* *
* File : nvector.h *
* Programmers : Radu Serban, LLNL *
* Version of : 26 June 2002 *
* Copyright (c) 2002, The Regents of the University of California *
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory *
* All rights reserved *
* For details, see sundials/shared/LICENSE *
* This is the header file for a generic NVECTOR package. *
* It defines the N_Vector and M_Env structures: *
* M_Env has an implementation-dependent 'content' field *
* which contains the data needed to generate a new *
* nvector in that implementation and an 'ops' filed *
* which is a structure listing operations acting on *
* such nvectors. *
* N_Vector has an implementation-dependent 'content' field *
* which contains the description and actual data of *
* the nvector and a 'menv' field which points to the *
* M_Env structure used in creating the nvector. *
* *
* Part I of this file contains type declarations for the *
* the following structures: _generic_M_Env, _generic_N_Vector, *
* and _generic_N_Vector_Ops, as well as references to pointers *
* to such structures (M_Env and N_Vector). *
* *
* Part II of this file contains the prototypes for the vector *
* kernels which operate on N_Vector. *
* *
* A particular implementation of an NVECTOR package must then *
* specify the 'content' fields of M_Env and N_Vector, define *
* the propotypes for kernel operations on those N_Vectors *
* (NOTE: kernel routine names must be unique to that *
* implementation), and finally provide an initialization *
* routine (which generates an M_Env with that particular *
* 'content' field and links the defined vector kernel routines *
* into the 'ops' field). *
* *
#ifdef __cplusplus /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
extern "C" {
#ifndef included_nvector_h
#define included_nvector_h
#include "sundialstypes.h" /* definition of types */
* Generic definitions of machine environment and N_Vector *
/* Forward reference for pointer to N_Vector_Ops object */
typedef struct _generic_N_Vector_Ops *N_Vector_Ops;
/* Forward reference for pointer to M_Env object */
typedef struct _generic_M_Env *M_Env;
/* Forward reference for pointer to N_Vector object */
typedef struct _generic_N_Vector *N_Vector;
/* Define array of N_Vectors */
typedef N_Vector *N_Vector_S;
/* Structure containing function pointers to vector operations */
struct _generic_N_Vector_Ops {
N_Vector (*nvnew)(integertype, M_Env);
N_Vector_S (*nvnewS)(integertype, integertype, M_Env);
void (*nvfree)(N_Vector);
void (*nvfreeS)(integertype, N_Vector_S);
N_Vector (*nvmake)(integertype, realtype *, M_Env);
void (*nvdispose)(N_Vector);
realtype* (*nvgetdata)(N_Vector);
void (*nvsetdata)(realtype *, N_Vector);
void (*nvlinearsum)(realtype, N_Vector, realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvconst)(realtype, N_Vector);
void (*nvprod)(N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvdiv)(N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvscale)(realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvabs)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvinv)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvaddconst)(N_Vector, realtype, N_Vector);
realtype (*nvdotprod)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
realtype (*nvmaxnorm)(N_Vector);
realtype (*nvwrmsnorm)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
realtype (*nvmin)(N_Vector);
realtype (*nvwl2norm)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
realtype (*nvl1norm)(N_Vector);
void (*nvonemask)(N_Vector);
void (*nvcompare)(realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector);
booleantype (*nvinvtest)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
booleantype (*nvconstrprodpos)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
booleantype (*nvconstrmask)(N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector);
realtype (*nvminquotient)(N_Vector, N_Vector);
void (*nvprint)(N_Vector);
/* A machine environment is a structure with an implementation
dependent 'content' representation (used to generate a new vector
in that implementation), a set of operations defined in the above
structure, and an ID tag */
struct _generic_M_Env {
void *content;
struct _generic_N_Vector_Ops *ops;
char tag[8];
/* A vector is a structure with an implementation dependent content
representation and a pointer to the machine environment
corresponding to that implementation */
struct _generic_N_Vector {
void *content;
struct _generic_M_Env *menv;
* Functions exported by nvector *
* Function : N_VNew *
* Usage : v = N_VNew(n, machEnv); *
* Returns a new N_Vector of length n. The parameter machEnv *
* is a pointer to machine environment-specific information. *
* If there is not enough memory for a new N_Vector, then *
* N_VNew returns NULL. *
N_Vector N_VNew(integertype n, M_Env machEnv);
* Function : N_VNew_S *
* Usage : v = N_VNew_S(ns, n, machEnv); *
* Returns an array of ns new N_Vectors of length n. The *
* parameter machEnv is a pointer to machine environment *
* specific information. *
* If there is not enough memory for a new array of N_Vectors *
* or for one of the components, then N_VNew_S returns NULL. *
N_Vector_S N_VNew_S(integertype ns, integertype n, M_Env machEnv);
* Function : N_VFree *
* Usage : N_VFree(v); *
* Frees the N_Vector v. It is illegal to use v after the call *
* N_VFree(v). *
void N_VFree(N_Vector v);
* Function : N_VFree_S *
* Usage : N_VFree_S(ns, vs); *
* Frees the array of ns N_Vectors vs. *
* It is illegal to use vs after the call N_VFree_S(Ns,vs). *
void N_VFree_S(integertype ns, N_Vector_S vs);
* Function : N_VMake *
* Usage : v = N_VMake(n, v_data, machEnv); *
* Creates an N_Vector with component array data allocated by *
* the user. *
N_Vector N_VMake(integertype n, realtype *v_data, M_Env machEnv);
* Function : N_VDispose *
* Usage : N_VDispose(v); *
* Destroys an N_Vector with component array data allocated by *
* the user. *
void N_VDispose(N_Vector v);
* Function : N_VGetData *
* Usage : v_data = N_VGetData(v); *
* Extracts the data component array from the N_Vector v. *
* Note: this routine is used in the solver-specific interfaces *
* to the dense and banded linear solvers, as well as the *
* interfaces to the banded preconditioners provided with *
* SUNDIALS. It needs not be implemented by a user *
* defined NVECTOR module, if these linear solvers are not*
* used. *
realtype *N_VGetData(N_Vector v);
* Function : N_VSetData *
* Usage : N_VSetData(v_data, v); *
* Attaches the data component array v_data to the N_Vector v. *
* Note: this routine is used in the solver-specific interfaces *
* to the dense and banded linear solvers, as well as the *
* interfaces to the banded preconditioners provided with *
* SUNDIALS. It needs not be implemented by a user *
* defined NVECTOR module, if these linear solvers are not*
* used. *
void N_VSetData(realtype *v_data, N_Vector v);
* Function : N_VLinearSum *
* Operation : z = a x + b y *
void N_VLinearSum(realtype a, N_Vector x, realtype b, N_Vector y,
N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VConst *
* Operation : z[i] = c for i=0, 1, ..., N-1 *
void N_VConst(realtype c, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VProd *
* Operation : z[i] = x[i] * y[i] for i=0, 1, ..., N-1 *
void N_VProd(N_Vector x, N_Vector y, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VDiv *
* Operation : z[i] = x[i] / y[i] for i=0, 1, ..., N-1 *
void N_VDiv(N_Vector x, N_Vector y, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VScale *
* Operation : z = c x *
void N_VScale(realtype c, N_Vector x, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VAbs *
* Operation : z[i] = |x[i]|, for i=0, 1, ..., N-1 *
void N_VAbs(N_Vector x, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VInv *
* Operation : z[i] = 1.0 / x[i] for i = 0, 1, ..., N-1 *
* This routine does not check for division by 0. It should be *
* called only with an N_Vector x which is guaranteed to have *
* all non-zero components. *
void N_VInv(N_Vector x, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VAddConst *
* Operation : z[i] = x[i] + b for i = 0, 1, ..., N-1 *
void N_VAddConst(N_Vector x, realtype b, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VDotProd *
* Usage : dotprod = N_VDotProd(x, y); *
* Returns the value of the ordinary dot product of x and y: *
* -> sum (i=0 to N-1) {x[i] * y[i]} *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VDotProd(N_Vector x, N_Vector y);
* Function : N_VMaxNorm *
* Usage : maxnorm = N_VMaxNorm(x); *
* Returns the maximum norm of x: *
* -> max (i=0 to N-1) |x[i]| *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VMaxNorm(N_Vector x);
* Function : N_VWrmsNorm *
* Usage : wrmsnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(x, w); *
* Returns the weighted root mean square norm of x with *
* weight vector w: *
* -> sqrt [(sum (i=0 to N-1) {(x[i] * w[i])^2}) / N] *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VWrmsNorm(N_Vector x, N_Vector w);
* Function : N_VMin *
* Usage : min = N_VMin(x); *
* Returns the smallest element of x: *
* -> min (i=0 to N-1) x[i] *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VMin(N_Vector x);
* Function : N_VWL2Norm *
* Usage : wl2norm = N_VWL2Norm(x, w); *
* Returns the weighted Euclidean L2 norm of x with *
* weight vector w: *
* -> sqrt [(sum (i=0 to N-1) {(x[i] * w[i])^2}) ] *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VWL2Norm(N_Vector x, N_Vector w);
* Function : N_VL1Norm *
* Usage : l1norm = N_VL1Norm(x); *
* Returns the L1 norm of x: *
* -> sum (i=0 to N-1) {ABS(x[i])} *
* Returns 0.0 if N <= 0. *
realtype N_VL1Norm(N_Vector x);
* Function : N_VOneMask *
* Operation : x[i] = 1.0 if |x[i]| != 0. i = 0, 1, ..., N-1 *
* 0.0 otherwise *
void N_VOneMask(N_Vector x);
* Function : N_VCompare *
* Operation : z[i] = 1.0 if |x[i]| >= c i = 0, 1, ..., N-1 *
* 0.0 otherwise *
void N_VCompare(realtype c, N_Vector x, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VInvTest *
* Operation : z[i] = 1.0 / x[i] with a test for x[i]==0.0 *
* before inverting x[i]. *
* This routine returns TRUE if all components of x are *
* non-zero (successful inversion) and returns FALSE *
* otherwise. *
booleantype N_VInvTest(N_Vector x, N_Vector z);
* Function : N_VConstrProdPos *
* Usage : booltest = N_VConstrProdPos(c,x); *
* Returns a boolean equal to *
* FALSE if some c[i] != 0.0 and x[i]*c[i] <= 0.0, or *
* TRUE otherwise. *
* *
* This routine is used for constraint checking. *
booleantype N_VConstrProdPos(N_Vector c, N_Vector x);
* Function : N_VConstrMask *
* Operation : m[i] = 1.0 if constraint test fails for x[i] *
* m[i] = 0.0 if constraint test passes for x[i] *
* where the constraint tests are as follows: *
* If c[i] = 2.0, then x[i] must be > 0.0. *
* If c[i] = 1.0, then x[i] must be >= 0.0. *
* If c[i] = -1.0, then x[i] must be <= 0.0. *
* If c[i] = -2.0, then x[i] must be < 0.0. *
* This routine returns a boolean FALSE if any element failed *
* the constraint test, TRUE if all passed. It also sets a *
* mask vector m, with elements equal to 1.0 where the *
* corresponding constraint test failed, and equal to 0.0 *
* where the constraint test passed. *
* This routine is specialized in that it is used only for *
* constraint checking. *
booleantype N_VConstrMask(N_Vector c, N_Vector x, N_Vector m);
* Function : N_VMinQuotient *
* Operation : minq = min ( num[i]/denom[i]) over all i such *
* that denom[i] != 0. *
* This routine returns the minimum of the quotients obtained *
* by term-wise dividing num[i] by denom[i]. A zero element *
* in denom will be skipped. If no such quotients are found, *
* then the large value 1.e99 is returned. *
realtype N_VMinQuotient(N_Vector num, N_Vector denom);
* Function : N_VPrint *
* Usage : N_VPrint(x); *
* Prints the N_Vector x to stdout. *
* This routine is provided as an aid in debugging code which *
* uses this vector package. *
void N_VPrint(N_Vector x);
#ifdef __cplusplus