Christina Weaver
August 2011
auxiliary procedures for loading data, and model fitting.
print "top of aux_procs.hoc"
* Adds spines to a cell on all dendrites that are part of the specified SectionList.
* pattern. The
* global variable flag_spines is ignored, since this method only makes sense
* to call when spine processing is desired.
* Arguments:
* $o1: SectionList to loop over
* $2: Surface area of a single spine
* $3: spine density for branches in the SectionList
* written by Christina Weaver, Jan 2012
proc applySubtreeConstantSpineDensity() { local total_surface_area, dend_surface_area, \
surface_area_one_spine, surface_area_all_spines, spine_dens, mean_diam
print "top of Subtree proc."
// Ensure that NEURON evaluates the cell in 3D mode when calling diam(), by
// using a side effect of the area() call. It doesn't matter which section
// is used for the call, and the return value of area() can be discarded.
forall {
// This used to be at the end of the function. I'm trying to move it to the
// top, where it makes more sense, since the for(x) construct gets used to
// do the spine adjustment.
geom_nseg(100, 0.1) // nseg according to frequency
// geom_nseg(100, 0.1) // nseg according to frequency
forall {
nseg *= 5
surface_area_one_spine = $2
spine_dens = $3
printf("Adding spines to %s, density %.3f, spine SA %g\n",$o1,$2,$3)
dendrite_count = 0
total_surface_area = 0
forsec $o1 {
printf("\t%s\n",secname() )
dendrite_count = dendrite_count + 1
temp = area(0.5)
num_spines = L * spine_dens
dend_surface_area = 0
mean_diam = 0
for (x) {
dend_surface_area = dend_surface_area + area(x)
if( x > 0 && x < 1 ) mean_diam += diam(x)
mean_diam /= nseg
total_surface_area = total_surface_area + dend_surface_area
// adjusted by Christina Weaver, 5 Jan 12. Still some error, but better than using
// Patrick's method which sets the diam throughout the section to whatever it is in the
// middle of the section.
if (dend_surface_area > 0 && num_spines > 0) {
surface_area_all_spines = (surface_area_one_spine * num_spines)
factor = (dend_surface_area + surface_area_all_spines) / dend_surface_area
L = L * (factor^(2/3))
diam = mean_diam * (factor^(1/3))
printf("Dendrite_count: %d\n", dendrite_count)
printf("total surface area before spine correction: %f\n", total_surface_area)