function [sys,x0,str,ts] = errormanagementmod(t,x,u,flag)
%SFUNTMPL General M-file S-function template
%   With M-file S-functions, you can define you own ordinary differential
%   equations (ODEs), discrete system equations, and/or just about
%   any type of algorithm to be used within a Simulink block diagram.
%   The general form of an M-File S-function syntax is:
%       [SYS,X0,STR,TS] = SFUNC(T,X,U,FLAG,P1,...,Pn)
%   What is returned by SFUNC at a given point in time, T, depends on the
%   value of the FLAG, the current state vector, X, and the current
%   input vector, U.
%   -----  ------             --------------------------------------------
%   0      [SIZES,X0,STR,TS]  Initialization, return system sizes in SYS,
%                             initial state in X0, state ordering strings
%                             in STR, and sample times in TS.
%   1      DX                 Return continuous state derivatives in SYS.
%   2      DS                 Update discrete states SYS = X(n+1)
%   3      Y                  Return outputs in SYS.
%   4      TNEXT              Return next time hit for variable step sample
%                             time in SYS.
%   5                         Reserved for future (root finding).
%   9      []                 Termination, perform any cleanup SYS=[].
%   The state vectors, X and X0 consists of continuous states followed
%   by discrete states.
%   Optional parameters, P1,...,Pn can be provided to the S-function and
%   used during any FLAG operation.
%   When SFUNC is called with FLAG = 0, the following information
%   should be returned:
%      SYS(1) = Number of continuous states.
%      SYS(2) = Number of discrete states.
%      SYS(3) = Number of outputs.
%      SYS(4) = Number of inputs.
%               Any of the first four elements in SYS can be specified
%               as -1 indicating that they are dynamically sized. The
%               actual length for all other flags will be equal to the
%               length of the input, U.
%      SYS(5) = Reserved for root finding. Must be zero.
%      SYS(6) = Direct feedthrough flag (1=yes, 0=no). The s-function
%               has direct feedthrough if U is used during the FLAG=3
%               call. Setting this to 0 is akin to making a promise that
%               U will not be used during FLAG=3. If you break the promise
%               then unpredictable results will occur.
%      SYS(7) = Number of sample times. This is the number of rows in TS.
%      X0     = Initial state conditions or [] if no states.
%      STR    = State ordering strings which is generally specified as [].
%      TS     = An m-by-2 matrix containing the sample time
%               (period, offset) information. Where m = number of sample
%               times. The ordering of the sample times must be:
%               TS = [0      0,      : Continuous sample time.
%                     0      1,      : Continuous, but fixed in minor step
%                                      sample time.
%                     PERIOD OFFSET, : Discrete sample time where
%                                      PERIOD > 0 & OFFSET < PERIOD.
%                     -2     0];     : Variable step discrete sample time
%                                      where FLAG=4 is used to get time of
%                                      next hit.
%               There can be more than one sample time providing
%               they are ordered such that they are monotonically
%               increasing. Only the needed sample times should be
%               specified in TS. When specifying than one
%               sample time, you must check for sample hits explicitly by
%               seeing if
%                  abs(round((T-OFFSET)/PERIOD) - (T-OFFSET)/PERIOD)
%               is within a specified tolerance, generally 1e-8. This
%               tolerance is dependent upon your model's sampling times
%               and simulation time.
%               You can also specify that the sample time of the S-function
%               is inherited from the driving block. For functions which
%               change during minor steps, this is done by
%               specifying SYS(7) = 1 and TS = [-1 0]. For functions which
%               are held during minor steps, this is done by specifying
%               SYS(7) = 1 and TS = [-1 1].

%   Copyright 1990-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 1.18 $

% The following outlines the general structure of an S-function.
switch flag,

  % Initialization %
  case 0,

  % Derivatives %
  case 1,

  % Update %
  case 2,

  % Outputs %
  case 3,

  % GetTimeOfNextVarHit %
  case 4,

  % Terminate %
  case 9,

  % Unexpected flags %
    error(['Unhandled flag = ',num2str(flag)]);


% end sfuntmpl

% mdlInitializeSizes
% Return the sizes, initial conditions, and sample times for the S-function.
function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes

% call simsizes for a sizes structure, fill it in and convert it to a
% sizes array.
% Note that in this example, the values are hard coded.  This is not a
% recommended practice as the characteristics of the block are typically
% defined by the S-function parameters.
sizes = simsizes;

sizes.NumContStates  = 0;
sizes.NumDiscStates  = 0;
sizes.NumOutputs     = 2;
sizes.NumInputs      = 5;
sizes.DirFeedthrough = 1;
sizes.NumSampleTimes = 1;   % at least one sample time is needed

sys = simsizes(sizes);

% initialize the initial conditions
x0  = [];

% str is always an empty matrix
str = [];

% initialize the array of sample times
ts  = [-1 0];

% end mdlInitializeSizes

% mdlDerivatives
% Return the derivatives for the continuous states.
function sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u)

sys = [];

% end mdlDerivatives

% mdlUpdate
% Handle discrete state updates, sample time hits, and major time step
% requirements.
function sys=mdlUpdate(t,x,u)

sys = [];

% end mdlUpdate

% mdlOutputs
% Return the block outputs.
function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u)

if    u(2)>0
       i1pos = 0;
        %if abs(u(3))<u(1)/5%5
            %i1neg =0.015+0.15/(1.+exp(-10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.));  %0.15+1.5/(1.+exp(-10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.));%antes 0.8
            i1neg =1-exp(-u(2)/u(1));  %0.15+1.5/(1.+exp(-10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.));%antes 0.8
        %    i1neg = 0.0;

elseif u(2)<0
      %if  abs(u(4))<u(1)/5%5
         %i1pos =0.015+0.15/(1.+exp(10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.)); %0.15+1.5/(1.+exp(10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.));
         i1pos =1-exp(u(2)/u(1)); %0.15+1.5/(1.+exp(10*(u(2)/u(1))+4.));
         % i1pos=0.20;
      % i1pos = 0.0;

sys=[i1pos i1neg];

% end mdlOutputs

% mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit
% Return the time of the next hit for this block.  Note that the result is
% absolute time.  Note that this function is only used when you specify a
% variable discrete-time sample time [-2 0] in the sample time array in
% mdlInitializeSizes.
function sys=mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit(t,x,u)

sampleTime = 1;    %  Example, set the next hit to be one second later.
sys = t + sampleTime;

% end mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit

% mdlTerminate
% Perform any end of simulation tasks.
function sys=mdlTerminate(t,x,u)

sys = [];

% end mdlTerminate