* SimulinkBlockInterface.cpp *
* ------------------- *
* copyright : (C) 2011 by Jesus Garrido *
* *
* email : jgarrido@atc.ugr.es *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "./SimulinkBlockInterface.h"
using namespace std;
// Define input parameters
#define PARAMCONFIG ssGetSFcnParam(S,0) // Learning setting file
#define PARAMJOINTS ssGetSFcnParam(S,1) // Number of joints
#define PARAMSTATES ssGetSFcnParam(S,2) // Number of input states
#define PARAMWFILE ssGetSFcnParam(S,3) // Final weight file
#define PARAMWINITFILE ssGetSFcnParam(S,4) // Initial weight file
#define RANDINTERVAL(A,B) (rand()/double(RAND_MAX))*(B-A)+A
SimulinkBlockInterface::SimulinkBlockInterface(): PCTable(0), PCActivity(0), MFActivity(0), DCNActivity(0), PCWeights(0), MFWeights(0), PFPCLearning(0), MFDCNLearning(0), PCDCNLearning(0), NumberOfJoints(0), NumberOfStates(0), WeightNumber(0) {
SimulinkBlockInterface::~SimulinkBlockInterface() {
if (this->PCTable!=0){
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfStates; ++i){
delete [] this->PCTable[i];
delete [] this->PCTable;
this->PCTable = 0;
if (this->PCActivity!=0){
delete [] this->PCActivity;
if (this->MFActivity!=0){
delete [] this->MFActivity;
if (this->DCNActivity!=0){
delete [] this->DCNActivity;
if (this->MFWeights!=0){
delete [] this->MFWeights;
if (this->PCWeights!=0){
delete [] this->PCWeights;
if (this->PFPCLearning!=0){
delete [] this->PFPCLearning;
this->PFPCLearning = 0;
if (this->MFDCNLearning!=0){
delete [] this->MFDCNLearning;
this->MFDCNLearning = 0;
if (this->PCDCNLearning!=0){
delete [] this->PCDCNLearning;
this->PCDCNLearning = 0;
void SimulinkBlockInterface::InitializeSimulation(SimStruct *S){
// Initialize the Simulation Object
// Get the inputs.
char ConfigurationFile[128];
mxGetString(PARAMCONFIG, ConfigurationFile, 128);
char WFile[128];
mxGetString(PARAMWFILE, WFile, 128);
char WInitFile[128];
mxGetString(PARAMWINITFILE, WInitFile, 128);
//const double InitialMFDCNWeights [] = {7, 7, 29, 1, 14.5, 1};
//const double InitialPCDCNWeights [] = {7, 7, 19.5, 30, 11, 30};
//const double InitialMFDCNWeights [] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
//const double InitialPCDCNWeights [] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
//const double InitialMFDCNWeights [] = {16.5, 16.5, 68.5, 0, 34.76, 0};
//const double InitialPCDCNWeights [] = {16.5, 16.5, 45.35, 0, 24.61, 0};
const double InitialMFDCNWeights [] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
const double InitialPCDCNWeights [] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
//const double InitialMFDCNWeight = 30;
//const double InitialPCDCNWeight = 30;
DTypeId dtype4 = ssGetDTypeIdFromMxArray(PARAMJOINTS);
if (!(dtype4 == SS_UINT8 || dtype4 == SS_UINT16 || dtype4 == SS_UINT32)){
real_T * InputJoints = (real_T *)mxGetData(PARAMJOINTS);
unsigned int NumberOfElements = (unsigned int) mxGetNumberOfElements(PARAMJOINTS);
if (NumberOfElements>1){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid joint number - Non-scalar value");
if ((int)InputJoints[0] != InputJoints[0] || InputJoints[0]<0){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid joint number - Non-integer value");
this->NumberOfJoints = (int) InputJoints[0];
if (this->NumberOfJoints<=0){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Number of joints must be greater than 0");
// 3nd parameter -> State number.
dtype4 = ssGetDTypeIdFromMxArray(PARAMSTATES);
if (!(dtype4 == SS_UINT8 || dtype4 == SS_UINT16 || dtype4 == SS_UINT32)){
real_T * InputStates = (real_T *)mxGetData(PARAMSTATES);
unsigned int NumberOfElements = (unsigned int) mxGetNumberOfElements(PARAMSTATES);
if (NumberOfElements>1){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid state number - Non-scalar value");
if ((int)InputStates[0] != InputStates[0] || InputStates[0]<0){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Invalid state number - Non-integer value");
this->NumberOfStates = (int) InputStates[0];
if (this->NumberOfStates<=0){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Number of states must be greater than 0");
// Read learning rule configuration file
this->WeightFile = WFile;
this->PFPCLearning = (LearningRule *) new LearningRule [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->PFPCLearning){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PF-PC Learning");
this->MFDCNLearning = (LearningRule *) new LearningRule [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->MFDCNLearning){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating MF-DCN Learning");
this->PCDCNLearning = (LearningRule *) new LearningRule [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->PCDCNLearning){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PC-DCN Learning");
if (!this->ReadLearningConfig(ConfigurationFile)){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "File error in loading configuration file");
// Initialize table of states and joints
this->PCTable = (double **) new double* [this->NumberOfStates];
if (!this->PCTable){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PC Table memory");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<NumberOfStates; ++i){
this->PCTable[i] = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->PCTable[i]){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PC Table memory");
for (unsigned int j=0; j<this->NumberOfJoints; ++j){
this->PCTable[i][j] = 1;
//this->PCTable[i][j] = RANDINTERVAL(0,1);
this->PCActivity = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->PCActivity){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PC activity vector");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->PCActivity[i] = 0;
this->MFActivity = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->MFActivity){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating MF activity vector");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->MFActivity[i] = 0;
this->DCNActivity = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->DCNActivity){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating DCN activity vector");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->DCNActivity[i] = 0;
this->MFWeights = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->MFWeights){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating MF weight vector");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->MFWeights[i] = InitialMFDCNWeights[i];
//this->MFWeights[i] = RANDINTERVAL(0,20);
//this->MFWeights[i] = InitialMFDCNWeight;
this->PCWeights = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
if (!this->PCWeights){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error allocating PC weight vector");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->PCWeights[i] = InitialPCDCNWeights[i];
//this->PCWeights[i] = RANDINTERVAL(0,20);
//this->PCWeights[i] = InitialPCDCNWeight;
if (string(WInitFile)!=string("")){
void SimulinkBlockInterface::SimulateStep(SimStruct *S, int_T tid){
if (ssIsSampleHit(S,0,tid)){
// Get MF activity
InputPtrsType u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,0);
InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = (InputRealPtrsType) u;
double * MFActiv = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
real_T value = *uPtrs[i];
MFActiv[i] = value;
//ssPrintf("Input signal %i: Value %i\n",i,value);
// Get IO activity
u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,1);
uPtrs = (InputRealPtrsType) u;
double * IOActivity = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
real_T value = *uPtrs[i];
IOActivity[i] = value;
//ssPrintf("Input signal %i: Value %i\n",i,value);
// Get current state
u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,2);
InputInt16PtrsType uPtrs2 = (InputInt16PtrsType)u;
int CurrentState = (int) *uPtrs2[0];
if (CurrentState == 0){
if (!this->SaveWeights(this->WeightFile,this->WeightNumber)){
ssSetErrorStatus(S, "Error saving GR-PC weight matrix");
} else {
// Learning at PCTable
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
//if (IOActivity[i]>this->PFPCLearning.Threshold){
/*if (IOActivity[i]>this->PFPCLearning.Threshold){
this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] -= this->PFPCLearning.LTDStep;
if (this->PCTable[CurrentState-1][i]<0){
} else {
this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] += this->PFPCLearning.LTPStep;
if (this->PCTable[CurrentState-1][i]>1){
/*this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] +=
(-tanh(((IOActivity[i]-this->PFPCLearning[i].Threshold)*5))/2) + (this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep-this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep)/2.;*/
//this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] +=
// this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep-this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep*IOActivity[i];
this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] +=
this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep/pow((IOActivity[i] + 1),1000)-this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep*IOActivity[i];
if (this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] < 0){
this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] = 0;
} else if (this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] > 1){
this->PCTable[(CurrentState-1)%this->NumberOfStates][i] = 1;
// Meta-learning at parallel fibers
/*this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep = IOActivity[i]*this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTD;
if (this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep<this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTD){
this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep = this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTD;
this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep = this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTD;
/*this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep = IOActivity[i]*this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTP;
if (this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep<this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTP){
this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep = this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTP;
this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep = this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTP;
/*double A = (this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep-this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep)/(this->PFPCLearning[i].LTDStep+this->PFPCLearning[i].LTPStep);
double Threshold = IOActivity[i]/2.;
if (Threshold < this->PFPCLearning[i].MinThreshold){
Threshold = this->PFPCLearning[i].MinThreshold;
this->PFPCLearning[i].Threshold = -(1./2.*log((1+A)/(1-A)))/5.;*/
// Learning at MF-DCN
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
/*if (this->PCActivity[i]>0){
this->MFWeights[i] -= this->MFDCNLearning.LTDStep;
this->MFWeights[i] += this->MFDCNLearning.LTPStep;
if (this->MFWeights[i]<0){
this->MFWeights[i] = 0;
/*this->MFWeights[i] += (this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTPStep+this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTDStep)*
(1-tanh(((PCActivity[i]-0.5)*5))/2) + (this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTPStep-this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTDStep)/2.;*/
//this->MFWeights[i] += -this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTDStep*PCActivity[i] + this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTPStep;
this->MFWeights[i] += this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTPStep/pow((PCActivity[i] + 1),1000)-this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTDStep*PCActivity[i];
if (this->MFWeights[i] < 0){
this->MFWeights[i] = 0;
// Learning at PC-DCN
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
/*if (this->PCActivity[i]<1){
this->PCWeights[i] -= this->PCDCNLearning.LTDStep;
this->PCWeights[i] += this->PCDCNLearning.LTPStep;
if (this->PCWeights[i]<0){
this->PCWeights[i] = 0;
/*this->PCWeights[i] += (this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTPStep+this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTDStep)*
(tanh(((PCActivity[i]-0.5)*5))/2) + (this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTPStep-this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTDStep)/2.;*/
//this->PCWeights[i] += this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTPStep*PCActivity[i] - this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTDStep;
this->PCWeights[i] += this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTPStep*pow(PCActivity[i],1000)
- this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTDStep*(1-PCActivity[i]);
if (this->PCWeights[i] < 0){
this->PCWeights[i] = 0;
delete [] MFActiv;
delete [] IOActivity;
void SimulinkBlockInterface::AssignOutputs(SimStruct *S){
// Get MF activity
InputPtrsType u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,0);
InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = (InputRealPtrsType) u;
double * MFActiv = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
real_T value = *uPtrs[i];
MFActiv[i] = value;
//ssPrintf("Input signal %i: Value %i\n",i,value);
// Get IO activity
u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,1);
uPtrs = (InputRealPtrsType) u;
double * IOActivity = (double *) new double [this->NumberOfJoints];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
real_T value = *uPtrs[i];
IOActivity[i] = value;
//ssPrintf("Input signal %i: Value %i\n",i,value);
// Get current state
u = ssGetInputPortSignalPtrs(S,2);
InputInt16PtrsType uPtrs2 = (InputInt16PtrsType)u;
int CurrentState = (int) *uPtrs2[0];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->PCActivity[i] = this->PCTable[CurrentState][i];
this->MFActivity[i] = MFActiv[i];
this->DCNActivity[i] = this->MFActivity[i] * this->MFWeights[i] - this->PCActivity[i] * this->PCWeights[i]; // + IOActivity[i]*IODCNWEIGHT;
if (this->DCNActivity[i]<0){
// Get DCN Outputs
real_T * u1 = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0);
real_T * u2 = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1);
real_T * u3 = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2);
real_T * u4 = (real_T *) ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,3);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<NumberOfJoints; ++i){
u1[i] = (real_T) this->DCNActivity[i];
u2[i] = (real_T) this->PCActivity[i];
u3[i] = (real_T) this->MFWeights[i];
u4[i] = (real_T) this->PCWeights[i];
delete [] MFActiv;
delete [] IOActivity;
bool SimulinkBlockInterface::ReadLearningConfig(string ConfigFile){
string line;
ifstream myfile (ConfigFile.c_str());
if (myfile.is_open()){
// Load PF-PC meta-learning rule configuration
if (myfile.good()){
double MaxLTD, MinLTD, MaxLTP, MinLTP, MinThreshold;
myfile >> MaxLTD >> MinLTD >> MaxLTP >> MinLTP >> MinThreshold;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTD = MaxLTD;
this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTD = MinLTD;
this->PFPCLearning[i].MaxLTP = MaxLTP;
this->PFPCLearning[i].MinLTP = MinLTP;
this->PFPCLearning[i].MinThreshold = MinThreshold;
} else {
return false;
// Load MF-DCN learning rule configuration
if (myfile.good()){
double LTDStep, LTPStep, Threshold;
myfile >> LTDStep >> LTPStep >> Threshold;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTDStep = LTDStep;
this->MFDCNLearning[i].LTPStep = LTPStep;
this->MFDCNLearning[i].Threshold = Threshold;
} else {
return false;
// Load PC-DCN learning rule configuration
if (myfile.good()){
double LTDStep, LTPStep, Threshold;
myfile >> LTDStep >> LTPStep >> Threshold;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->NumberOfJoints; ++i){
this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTDStep = LTDStep;
this->PCDCNLearning[i].LTPStep = LTPStep;
this->PCDCNLearning[i].Threshold = Threshold;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
bool SimulinkBlockInterface::LoadWeights(string WeightFile){
ifstream myfile (WeightFile.c_str());
if (myfile.is_open()){
unsigned int i=0;
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfStates){
for (unsigned int j=0; j<this->NumberOfJoints && myfile.good(); ++j){
myfile >> this->PCTable[i][j];
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfJoints){
myfile >> this->MFWeights[i];
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfJoints){
myfile >> this->PCWeights[i];
return myfile.good();
bool SimulinkBlockInterface::SaveWeights(string ConfigFile, unsigned int iteration){
string Name = ConfigFile;
char* str = new char[30];
sprintf(str, "%.4u", iteration );
Name = Name.insert(Name.find_last_of('.'),string(str));
ofstream myfile (Name.c_str());
if (myfile.is_open()){
unsigned int i=0;
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfStates){
for (unsigned int j=0; j<this->NumberOfJoints && myfile.good(); ++j){
myfile << this->PCTable[i][j] << "\t";
if (myfile.good()){
myfile << endl;
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfJoints){
myfile << this->MFWeights[i] << "\t";
if (myfile.good()){
myfile << endl;
while (myfile.good() && i<this->NumberOfJoints){
myfile << this->PCWeights[i] << "\t";
delete [] str;
return myfile.good();