%%% THIS CODE CALLS MSO_dae.m %%%
% Computes Vm of MSO neuron model and Ve in extracellular "virtual cylinder"
% Accompanies the manuscript [submitted to J. Neuroscience]:
% "A model of the medial superior olive explains spatiotemporal features of local field potentials"
% JH Goldwyn, M Mc Laughlin, E Verschooten, PX Joris, J Rinzel
% MSO model neuron was introduced in:
% "Control of submillisecond synaptic timing in binaural coincidence detectors by Kv1 channels"
% Paul J Mathews, Pablo E Jercog, John Rinzel, Luisa L Scott, Nace L Golding
% Nature Neuroscience 13 601-609 (2010)
% Simulation code by Joshua H Goldwyn
% Submitted to ModelDB 1/14/13 by Joshua H Goldwyn [jgoldwyn@nyu.edu]
close all
clear all
% Reproduce figures from manuscript [1=Yes, 0=No]
MakeFig4 = 1;
MakeFig8 = 1;
MakeFig11 = 1;
if MakeFig4
figure(4), clf
set(gcf,'position',[1 1 1436 805])
tEnd = 7.; % simulation duration [ms]
stimType = 'left'; % monolateral excitation
gE = 10; % excitatory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauE = 0.2; % excitatory time constant (alpha function) [ms]
csynE = [2 22]; % location of excitation (compartment number)
gI = 0; % inhibitory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauI = [.4 2]; % inhibitory time constants (double exponential function) [ms]
csynI = [12]; % location of inhibition (compartment number)
synFreq = [1000 1001]; % EPSP frequency (Hz) for each dendrite. inhibition freq is first entry
synDelay = [.0 .0]; % Delay of EPSP onset times in each dendrite [ms]
inhibDelay = 0; % Delay of inhibition relative to excitation in first entry of synDelay
FreezeKLT = 0; % Whether to Freeze KLT conductance at rest (0=No)
rB = 11; % radius of extracellular virtual cylinder (must be larger than soma radius = 10) [micro m]
% Run model
out = MSO_dae(tEnd, stimType, gE, tauE, csynE, gI, tauI, csynI, synFreq, synDelay, inhibDelay, FreezeKLT, rB);
[nt,nx] = size(out.Ve);
Ve = out.Ve; % Extracellular potential [mV]
Vm = out.Vm; % Membrane potential [mV]
Isyn = 1e3*(out.Isyn.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % synaptic current [nA]
Im =1e3* (out.Im.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % net membrane current [nA]
x = out.x; % spatial location of compartments [micro m, 0 is soma center]
t = out.t; % time (ms)
ParamStruct = out.ParamStruct; % Input parameters
dx = ParamStruct.dx*1e4; % distance between compartments [micro m]
dt = t(2)-t(1); % time step [ms]
dxG = out.ParamStruct.dxG*1e4; % Distance to ground [microm m]
% Time and space grid for surface plots of Vm
[tSurf, xSurf] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [-160 ;-160+cumsum(dx)]); tSurf = tSurf'; xSurf = xSurf';
% Time and space grid for surface plots of extracellular domain [extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay]
[tSurfE, xSurfE] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [[-160-dxG:10:-170]' ; -160 ;-160+cumsum(dx) ; [170:10:160+dxG]']); tSurfE = tSurfE'; xSurfE = xSurfE';
% Extracellular voltage extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay
for i=1:nt
VeE(i,:) = [linspace(0,Ve(i,1),100) Ve(i,:) linspace(Ve(i,end),0,100)] ;
m = mean(VeE(4001:end,:),1); % Mean of "ongoing" response at each spatial location
VeE0 = VeE -repmat(m,nt,1); % "DC removed" responses
FontSize = 24;
% Panel A: Vm
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Vm); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-160 0 160],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-80 -40],'XTick',[-80:20:-4],'FontSize',FontSize);
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Distance (\mum)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Vm (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.13 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 160 0])
% Panel B: Ve
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis(.325*[-1 1])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.325 .325],'XTick',[-.3 0 .3],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.43 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
% Panel C -- Ve [DC removed]
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE0); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis(.2*[-1 1])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.2 .2],'XTick',[-.2 0 .2],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve [No DC] (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.76 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
% Panel D : Membrane current
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Im); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
caxis([-.75 .75]);
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
ti = title('I memb (nA)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'YTick',[-160 0 160])
set(cb,'xlim',[ -.75 .15],'XTick',[ -.6:.3:0],'YTick',[-160 0 160],'FontSize',FontSize);
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 160 0])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Distance (\mum)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
set(gca,'position',[.13 .1 .2 .2])
% Panel E: Membrane current without synapse current
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Im-Isyn); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
set(gca,'FontSize',FontSize,'Xtick',4:tEnd,'YTick',[-160 0 160])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
ti = title('I memb w/out I syn (nA)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(cb,'xlim',[ -.01 .121],'XTick',[ 0 .05 .1],'FontSize',FontSize);
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 160 0])
set(gca,'position',[.43 .1 .2 .2])
% Panel F: Membrane current by region
% compartments of cell regions
iDend1 = 1:10; iSoma = 11:13; iDend2 = 14:23;
subplot(2,3,6), hold all
plot(t,[sum(Im(:,iDend1)') ;sum(Im(:,iSoma)') ; sum(Im(:,iDend2)')],'linewidth',2)
leg = legend({'Synapse','Near Dend.','Soma','Far Dend.'},'location','northoutside','fontsize',16);
xlabel('Time (ms)','FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Current (nA)','FontSize',FontSize)
axis([4 7 -.85 .4])
set(gca,'position',[.76 .1 .2 .2])
if MakeFig8
set(gcf,'position',[1 1 1436 805])
%%% Out of phase (.5ms delay) %%%
tEnd = 7.; % simulation duration [ms]
stimType = 'both'; % bilateral excitation
gE = 10; % excitatory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauE = 0.2; % excitatory time constant (alpha function) [ms]
csynE = [2 22]; % location of excitation (compartment number)
gI = 0; % inhibitory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauI = [.4 2]; % inhibitory time constants (double exponential function) [ms]
csynI = [12]; % location of inhibition (compartment number)
synFreq = [1000 1000]; % EPSP frequency (Hz) for each dendrite. inhibition freq is first entry
synDelay = [0 .5]; % Delay of EPSP onset times in each dendrite [ms]
inhibDelay = 0; % Delay of inhibition relative to excitation in first entry of synDelay
FreezeKLT = 0; % Whether to Freeze KLT conductance at rest (0=No)
rB = 11; % radius of extracellular virtual cylinder (must be larger than soma radius = 10) [micro m]
% Run model
out = MSO_dae(tEnd, stimType, gE, tauE, csynE, gI, tauI, csynI, synFreq, synDelay, inhibDelay, FreezeKLT, rB);
[nt,nx] = size(out.Ve);
Ve = out.Ve; % Extracellular potential [mV]
Vm = out.Vm; % Membrane potential [mV]
Isyn = 1e3*(out.Isyn.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % synaptic current [nA]
Im =1e3* (out.Im.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % net membrane current [nA]
x = out.x; % spatial location of compartments [micro m, 0 is soma center]
t = out.t; % time (ms)
ParamStruct = out.ParamStruct; % Input parameters
dx = ParamStruct.dx*1e4; % distance between compartments [micro m]
dt = t(2)-t(1); % time step [ms]
dxG = out.ParamStruct.dxG*1e4; % Distance to ground [microm m]
% Time and space grid for surface plots of Vm
[tSurf, xSurf] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [-160 ;-160+cumsum(dx)]); tSurf = tSurf'; xSurf = xSurf';
% Time and space grid for surface plots of extracellular domain [extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay]
[tSurfE, xSurfE] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [[-160-dxG:10:-170]' ; -160 ;-160+cumsum(dx) ; [170:10:160+dxG]']); tSurfE = tSurfE'; xSurfE = xSurfE';
% Extracellular voltage extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay
for i=1:nt
VeE(i,:) = [linspace(0,Ve(i,1),100) Ve(i,:) linspace(Ve(i,end),0,100)] ;
m = mean(VeE(4001:end,:),1); % Mean of "ongoing" response at each spatial location
VeE0 = VeE -repmat(m,nt,1); % "DC removed" responses
FontSize = 24;
% Panel A: Vm
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Vm); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-160 0 160],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-80 -40],'XTick',[-80:20:-4],'FontSize',FontSize);
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Distance (\mum)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Vm (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.13 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 160 0])
% Panel B: Ve
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis(.35*[-1 1])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.35 .35],'XTick',[-.3 0 .3],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.43 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
% Panel C -- Ve [DC removed]
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE0); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.21 .21])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.21 .21],'XTick',[-.2 0 .2],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve [No DC] (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.76 .6 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
%%% In phase (0ms delay) %%%
tEnd = 7.; % simulation duration [ms]
stimType = 'both'; % bilateral excitation
gE = 10; % excitatory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauE = 0.2; % excitatory time constant (alpha function) [ms]
csynE = [2 22]; % location of excitation (compartment number)
gI = 0; % inhibitory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauI = [.4 2]; % inhibitory time constants (double exponential function) [ms]
csynI = [12]; % location of inhibition (compartment number)
synFreq = [1000 1000]; % EPSP frequency (Hz) for each dendrite. inhibition freq is first entry
synDelay = [0 .0]; % Delay of EPSP onset times in each dendrite [ms]
inhibDelay = 0; % Delay of inhibition relative to excitation in first entry of synDelay
FreezeKLT = 0; % Whether to Freeze KLT conductance at rest (0=No)
rB = 11; % radius of extracellular virtual cylinder (must be larger than soma radius = 10) [micro m]
% Run model
out = MSO_dae(tEnd, stimType, gE, tauE, csynE, gI, tauI, csynI, synFreq, synDelay, inhibDelay, FreezeKLT, rB);
[nt,nx] = size(out.Ve);
Ve = out.Ve; % Extracellular potential [mV]
Vm = out.Vm; % Membrane potential [mV]
Isyn = 1e3*(out.Isyn.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % synaptic current [nA]
Im =1e3* (out.Im.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % net membrane current [nA]
x = out.x; % spatial location of compartments [micro m, 0 is soma center]
t = out.t; % time (ms)
ParamStruct = out.ParamStruct; % Input parameters
dx = ParamStruct.dx*1e4; % distance between compartments [micro m]
dt = t(2)-t(1); % time step [ms]
dxG = out.ParamStruct.dxG*1e4; % Distance to ground [microm m]
% Time and space grid for surface plots of Vm
[tSurf, xSurf] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [-160 ;-160+cumsum(dx)]); tSurf = tSurf'; xSurf = xSurf';
% Time and space grid for surface plots of extracellular domain [extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay]
[tSurfE, xSurfE] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [[-160-dxG:10:-170]' ; -160 ;-160+cumsum(dx) ; [170:10:160+dxG]']); tSurfE = tSurfE'; xSurfE = xSurfE';
% Extracellular voltage extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay
for i=1:nt
VeE(i,:) = [linspace(0,Ve(i,1),100) Ve(i,:) linspace(Ve(i,end),0,100)] ;
m = mean(VeE(4001:end,:),1); % Mean of "ongoing" response at each spatial location
VeE0 = VeE -repmat(m,nt,1); % "DC removed" responses
%Panel D: Vm
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Vm); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-160 0 160],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-80 -40],'XTick',[-80:20:-4],'FontSize',FontSize);
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Distance (\mum)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Vm (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.13 .1 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 160 0])
% Panel E: Ve
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.5 .5])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.5 .5],'XTick',[-.5 0 .5],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.43 .1 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
% Panel F -- Ve [DC removed]
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE0); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.21 .21])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.21 .21],'XTick',[-.2 0 .2],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve [No DC] (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.76 .1 .2 .2])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 1200 0])
if MakeFig11
figure(11), clf
set(gcf,'position',[1 300 1436 400])
%%% MONOLATERAL 1kHz EXCITATION with soma inhibition %%%
tEnd = 7.; % simulation duration [ms]
stimType = 'left'; % monolateral excitation
gE = 10; % excitatory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauE = 0.2; % excitatory time constant (alpha function) [ms]
csynE = [2 22]; % location of excitation (compartment number)
gI = 4; % inhibitory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauI = [.4 2]; % inhibitory time constants (double exponential function) [ms]
csynI = [12]; % location of inhibition (compartment number)
synFreq = [1000 1001]; % EPSP frequency (Hz) for each dendrite. inhibition freq is first entry
synDelay = [.0 .0]; % Delay of EPSP onset times in each dendrite [ms]
inhibDelay = -.35; % Delay of inhibition relative to excitation in first entry of synDelay
FreezeKLT = 0; % Whether to Freeze KLT conductance at rest (0=No)
rB = 11; % radius of extracellular virtual cylinder (must be larger than soma radius = 10) [micro m]
% Run model
out = MSO_dae(tEnd, stimType, gE, tauE, csynE, gI, tauI, csynI, synFreq, synDelay, inhibDelay, FreezeKLT, rB);
[nt,nx] = size(out.Ve);
Ve = out.Ve; % Extracellular potential [mV]
Vm = out.Vm; % Membrane potential [mV]
Isyn = 1e3*(out.Isyn.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % synaptic current [nA]
Im =1e3* (out.Im.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % net membrane current [nA]
x = out.x; % spatial location of compartments [micro m, 0 is soma center]
t = out.t; % time (ms)
ParamStruct = out.ParamStruct; % Input parameters
dx = ParamStruct.dx*1e4; % distance between compartments [micro m]
dt = t(2)-t(1); % time step [ms]
dxG = out.ParamStruct.dxG*1e4; % Distance to ground [microm m]
% Time and space grid for surface plots of Vm
[tSurf, xSurf] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [-160 ;-160+cumsum(dx)]); tSurf = tSurf'; xSurf = xSurf';
% Time and space grid for surface plots of extracellular domain [extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay]
[tSurfE, xSurfE] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [[-160-dxG:10:-170]' ; -160 ;-160+cumsum(dx) ; [170:10:160+dxG]']); tSurfE = tSurfE'; xSurfE = xSurfE';
% Extracellular voltage extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay
for i=1:nt
VeE(i,:) = [linspace(0,Ve(i,1),100) Ve(i,:) linspace(Ve(i,end),0,100)] ;
VeE_withI = VeE;
m = mean(VeE(4001:end,:),1); % Mean of "ongoing" response at each spatial location
VeE0 = VeE -repmat(m,nt,1); % "DC removed" responses
FontSize = 24;
% Panel A: Vm
surf(tSurf,xSurf,zeros(size(tSurf)),Vm); shading flat; view([0, 90])
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurf)) max(max(xSurf))])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-160 0 160],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-80 -40],'XTick',[-80:20:-4],'FontSize',FontSize);
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ylabel('Distance (\mum)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Vm (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.08 .2 .16 .5])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 100 0])
% Panel B: Ve
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.61 .61])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.61 .61],'XTick',[-.6 0 .6],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.32 .2 .16 .5])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 700 0])
% Panel C -- Ve [DC removed]
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE0); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.2 .2])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.2 .2],'XTick',[-.2 0 .2],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve [No DC] (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.56 .2 .16 .5])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 700 0])
%%% MONOLATERAL 1kHz EXCITATION without soma inhibition %%%
tEnd = 7.; % simulation duration [ms]
stimType = 'left'; % monolateral excitation
gE = 10; % excitatory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauE = 0.2; % excitatory time constant (alpha function) [ms]
csynE = [2 22]; % location of excitation (compartment number)
gI = 0; % inhibitory conductance [mS / cm2]
tauI = [.4 2]; % inhibitory time constants (double exponential function) [ms]
csynI = [12]; % location of inhibition (compartment number)
synFreq = [1000 1001]; % EPSP frequency (Hz) for each dendrite. inhibition freq is first entry
synDelay = [.0 .0]; % Delay of EPSP onset times in each dendrite [ms]
inhibDelay = -.35; % Delay of inhibition relative to excitation in first entry of synDelay
FreezeKLT = 0; % Whether to Freeze KLT conductance at rest (0=No)
rB = 11; % radius of extracellular virtual cylinder (must be larger than soma radius = 10) [micro m]
% Run model
out = MSO_dae(tEnd, stimType, gE, tauE, csynE, gI, tauI, csynI, synFreq, synDelay, inhibDelay, FreezeKLT, rB);
[nt,nx] = size(out.Ve);
Ve = out.Ve; % Extracellular potential [mV]
Vm = out.Vm; % Membrane potential [mV]
Isyn = 1e3*(out.Isyn.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % synaptic current [nA]
Im =1e3* (out.Im.*repmat(out.ParamStruct.Surface',nt,1)); % net membrane current [nA]
x = out.x; % spatial location of compartments [micro m, 0 is soma center]
t = out.t; % time (ms)
ParamStruct = out.ParamStruct; % Input parameters
dx = ParamStruct.dx*1e4; % distance between compartments [micro m]
dt = t(2)-t(1); % time step [ms]
dxG = out.ParamStruct.dxG*1e4; % Distance to ground [microm m]
% Time and space grid for surface plots of Vm
[tSurf, xSurf] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [-160 ;-160+cumsum(dx)]); tSurf = tSurf'; xSurf = xSurf';
% Time and space grid for surface plots of extracellular domain [extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay]
[tSurfE, xSurfE] = meshgrid([t t(end)+dt], [[-160-dxG:10:-170]' ; -160 ;-160+cumsum(dx) ; [170:10:160+dxG]']); tSurfE = tSurfE'; xSurfE = xSurfE';
% Extracellular voltage extended to 0mV at ground via linear decay
for i=1:nt
VeE(i,:) = [linspace(0,Ve(i,1),100) Ve(i,:) linspace(Ve(i,end),0,100)] ;
% Panel D -- [Ve w/inhibition - Ve w/out inhibition]
surf(tSurfE,xSurfE,zeros(size(tSurfE)),VeE_withI - VeE); shading flat; view([0, 90])
caxis([-.34 .34])
set(gca,'XTick',0:tEnd,'YTick',[-1000 0 1000],'FontSize',FontSize)
cb = colorbar('location','northoutside');
set(cb,'xlim',[-.34 .34],'XTick',[-.3 0 .3],'FontSize',FontSize);
axis([4 7 min(min(xSurfE)) max(max(xSurfE))])
xlabel('Time (ms)', 'FontSize',FontSize)
ti = title('Ve Difference (mV)','FontSize',FontSize);
set(gca,'position',[.8 .2 .16 .5])
set(ti,'position',get(ti,'position')+[0 700 0])