* Novel dendritic action potentials shape the computational 
* 	properties of human layer 2/3 cortical neurons( Gidon et al., 2019)
* written by 
* Athanasia Papoutsi and Albert Gidon


objref vbox
objref null

vbox = new VBox()


  xbutton("uncoupled/Figure 3: test pulse","test_pulse_uncoupled()")
  xbutton("uncoupled/Figure 3: pathway X","uncoupled(\"X\")")
  xbutton("uncoupled/Figure 3: pathway Y","uncoupled(\"Y\")")
  xbutton("uncoupled/Figure 3: pathway X + pathway Y","uncoupled(\"XY\")")
  xbutton("uncoupled/Figure 3: pathway X + pathway Y + inhibition","uncoupled(\"XY+inhib\")")

  xbutton("coupled/Figure S9: test pulse ","test_pulse_coupled()")
  xbutton("coupled/Figure S9: pathway X","coupled(\"X\")")
  xbutton("coupled/Figure S9: pathway X + pathway Y","coupled(\"XY\")")
  xbutton("coupled/Figure S9: pathway X + pathway Y + distal inhibition","coupled(\"XY+distal.inhib\")")
  xbutton("coupled/Figure S9: pathway X + proximal inhibition","coupled(\"X+proximal.inhib\")")

vbox.intercept(0)	//ends intercept mode
vbox.map()		//draw the box and its contents