 *                                                                 *
 * File          : cvdiag.c                                        *
 * Programmers   : Scott D. Cohen and Alan C. Hindmarsh @ LLNL     *
 * Version of    : 26 June 2002                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California * 
 * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory          *
 * All rights reserved                                             *
 * For details, see sundials/cvode/LICENSE                         *
 * This is the implementation file for the CVODE diagonal linear   *
 * solver, CVDIAG.                                                 *
 *                                                                 *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cvdiag.h"
#include "cvode.h"
#include "sundialstypes.h"
#include "nvector.h"

/* Error Messages */

#define CVDIAG   "CVDiag-- "

#define MSG_CVMEM_NULL  CVDIAG "CVode Memory is NULL.\n\n"

#define MSG_MEM_FAIL  CVDIAG "A memory request failed.\n\n"

/* Other Constants */
#define FRACT RCONST(0.1)
#define ONE   RCONST(1.0)

 *                                                                *           
 * Types : CVDiagMemRec, CVDiagMem                                *
 * The type CVDiagMem is pointer to a CVDiagMemRec. This          *
 * structure contains CVDiag solver-specific data.                *
 *                                                                *

typedef struct {

  realtype di_gammasv; /* gammasv = gamma at the last call to setup */
                       /* or solve                                  */

  N_Vector di_M;       /* M = (I - gamma J)^{-1} , gamma = h / l1   */

  N_Vector di_bit;     /* temporary storage vector                  */

  N_Vector di_bitcomp; /* temporary storage vector                  */

} CVDiagMemRec, *CVDiagMem;

/* CVDIAG linit, lsetup, lsolve, and lfree routines */

static int CVDiagInit(CVodeMem cv_mem);

static int CVDiagSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
                       N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                       N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3);

static int CVDiagSolve(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector ycur,
                       N_Vector fcur);

static void CVDiagFree(CVodeMem cv_mem);

/* Readability Replacements */

#define N         (cv_mem->cv_N)
#define f         (cv_mem->cv_f)
#define f_data    (cv_mem->cv_f_data)
#define uround    (cv_mem->cv_uround)
#define tn        (cv_mem->cv_tn)
#define h         (cv_mem->cv_h)
#define rl1       (cv_mem->cv_rl1)
#define gamma     (cv_mem->cv_gamma)
#define ewt       (cv_mem->cv_ewt)
#define nfe       (cv_mem->cv_nfe)
#define errfp     (cv_mem->cv_errfp)
#define iopt      (cv_mem->cv_iopt)
#define zn        (cv_mem->cv_zn)
#define linit     (cv_mem->cv_linit)
#define lsetup    (cv_mem->cv_lsetup)
#define lsolve    (cv_mem->cv_lsolve)
#define lfree     (cv_mem->cv_lfree)
#define lmem      (cv_mem->cv_lmem)
#define machenv   (cv_mem->cv_machenv)
#define setupNonNull   (cv_mem->cv_setupNonNull)

#define gammasv   (cvdiag_mem->di_gammasv)
#define M         (cvdiag_mem->di_M)
#define bit       (cvdiag_mem->di_bit)
#define bitcomp   (cvdiag_mem->di_bitcomp)

/*************** CVDiag **********************************************

 This routine initializes the memory record and sets various function
 fields specific to the diagonal linear solver module.  CVDense first
 calls the existing lfree routine if this is not NULL.  Then it sets
 the cv_linit, cv_lsetup, cv_lsolve, cv_lfree fields in (*cvode_mem)
 to be CVDiagInit, CVDiagSetup, CVDiagSolve, and CVDiagFree,
 respectively.  It allocates memory for a structure of type
 CVDiagMemRec and sets the cv_lmem field in (*cvode_mem) to the
 address of this structure.  It sets setupNonNull in (*cvode_mem) to
 TRUE.  Finally, it allocates memory for M, bit, and bitcomp.
 The CVDiag return value is SUCCESS = 0, or LMEM_FAIL = -1.

int CVDiag(void *cvode_mem)
  CVodeMem cv_mem;
  CVDiagMem cvdiag_mem;

  /* Return immediately if cvode_mem is NULL */
  cv_mem = (CVodeMem) cvode_mem;
  if (cv_mem == NULL) {              /* CVode reports this error */
    fprintf(errfp, MSG_CVMEM_NULL);

  if (lfree !=NULL) lfree(cv_mem);
  /* Set four main function fields in cv_mem */
  linit  = CVDiagInit;
  lsetup = CVDiagSetup;
  lsolve = CVDiagSolve;
  lfree  = CVDiagFree;

  /* Get memory for CVDiagMemRec */
  lmem = cvdiag_mem = (CVDiagMem) malloc(sizeof(CVDiagMemRec));
  if (cvdiag_mem == NULL) {
    fprintf(errfp, MSG_MEM_FAIL);

  /* Set flag setupNonNull = TRUE */
  setupNonNull = TRUE;

  /* Allocate memory for M, bit, and bitcomp */
  M = N_VNew(N, machenv);
  if (M == NULL) {
    fprintf(errfp, MSG_MEM_FAIL);
  bit = N_VNew(N, machenv);
  if (bit == NULL) {
    fprintf(errfp, MSG_MEM_FAIL);
  bitcomp = N_VNew(N, machenv);
  if (bitcomp == NULL) {
    fprintf(errfp, MSG_MEM_FAIL);


/*************** CVDiagInit ******************************************

 This routine does remaining initializations specific to the diagonal
 linear solver.


static int CVDiagInit(CVodeMem cv_mem)
  CVDiagMem cvdiag_mem;
  cvdiag_mem = (CVDiagMem) lmem;

  /* Set workspace lengths */
  if (iopt != NULL) {
    iopt[DIAG_LRW] = N*3;
    iopt[DIAG_LIW] = 0;

/*************** CVDiagSetup *****************************************

 This routine does the setup operations for the diagonal linear 
 solver.  It constructs a diagonal approximation to the Newton matrix 
 M = I - gamma*J, updates counters, and inverts M.


static int CVDiagSetup(CVodeMem cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
                       N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr, 
                       N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype r;
  N_Vector ftemp, y;
  booleantype invOK;
  CVDiagMem cvdiag_mem;
  cvdiag_mem = (CVDiagMem) lmem;

  /* Rename work vectors for use as temporary values of y and f */
  ftemp = vtemp1;
  y     = vtemp2;

  /* Form y with perturbation = FRACT*(func. iter. correction) */
  r = FRACT * rl1;
  N_VLinearSum(h, fpred, -ONE, zn[1], ftemp);
  N_VLinearSum(r, ftemp, ONE, ypred, y);

  /* Evaluate f at perturbed y */
  f(N, tn, y, M, f_data);

  /* Construct M = I - gamma*J with J = diag(deltaf_i/deltay_i) */
  N_VLinearSum(ONE, M, -ONE, fpred, M);
  N_VLinearSum(FRACT, ftemp, -h, M, M);
  N_VProd(ftemp, ewt, y);
  /* Protect against deltay_i being at roundoff level */
  N_VCompare(uround, y, bit);
  N_VAddConst(bit, -ONE, bitcomp);
  N_VProd(ftemp, bit, y);
  N_VLinearSum(FRACT, y, -ONE, bitcomp, y);
  N_VDiv(M, y, M);
  N_VProd(M, bit, M);
  N_VLinearSum(ONE, M, -ONE, bitcomp, M);

  /* Invert M with test for zero components */
  invOK = N_VInvTest(M, M);
  if (!invOK) return(1);

  /* Set jcur = TRUE, save gamma in gammasv, and return */
  *jcurPtr = TRUE;
  gammasv = gamma;

/*************** CVDiagSolve *****************************************

 This routine performs the solve operation for the diagonal linear
 solver.  If necessary it first updates gamma in M = I - gamma*J.


static int CVDiagSolve(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector ycur,
                       N_Vector fcur)
  booleantype invOK;
  realtype r;
  CVDiagMem cvdiag_mem;

  cvdiag_mem = (CVDiagMem) lmem;
  /* If gamma has changed, update factor in M, and save gamma value */

  if (gammasv != gamma) {
    r = gamma / gammasv;
    N_VInv(M, M);
    N_VAddConst(M, -ONE, M);
    N_VScale(r, M, M);
    N_VAddConst(M, ONE, M);
    invOK = N_VInvTest(M, M);
    if (!invOK) return (1);

    gammasv = gamma;

  /* Apply M-inverse to b */
  N_VProd(b, M, b);

/*************** CVDiagFree ******************************************

 This routine frees memory specific to the diagonal linear solver.


static void CVDiagFree(CVodeMem cv_mem)
  CVDiagMem cvdiag_mem;
  cvdiag_mem = (CVDiagMem) lmem;
