu = mu;
  A->ml = ml;
  A->smu = smu;


integertype *BandAllocPiv(integertype N)
  if (N <= 0) return(NULL);
  return((integertype *) malloc(N * sizeof(integertype)));

integertype BandFactor(BandMat A, integertype *p)
  return(gbfa(A->data, A->size, A->mu, A->ml, A->smu, p));

void BandBacksolve(BandMat A, integertype *p, realtype *b)
  gbsl(A->data, A->size, A->smu, A->ml, p, b);

void BandZero(BandMat A)
  bandzero(A->data, A->size, A->mu, A->ml, A->smu);

void BandCopy(BandMat A, BandMat B, integertype copymu, 
              integertype copyml)
  bandcopy(A->data, B->data, A->size, A->smu, B->smu, copymu, copyml);

void BandScale(realtype c, BandMat A)
  bandscale(c, A->data, A->size, A->mu, A->ml, A->smu);

void BandAddI(BandMat A)
  bandaddI(A->data, A->size, A->smu);

void BandFreeMat(BandMat A)

void BandFreePiv(integertype *p)

void BandPrint(BandMat A)
  bandprint(A->data, A->size, A->mu, A->ml, A->smu);

realtype **bandalloc(integertype n, integertype smu, 
                     integertype ml)
  realtype **a;
  integertype j, colSize;

  if (n <= 0) return(NULL);

  a = (realtype **) malloc(n * sizeof(realtype *));
  if (a == NULL) return(NULL);

  colSize = smu + ml + 1;
  a[0] = (realtype *) malloc(n * colSize * sizeof(realtype));
  if (a[0] == NULL) {

  for (j=1; j < n; j++) a[j] = a[0] + j * colSize;


integertype *bandallocpiv(integertype n)
  if (n <= 0) return(NULL);

  return((integertype *) malloc(n * sizeof(integertype)));

integertype gbfa(realtype **a, integertype n, integertype mu, 
                 integertype ml, integertype smu, integertype *p)
  integertype c, r, num_rows;
  integertype i, j, k, l, storage_l, storage_k, last_col_k, last_row_k;
  realtype *a_c, *col_k, *diag_k, *sub_diag_k, *col_j, *kptr, *jptr;
  realtype max, temp, mult, a_kj;
  booleantype swap;

  /* zero out the first smu - mu rows of the rectangular array a */

  num_rows = smu - mu;
  if (num_rows > 0) {
    for (c=0; c < n; c++) {
      a_c = a[c];
      for (r=0; r < num_rows; r++) {
	a_c[r] = ZERO;

  /* k = elimination step number */

  for (k=0; k < n-1; k++, p++) {
    col_k     = a[k];
    diag_k    = col_k + smu;
    sub_diag_k = diag_k + 1;
    last_row_k = MIN(n-1,k+ml);

    /* find l = pivot row number */

    max = ABS(*diag_k);
    for (i=k+1, kptr=sub_diag_k; i <= last_row_k; i++, kptr++) { 
      if (ABS(*kptr) > max) {
	max = ABS(*kptr);
    storage_l = ROW(l, k, smu);
    *p = l;
    /* check for zero pivot element */

    if (col_k[storage_l] == ZERO) return(k+1);
    /* swap a(l,k) and a(k,k) if necessary */
    if ( (swap = (l != k) )) {
      temp = col_k[storage_l];
      col_k[storage_l] = *diag_k;
      *diag_k = temp;

    /* Scale the elements below the diagonal in         */
    /* column k by -1.0 / a(k,k). After the above swap, */
    /* a(k,k) holds the pivot element. This scaling     */
    /* stores the pivot row multipliers -a(i,k)/a(k,k)  */
    /* in a(i,k), i=k+1, ..., MIN(n-1,k+ml).            */
    mult = -ONE / (*diag_k);
    for (i=k+1, kptr = sub_diag_k; i <= last_row_k; i++, kptr++)
      (*kptr) *= mult;

    /* row_i = row_i - [a(i,k)/a(k,k)] row_k, i=k+1, ..., MIN(n-1,k+ml) */
    /* row k is the pivot row after swapping with row l.                */
    /* The computation is done one column at a time,                    */
    /* column j=k+1, ..., MIN(k+smu,n-1).                               */
    last_col_k = MIN(k+smu,n-1);
    for (j=k+1; j <= last_col_k; j++) {
      col_j = a[j];
      storage_l = ROW(l,j,smu); 
      storage_k = ROW(k,j,smu); 
      a_kj = col_j[storage_l];

      /* Swap the elements a(k,j) and a(k,l) if l!=k. */
      if (swap) {
	col_j[storage_l] = col_j[storage_k];
	col_j[storage_k] = a_kj;

      /* a(i,j) = a(i,j) - [a(i,k)/a(k,k)]*a(k,j) */
      /* a_kj = a(k,j), *kptr = - a(i,k)/a(k,k), *jptr = a(i,j) */

      if (a_kj != ZERO) {
	for (i=k+1, kptr=sub_diag_k, jptr=col_j+ROW(k+1,j,smu);
	     i <= last_row_k;
	     i++, kptr++, jptr++)
	  (*jptr) += a_kj * (*kptr);
  /* set the last pivot row to be n-1 and check for a zero pivot */

  *p = n-1; 
  if (a[n-1][smu] == ZERO) return(n);

  /* return 0 to indicate success */


void gbsl(realtype **a, integertype n, integertype smu, integertype ml, 
          integertype *p, realtype *b)
  integertype k, l, i, first_row_k, last_row_k;
  realtype mult, *diag_k;
  /* Solve Ly = Pb, store solution y in b */
  for (k=0; k < n-1; k++) {
    l = p[k];
    mult = b[l];
    if (l != k) {
      b[l] = b[k];
      b[k] = mult;
    diag_k = a[k]+smu;
    last_row_k = MIN(n-1,k+ml);
    for (i=k+1; i <= last_row_k; i++)
      b[i] += mult * diag_k[i-k];
  /* Solve Ux = y, store solution x in b */
  for (k=n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
    diag_k = a[k]+smu;
    first_row_k = MAX(0,k-smu);
    b[k] /= (*diag_k);
    mult = -b[k];
    for (i=first_row_k; i <= k-1; i++)
      b[i] += mult*diag_k[i-k];

void bandzero(realtype **a, integertype n, integertype mu, 
              integertype ml, integertype smu)
  integertype i, j, colSize;
  realtype *col_j;

  colSize = mu + ml + 1;
  for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
    col_j = a[j]+smu-mu;
    for (i=0; i < colSize; i++)
      col_j[i] = ZERO;

void bandcopy(realtype **a, realtype **b, integertype n, integertype a_smu, 
              integertype b_smu, integertype copymu, integertype copyml)
  integertype i, j, copySize;
  realtype *a_col_j, *b_col_j;

  copySize = copymu + copyml + 1;
  for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
    a_col_j = a[j]+a_smu-copymu;
    b_col_j = b[j]+b_smu-copymu;
    for (i=0; i < copySize; i++)
      b_col_j[i] = a_col_j[i];

void bandscale(realtype c, realtype **a, integertype n, integertype mu, 
               integertype ml, integertype smu)
  integertype i, j, colSize;
  realtype *col_j;

  colSize = mu + ml + 1;

  for(j=0; j < n; j++) {
    col_j = a[j]+smu-mu;
    for (i=0; i < colSize; i++)
      col_j[i] *= c;

void bandaddI(realtype **a, integertype n, integertype smu)
  integertype j;
  for(j=0; j < n; j++)
    a[j][smu] += ONE;

void bandfreepiv(integertype *p)

void bandfree(realtype **a)

void bandprint(realtype **a, integertype n, integertype mu, integertype ml, 
               integertype smu)
  integertype i, j, start, finish;
  for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
    start = MAX(0,i-ml);
    finish = MIN(n-1,i+mu);
    for (j=0; j < start; j++) printf("%10s","");
    for (j=start; j <= finish; j++) {
      printf("%10g", a[j][i-j+smu]);