* Most basic string object
begintemplate TString
	strdef s,format,regexp
	objref this,sf
	public s,append,insrt,c,exec,equal,fopen,cl
	public match,re
	proc init(){local i,n
		sf = new StringFunctions()
		i = argtype(1)
		n = numarg()
		s = ""
		format = "%s" //default for strdef or TString
		if(i == 0) format = "%f" //default for numbers
		if(n > 1) format = $s2 //user defined format
		if(i == 0) sprint(s,format,$1)
		if(i == 1) sprint(s,format,$o1.s)
		if(i == 2) sprint(s,format,$s1)
	//The return value is 0 for numbers, 1 for objref, 
	// 2 for strdef, and 3 for pointers for numbers
	// append(strdef[,format])
	// append(TString[,format])
	// append(number[,format])
	obfunc append(){local i,n
		i = argtype(1)
		n = numarg()
		format = "%s%s" //default for strdef or TString
		if(i == 0) format = "%s%f" //default for numbers
		if(n > 1) sprint(format,"%%s%s",$s2) //user defined format
		if(i == 0) sprint(s,format,s,$1)
		if(i == 1) sprint(s,format,s,$o1.s)
		if(i == 2) sprint(s,format,s,$s1)
		return this
	obfunc insrt(){local i
		i = argtype(1)
		if(i==0) {
		if(i==1) sprint(s,"%s%s",$o1.s,s)
		if(i==2) sprint(s,"%s%s",$s1,s)
		return this
	//get a new copy
	obfunc c(){localobj r		
		r = new TString(s)
		return r
	//clear or initialize
	obfunc cl(){
		s = ""
		if(numarg() > 0) s = $s1
		return this
	proc exec(){local ret
	func equal(){local i
		i = argtype(1)
		if(i==2) return (strcmp(s,$s1)==0)
		if(i==1) return (strcmp(s,$o1.s)==0)
	obfunc fopen(){localobj file
		file = new File(s)
			if($1==1) file.wopen()
			if($1==2) file.aopen()
			if($1==3) file.ropen()
		return file
	obfunc re(){local first_char,last_char localobj matchobj,tail,tmp,replaced
		regexp = $s1
		matchobj = new List()
		tail = new TString(s)
		tmp = new TString(s)
		last_char = sf.len(s)
		replaced = new TString("")
		first_char = 0
		while(first_char != last_char){ //-1 or 0 length string.
			//print "first_char,last_char",first_char,last_char
			matchobj.append(new TString(tmp))		
			first_char = sf.head(tail.s,regexp,tmp.s)//just to get the first char
			tmp.s = tail.s
			last_char = sf.tail(tail.s,regexp,tail.s) // now get the remainder of the string
		matchobj.append(replaced) //the last object is the original string without the regular expression
		//what to return?
		if (numarg() > 1){
			if(matchobj.count > $2 && $2 >= 0 ) return matchobj.o($2)
			if($2 < 0 && matchobj.count >= -$2) return matchobj.o(matchobj.count + $2)
			return new TString("")
			return matchobj
	func match(){
		regexp = $s1		
		return strcmp(re(regexp,1).s,"")!=0
	func remove(){
	regexp = $s1
endtemplate TString

* example

// objref f,l
// f = new TString("aosdaoks dnoiaksd434 333UUUU _Sdasd_3333_iiiiii")
// print f.s
// l =  f.re("doni[a-zA-Z0-9_]+")
// for i=0,l.count-1 print l.o(i).s 

// print "the second string (which is also the first match) is:",f.re("dnoi[a-zA-Z0-9]+",1).s
// print "found match (1=true,0=false): ", f.match("^[^ ]+")
// print "the match is: ", f.re("^[^ ]+",1).s
// remove all the numbers from the string
// l = f.re("[0-9]")
// print "replace by: ", l.o(l.count-1).s