* File : cvbbdpre.h *
* Programmers : Michael Wittman, Alan C. Hindmarsh, and *
* Radu Serban @ LLNL *
* Version of : 26 June 2002 *
* Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California *
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory *
* All rights reserved *
* For details, see sundials/cvode/LICENSE *
* This is the header file for the CVBBDPRE module, for a *
* band-block-diagonal preconditioner, i.e. a block-diagonal *
* matrix with banded blocks, for use with CVODE, CVSpgmr, and *
* the parallel implementation of the NVECTOR module. *
* *
* Summary: *
* *
* These routines provide a preconditioner matrix for CVODE that *
* is block-diagonal with banded blocks. The blocking corresponds *
* to the distribution of the dependent variable vector y among *
* the processors. Each preconditioner block is generated from *
* the Jacobian of the local part (on the current processor) of a *
* given function g(t,y) approximating f(t,y). The blocks are *
* generated by a difference quotient scheme on each processor *
* independently. This scheme utilizes an assumed banded *
* structure with given half-bandwidths, mudq and mldq. *
* However, the banded Jacobian block kept by the scheme has *
* half-bandwiths mukeep and mlkeep, which may be smaller. *
* *
* The user's calling program should have the following form: *
* *
* #include "nvector_parallel.h" *
* #include "cvbbdpre.h" *
* ... *
* CVBBDData p_data; *
* ... *
* machEnv = M_EnvInit_Parallel(...); *
* ... *
* cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(...); *
* ... *
* p_data = CVBBDAlloc(Nlocal, mudq ,mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, *
* dqrely, gloc,cfn, f_data, cvode_mem); *
* ... *
* flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, pretype, gstype, maxl, delt, *
* CVBBDPrecon, CVBBDPSol, p_data); *
* ... *
* ier = CVode(...); *
* ... *
* CVBBDFree(p_data); *
* ... *
* CVodeFree(...); *
* *
* M_EnvFree_Parallel(machEnv); *
* *
* *
* The user-supplied routines required are: *
* *
* f = function defining the ODE right-hand side f(t,y). *
* *
* gloc = function defining the approximation g(t,y). *
* *
* cfn = function to perform communication need for gloc. *
* *
* *
* Notes: *
* *
* 1) This header file is included by the user for the definition *
* of the CVBBDData type and for needed function prototypes. *
* *
* 2) The CVBBDAlloc call includes half-bandwiths mudq and mldq *
* to be used in the difference-quotient calculation of the *
* approximate Jacobian. They need not be the true *
* half-bandwidths of the Jacobian of the local block of g, *
* when smaller values may provide a greater efficiency. *
* Also, the half-bandwidths mukeep and mlkeep of the retained *
* banded approximate Jacobian block may be even smaller, *
* to reduce storage and computation costs further. *
* For all four half-bandwidths, the values need not be the *
* same on every processor. *
* *
* 3) The actual name of the user's f function is passed to *
* CVodeMalloc, and the names of the user's gloc and cfn *
* functions are passed to CVBBDAlloc. *
* *
* 4) The pointer to the user-defined data block f_data, which is *
* passed to CVodeMalloc, is also passed to CVBBDAlloc, and *
* is available to the user in gloc and cfn. *
* *
* 5) For the CVSpgmr call, the preconditioning and Gram-Schmidt *
* types, pretype and gstype, are left to the user to specify. *
* *
* 6) Functions CVBBDPrecon and CVBBDPSol are never called by the *
* user explicitly; their names are simply passed to CVSpgmr. *
* *
* 7) Optional outputs specific to this module are available by *
* way of macros listed below. These include work space sizes *
* and the cumulative number of gloc calls. The costs *
* associated with this module also include nsetups banded LU *
* factorizations, nsetups cfn calls, and nps banded *
* backsolve calls, where nsetups and nps are CVODE optional *
* outputs. *
#ifdef __cplusplus /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
extern "C" {
#ifndef _cvbbdpre_h
#define _cvbbdpre_h
#include "cvode.h"
#include "sundialstypes.h"
#include "nvector.h"
#include "band.h"
* Type : CVLocalFn *
* The user must supply a function g(t,y) which approximates the *
* right-hand side function f for the system y'=f(t,y), and which *
* is computed locally (without inter-processor communication). *
* (The case where g is mathematically identical to f is allowed.)*
* The implementation of this function must have type CVLocalFn. *
* *
* This function takes as input the local vector size Nlocal, the *
* independent variable value t, the local realtype dependent *
* variable array ylocal, and a pointer to the user-defined data *
* block f_data. It is to compute the local part of g(t,y) and *
* store this in the realtype array glocal. *
* (Allocation of memory for ylocal and glocal is handled within *
* the preconditioner module.) *
* The f_data parameter is the same as that passed by the user *
* to the CVodeMalloc routine. *
* A CVLocalFn gloc does not have a return value. *
typedef void (*CVLocalFn)(integertype Nlocal, realtype t,
realtype *ylocal, realtype *glocal,
void *f_data);
* Type : CVCommFn *
* The user must supply a function of type CVCommFn which performs*
* all inter-processor communication necessary to evaluate the *
* approximate right-hand side function described above. *
* *
* This function takes as input the local vector size Nlocal, *
* the independent variable value t, the dependent variable *
* vector y, and a pointer to the user-defined data block f_data. *
* The f_data parameter is the same as that passed by the user to *
* the CVodeMalloc routine. The CVCommFn cfn is expected to save *
* communicated data in space defined with the structure *f_data. *
* A CVCommFn cfn does not have a return value. *
* *
* Each call to the CVCommFn cfn is preceded by a call to the *
* RhsFn f with the same (t,y) arguments. Thus cfn can omit any *
* communications done by f if relevant to the evaluation of g. *
typedef void (*CVCommFn)(integertype Nlocal, realtype t, N_Vector y,
void *f_data);
/*********************** Definition of CVBBDData *****************/
typedef struct {
/* passed by user to CVBBDAlloc, used by Precond/Psolve functions: */
void *f_data;
integertype mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep;
realtype dqrely;
CVLocalFn gloc;
CVCommFn cfn;
/* set by CVBBDPrecon and used by CVBBDPSol: */
BandMat savedJ;
BandMat savedP;
integertype *pivots;
/* set by CVBBDAlloc and used by CVBBDPrecon */
integertype n_local;
/* available for optional output: */
integertype rpwsize;
integertype ipwsize;
integertype nge;
} *CVBBDData;
/*************** Macros for optional outputs **********************
* *
* CVBBD_RPWSIZE(pdata) returns the size of the real work space, *
* in realtype words, used by this preconditioner module. *
* This size is local to the current processor. *
* *
* CVBBD_IPWSIZE(pdata) returns the size of the integer work *
* space, in integertype words, used by this preconditioner *
* module. This size is local to the current processor. *
* *
* CVBBD_NGE(pdata) returns the number of g(t,y) evaluations, *
* i.e. the number of calls to the gloc function, so far. *
#define CVBBD_RPWSIZE(pdata) (pdata->rpwsize)
#define CVBBD_IPWSIZE(pdata) (pdata->ipwsize)
#define CVBBD_NGE(pdata) (pdata->nge)
* Function : CVBBDAlloc *
* CVBBDAlloc allocates and initializes a CVBBDData structure *
* to be passed to CVSpgmr (and subsequently used by CVBBDPrecon *
* and CVBBDPSol. *
* *
* The parameters of CVBBDAlloc are as follows: *
* *
* Nlocal is the length of the local block of the vectors y etc. *
* on the current processor. *
* *
* mudq, mldq are the upper and lower half-bandwidths to be used *
* in the difference-quotient computation of the local *
* Jacobian block. *
* *
* mukeep, mlkeep are the upper and lower half-bandwidths of the *
* retained banded approximation to the local Jacobian *
* block. *
* *
* dqrely is an optional input. It is the relative increment *
* in components of y used in the difference quotient *
* approximations. To specify the default, pass 0. *
* The default is dqrely = sqrt(unit roundoff). *
* *
* gloc is the name of the user-supplied function g(t,y) that *
* approximates f and whose local Jacobian blocks are *
* to form the preconditioner. *
* *
* cfn is the name of the user-defined function that performs *
* necessary inter-processor communication for the *
* execution of gloc. *
* *
* f_data is a pointer to the optional user data block. *
* *
* CVBBDAlloc returns the storage allocated (type CVBBDData), *
* or NULL if the request for storage cannot be satisfied. *
CVBBDData CVBBDAlloc(integertype Nlocal, integertype mudq, integertype mldq,
integertype mukeep, integertype mlkeep, realtype dqrely,
CVLocalFn gloc, CVCommFn cfn,
void *f_data, void *cvode_mem );
* Function : CVReInitBBD *
* CVReInitBBD re-initializes the BBDPRE module when solving a *
* sequence of problems of the same size with CVSPGMR/CVBBDPRE, *
* provided there is no change in Nlocal, mukeep, or mlkeep. *
* After solving one problem, and after calling CVReInit to *
* re-initialize CVODE for a subsequent problem, call CVReInitBBD.*
* Then call CVReInitSpgmr or CVSpgmr if necessary, depending on *
* changes made in the CVSpgmr parameters, before calling CVode. *
* *
* The first argument to CVReInitBBD must be the pointer pdata *
* that was returned by CVBBDAlloc. All other arguments have *
* the same names and meanings as those of CVBBDAlloc. *
* *
* The return value of CVReInitBBD is 0, indicating success. *
int CVReInitBBD(CVBBDData pdata, integertype Nlocal,
integertype mudq, integertype mldq,
integertype mukeep, integertype mlkeep, realtype dqrely,
CVLocalFn gloc, CVCommFn cfn, void *f_data);
* Function : CVBBDFree *
* CVBBDFree frees the memory block p_data allocated by the call *
* to CVBBDAlloc. *
void CVBBDFree(CVBBDData pdata);
/****** Prototypes of functions CVBBDPrecon and CVBBDPSol *********/
int CVBBDPrecon(integertype N, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy,
booleantype jok, booleantype *jcurPtr,
realtype gamma, N_Vector ewt, realtype h, realtype uround,
long int *nfePtr, void *P_data, N_Vector vtemp1,
N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3);
int CVBBDPSol(integertype N, realtype t, N_Vector y,N_Vector fy, N_Vector vtemp,
realtype gamma, N_Vector ewt, realtype delta, long int *nfePtr,
N_Vector r, int lr, void *P_data, N_Vector z);
#ifdef __cplusplus