# This file contains all the parameters.
# It is called by main.py
print '********'
print '* Init *'
print '********'
import os
isunix = lambda: os.name == 'posix'
import matplotlib
#if isunix():
# matplotlib.use('Agg') # no graphic link with Unix cluster for me
import brian_no_units
from brian import *
from scipy.io import *
from scipy import weave
from time import time
from time import localtime
from customrefractoriness import *
import pickle
import glob
set_global_preferences(useweave=True) # to compile C code
get_default_clock().set_dt(.1*ms) # set time step
# random state
randState = 0 # use this to specify it
# # use this for batches:
#rl = glob.glob('../data/rand*.mat')
#if len(rl)==0:
# randState = 0
# randState = int(rl[-1][12:15])+1
#savemat('../data/rand'+'%03d' % (randState)+'.mat',{'tmp':[]})
imposedEnd = Inf*second # imposed end time
N = 1000 # number of presynaptic neurons
nG = 1 # number of gmax values
nR = 1 # number of ratio LTD/LTP
M = nG*nR # number of postsynaptic neurons, numbered like that [ (r_0,g_0)...(r_0,g_nG),(r_1,g_0)...(r_1,g_nG),...,(r_nR,g_0)...(r_nR,g_nG)]
useSavedWeight = True # load previously dumped weights in ../data/weight.###.mat (if False, or if file not found then random initial weights will be used)
timeOffset = 0*second # simulation starts at t=timeOffset
jitter = 0e-3*second # add jitter to the input spike trains
graph = True # graph output
monitorInput = True # monitor input spikes
monitorOutput = True # monitor output spikes
monitorPot = True # monitor potential in output layer
monitorCurrent = False # monitor potential in output layer
monitorRate = False # monitor rates in output layer
isMonitoring = False # flag saying if currently monitoring
monitorTime = 990*second # start monitoring only at that time (to save memory)
analyzePeriod = 40 # periodically dump weights
# load pattern values (the values are only useful for plotting), but the length of the vector is used to scale gmax
if os.path.exists(os.path.join('..','data','realValuedPattern.'+'%03d' % (randState)+'.mat')):
realValuedPattern=loadmat(os.path.join('..','data','realValuedPattern.'+'%03d' % (randState)+'.mat'),squeeze_me=True)
# Types of output neurons
conductanceOutput = False # conductance-base output neurons (as opposed to LIF)
poissonOutput = True # stochastic (Poisson) output neurons (as opposed to deterministic). Note that their differential equations are the same as the LIF, but firing is stochastic.
#neurons (Dayan&Abbott 2001)
refractoryPeriod = 1*ms
if poissonOutput:
vt=400 # not used (just for graph scaling)
vr=-450 # not used
El=-200 # resting
vt=-54*mV # threshold
vr=-60*mV # reset
El=-70*mV # resting
Ee=0*mV # for excitatory conductance
taum = 10*ms # membrane time constant
taue=taum/4 # synapse time constant
sigma = 0*0.015*(vt-vr) # white Gaussian noise. Applies to input and output neurons
# array of max conductance values
unitaryEffect = taue/(taum-taue)*((taum/taue)**(-taue/(taum-taue))-(taum/taue)**(-taum/(taum-taue))) # this corresponds to the maximum of the kernel (exp(-t/taum) - exp(-t/taue)) taue / (taum-taue)
if poissonOutput:
gmax=0.1125/taue*exp(2*log(1.05)*(array(nR*range(nG))-nG/2)) # taue is in factor because the kernel in the paper is normalized
else: # LIF or gIF
gmax = 0.028*(vt-El)/unitaryEffect*exp(2*log(1.05)*(array(nR*range(nG))-nG/2)) # 1/0.028 is the number of synchronous input spikes arriving through maximally potentiated synapses needed to reach the threshold from the resting state
if conductanceOutput:
gmax /= (Ee-vt)
print 'gmax=' + str(gmax)
# initial synaptic weight are randomly picked (uniformly) between those two bounds
if poissonOutput: #
initialWeight_min = 0*7000.0/N # 0
initialWeight_max = 2*7000.0/N
initialWeight_min = 0*volt
initialWeight_max = 2000.0/N*35e-5*volt
burstingCriterion = .8 # unplug neurons whose mean normalized synaptic weight is above this value. This allows to save memory by not computing neurons whose normalized synaptic weights all go to 1.
nearestSpike = False # Implement "nearest spike" mode for STDP
tau_post=34.0*ms #(source: Bi & Poo 2001)
tau_pre=17.0*ms #(source: Bi & Poo 2001)
eta = 1e-3# learning rate
a_pre= 1.0 * eta # LTP magnitude
w_out = - 1.0 * eta # homeostatic rate-based terms (LTD)
# homeostatic rate-based terms (LTP):
w_in=zeros(M) # array of w_in/w_out ratios
for i in range(nR):
w_in[i*nG:(i+1)*nG] = -w_out*.5*exp(0*(i-nR/2)*.5*log(2))
a_post=zeros(M) # array of LTD/LTP ratios
for i in range(nR):
a_post[i*nG:(i+1)*nG] = -a_pre*1.05**-4*exp((i-nR/2)*2*log(1.05)) #
print 'normalized a_post/a_pre ratios' + str(a_post/a_pre)
mu = 0 # to interpolate between additive and multiplicative STDP (see Gutig et al. 2003)
def printtime(mess):
t = localtime()
print '%02d' % t[3] + ':' + '%02d' % t[4] + ' ' + mess
def listMatFile(directory,randState):
"get list of spike lists"
fileList = os.listdir(directory)
fileList = [f
for f in fileList
# e.g. spikeList.200.010.mat
# 01234567890123456789
if f[0:9] in ['spikeList'] and f[10:13] in ['%03d' % (randState)] and f[-4:] in ['.mat'] ]
return fileList
# Called whenever output neurons fire. Resets the potential and trigger STDP updates.
# Includes C code, will be compiled the first time it is called
# Param:
# P: NeuronGroup (output neurons)
# spikes: list of the indexes of the neuron that fire.
def neurons_reset(P,spikes):
if size(spikes):
if not poissonOutput:
P.v_[spikes]=vr # reset pot
if nearestSpike:
nspikes = size(spikes)
A_pre = mirror.A_pre_
code = '''
for(int si=0;si<nspikes;si++)
int i = spikes(si);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
double wnew;
wnew = _synW(j,i)+_gmax(i)*w_out;
if(wnew<0) wnew = 0.0;
if(mu==0) { /* additive. requires hard bound */
wnew += _gmax(i)*A_pre(j);
if(wnew>_gmax(i)) wnew = _gmax(i);
else { /* soft bound */
wnew += _gmax(i)*A_pre(j)*exp(mu*log(1-wnew/_gmax(i)));
_alreadyPotentiated(j,i) = true;
_synW(j,i) = wnew;
['spikes', 'nspikes', 'N', '_alreadyPotentiated', '_synW', '_gmax', 'A_pre', 'mu','w_out'],
_alreadyDepressed[:,spikes] = False
P.A_post_[spikes]=a_post[spikes] # reset A_post (~start a timer for future LTD)
else: # all spikes
nspikes = size(spikes)
A_pre = mirror.A_pre_
code = '''
for(int si=0;si<nspikes;si++)
int i = spikes(si);
for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
double wnew;
if(mu==0){ /* additive. requires hard bound */
wnew = _synW(j,i)+_gmax(i)*(w_out+A_pre(j));
if(wnew>_gmax(i)) wnew = _gmax(i);
if(wnew<0) wnew = 0.0;
else { /* soft bound */
wnew = _synW(j,i)+_gmax(i)*(w_out+A_pre(j)*exp(mu*log(1-_synW(j,i)/_gmax(i))));
if(wnew>_gmax(i)) wnew = _gmax(i);
if(wnew<0) wnew = 0.0;
_synW(j,i) = wnew;
['spikes', 'nspikes', 'N', '_synW', '_gmax', 'A_pre', 'mu','w_out'],
P.A_post_[spikes]+=a_post[spikes] # reset A_post (~start a timer for future LTD)
# Called whenever input neurons fire. Resets the potentials and trigger STDP updates.
# Note that mirror is a fake group that mirrors input neuron, only used for implementation issues.
# Includes C code, will be compiled the first time it is called
# Param:
# P: NeuronGroup (input neurons)
# spikes: list of the indexes of the neuron that fire.
def mirror_reset(P,spikes):
if size(spikes):
P.v_[spikes] = 0
if nearestSpike:
nspikes = size(spikes)
A_post = neurons.A_post_
code = '''
for(int si=0;si<nspikes;si++)
int i = spikes(si);
for(int j=0;j<M;j++)
double wnew;
wnew = _synW(i,j)+_gmax(j)*w_in(j);
if(wnew>_gmax(j)) wnew = _gmax(j);
if(mu==0) { /* additive. requires hard bound */
wnew += _gmax(j)*A_post(j);
if(wnew<0.0) wnew = 0.0;
else { /* soft bound */
wnew += _gmax(j)*A_post(j)*exp(mu*log(wnew/_gmax(j)));
_alreadyDepressed(i,j) = true;
_synW(i,j) = wnew;
['spikes', 'nspikes', 'M', '_alreadyDepressed', '_synW', '_gmax', 'A_post', 'mu','w_in'],
P.A_pre_[spikes]=a_pre # reset A_pre (~start a timer for future LTP)
else: # all spikes
nspikes = size(spikes)
A_post = neurons.A_post_
code = '''
for(int si=0;si<nspikes;si++)
int i = spikes(si);
for(int j=0;j<M;j++)
double wnew;
if(mu==0) { /* additive. requires hard bound*/
wnew = _synW(i,j)+_gmax(j)*(w_in(j)+A_post(j));
if(wnew>_gmax(j)) wnew = _gmax(j);
if(wnew<0.0) wnew = 0.0;
else { /* soft bound */
wnew = _synW(i,j)+_gmax(j)*(w_in(j)+A_post(j)*exp(mu*log(_synW(i,j)/_gmax(j))));
if(wnew>_gmax(j)) wnew = _gmax(j);
if(wnew<0.0) wnew = 0.0;
_synW(i,j) = wnew;
['spikes', 'nspikes', 'M', '_synW', '_gmax', 'A_post', 'mu','w_in'],
P.A_pre_[spikes]+=a_pre # reset A_pre (~start a timer for future LTP)