// Setting synaptic stimuli to cell model
// Stimuli are single synchronous spikes to a set of input synapses
// (more complicated stimuli, such as bursts, with repetitions, are possible)
// Last update: BPG 2-5-14
// number of synaptic contacts (initial values setting in calling file)
nCA3max = nCA3 // apical
nCA3bmax = nCA3b // basal
nECmax = nEC
nBCmax = nBC
nBSCmax = nBSC
// PC synapse types
AMPA = 1
flag_spines = 1 // set to 1 if SR spines required
flag_ECspines = 1 // set to 1 if spines required in SLM
tot_spines = 0
if (flag_spines == 1) tot_spines = nCA3+nCA3b
if (flag_ECspines == 1) tot_spines = tot_spines+nEC
flag_ECbranch = 0 // set to 1 if EC synapses on single branch
flag_SRbranch = 0 // set>0 if SR synapses on single branch: 1=proximal, 2=distal
soma_caR = 0.03
soma_sAHP = 0.001
soma_mAHP = 0.001
caR_init = 0.03
sAHP_init = 0.001
mAHP_init = 0.001
caR_spine = 0.03
sAHP_spine = 0.001
mAHP_spine = 0.001
STARTDEL = 50 // msecs
THETA = 200 // msecs (5 Hz)
GAMMA = 10 // msecs (100 Hz)
ECCA3DEL = 0 // msecs
SIMDUR = STARTDEL + (THETA*5) // simulation duration (msecs)
// EC (PP) excitation
ECNUM = 100 // number of EC spikes
ECSTART = STARTDEL // time of first EC spike
ECNOISE = 0 // EC ISI noise
ECINT = 1000 // EC spike ISI (one spike for simulation period)
ECBINT = 1000 // EC burst interval
ECBLEN = 10 // EC burst length
//ECINT = GAMMA // EC spike ISI
//ECBINT = THETA // EC burst interval
//ECBLEN = GAMMA*5 // EC burst length
ECWGT = 0.0001 // EC weight to PCs (AMPA)
ECNWGT = 0.0008 // EC weight to PCs (NMDA)
ECDEL = 1 // EC delay
// SC (SR) excitation
CNUM = 100 // number of cue spikes
CSTART = STARTDEL+ECCA3DEL // time of first cue spike
CNOISE = 0 // cue ISI noise
CINT = 1000 // EC spike ISI (one spike for simulation period)
CBINT = 1000 // EC burst interval
CBLEN = 10 // EC burst length
//CINT = GAMMA // cue spike ISI
//CBINT = THETA // EC burst interval
//CBLEN = GAMMA*5 // EC burst length
CAWGT = 0.0005 // cue weight (AMPA)
CNWGT = 0.001 // excitatory weights (NMDA)
CAWGTb = 0.0005 // cue weight (basal AMPA)
CNWGTb = 0.001 // excitatory weights (basal NMDA)
CDEL = 1 // cue delay
// BC inhibition
BCNUM = 100 // number of BC spikes
BCSTART = STARTDEL+1000 // time of first cue spike
BCNOISE = 0.05 // BC ISI noise
BCBINT = THETA-(GAMMA*5) // BC burst interval
BCBLEN = THETA*10 // BC burst length (continuous inhib)
//BCBLEN = GAMMA*10 // BC burst length
BCWGT = 0.0 // BC weight (GABAA)
BCDEL = 3 // BC delay
// BSC inhibition
BSCNUM = 100 // number of BC spikes
BSCSTART = STARTDEL+1000 // time of first cue spike
BSCNOISE = 0.05 // BC ISI noise
BSCBINT = THETA-(GAMMA*5) // BC burst interval
BSCBLEN = THETA*10 // BC burst length (continuous inhib)
//BSCBLEN = GAMMA*10 // BC burst length
BSCWGT = 0.0 // BC weight (GABAA)
BSCDEL = 3 // BC delay
{load_file("ranstream.hoc")} // to give each cell its own sequence generator
objref cell
objref CA3list, EClist, BClist, BSClist
objref ncCA3list, ncCA3Nlist, ncEClist, ncECNlist, ncBClist, ncBSClist
cell = new PyramidalCell()
access cell.soma
print "Segments: ", cell.totnseg, "; Area: ", cell.totarea
objref rs, nil
rs = new RandomStream(my_seed)
proc makeCA3() {local i
if (flag_SRbranch == 0) {
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SR_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else {
if (flag_SRbranch == 1) { // proximal branch
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRbrp_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else if (flag_SRbranch == 2) { // distal branch
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRbrd_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else if (flag_SRbranch == 3) { // all proximal
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRprox_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else if (flag_SRbranch == 4) { // all distal
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRdist_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else if (flag_SRbranch == 5) { // trunk 1
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRbrt_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else if (flag_SRbranch == 6) { // trunk 2
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRbrt2_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
} else { // trunk combined
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3, cell.SRbrtc_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SR
CA3list = new List()
ncCA3list = new List() // AMPA synapses
ncCA3Nlist = new List() // NMDA synapses
for (i=0; i < nCA3; i=i+1) {
CA3list.append(new BurstCell())
CA3list.o(i).connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
ncCA3list.append(new NetCon(CA3list.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i)))
ncCA3Nlist.append(new NetCon(CA3list.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i+1)))
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = CNUM
CA3list.o(i).stim.start = CSTART
CA3list.o(i).stim.interval = CINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.noise = CNOISE
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstint = CBINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstlen = CBLEN
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = CAWGT
ncCA3list.o(i).delay = CDEL
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = CNWGT
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).delay = CDEL
// NOTE: must be created after CA3 SR inputs
proc makeCA3b() {local i
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nCA3b, cell.basal_list, rs.r, flag_spines, tot_spines) // CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses in SO
for (i=nCA3; i < nCA3+nCA3b; i=i+1) {
CA3list.append(new BurstCell())
CA3list.o(i).connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
ncCA3list.append(new NetCon(CA3list.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i)))
ncCA3Nlist.append(new NetCon(CA3list.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i+1)))
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = CNUM
CA3list.o(i).stim.start = CSTART
CA3list.o(i).stim.interval = CINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.noise = CNOISE
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstint = CBINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstlen = CBLEN
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = CAWGTb
ncCA3list.o(i).delay = CDEL
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = CNWGTb
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).delay = CDEL
// NOTE: synapse indexing on basis that CA3 AMPA/NMDA synapses created first
proc makeEC() {local i
if (flag_ECbranch == 0) {
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nEC, cell.SLM_list, rs.r, flag_ECspines, tot_spines) // EC AMPA/NMDA synapses in SLM
} else if (flag_ECbranch == 1) { // one branch
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nEC, cell.SLMbr_list, rs.r, flag_ECspines, tot_spines) // EC AMPA/NMDA synapses in SLM
} else { // trunk group
cell.newsyn(AMNM, nEC, cell.SLMbrt_list, rs.r, flag_ECspines, tot_spines) // EC AMPA/NMDA synapses in SLM
EClist = new List()
ncEClist = new List()
ncECNlist = new List()
for (i=0; i < nEC; i=i+1) {
EClist.append(new BurstCell())
EClist.o(i).connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
ncEClist.append(new NetCon(EClist.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i+2*(nCA3+nCA3b))))
ncECNlist.append(new NetCon(EClist.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(2*i+2*(nCA3+nCA3b)+1)))
EClist.o(i).stim.number = ECNUM
EClist.o(i).stim.start = ECSTART
EClist.o(i).stim.interval = ECINT
EClist.o(i).stim.noise = ECNOISE
EClist.o(i).stim.burstint = ECBINT
EClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = ECBLEN
ncEClist.o(i).weight = ECWGT
ncEClist.o(i).delay = ECDEL
ncECNlist.o(i).weight = ECNWGT
ncECNlist.o(i).delay = ECDEL
// NOTE: synapse indexing on basis that CA3/EC AMPA/NMDA synapses created first
proc makeBC() {local i
cell.newsyn(GABAA, nBC, cell.soma_list, rs.r, 0, 0) // BC GABAA synapses in soma
BClist = new List()
ncBClist = new List()
for (i=0; i < nBC; i=i+1) {
BClist.append(new BurstCell())
BClist.o(i).connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
ncBClist.append(new NetCon(BClist.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(i+2*(nCA3+nCA3b+nEC))))
BClist.o(i).stim.number = BCNUM
BClist.o(i).stim.start = BCSTART
BClist.o(i).stim.interval = BCINT
BClist.o(i).stim.noise = BCNOISE
BClist.o(i).stim.burstint = BCBINT
BClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = BCBLEN
ncBClist.o(i).weight = BCWGT
ncBClist.o(i).delay = BCDEL
// NOTE: synapse indexing on basis that CA3/EC AMPA/NMDA synapses created first
proc makeBSC() {local i
cell.newsyn(GABAA, nBSC, cell.SR_list, rs.r, 0, 0) // BSC GABAA synapses in SR
BSClist = new List()
ncBSClist = new List()
for (i=0; i < nBC; i=i+1) {
BSClist.append(new BurstCell())
BSClist.o(i).connect2target(nil) // attach spike detector to cell
ncBSClist.append(new NetCon(BSClist.o(i).stim, cell.pre_list.o(i+2*(nCA3+nCA3b+nEC)+nBC)))
BSClist.o(i).stim.number = BSCNUM
BSClist.o(i).stim.start = BSCSTART
BSClist.o(i).stim.interval = BSCINT
BSClist.o(i).stim.noise = BSCNOISE
BSClist.o(i).stim.burstint = BSCBINT
BSClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = BSCBLEN
ncBSClist.o(i).weight = BSCWGT
ncBSClist.o(i).delay = BSCDEL
proc setCA3() {local i
for (i=0; i < nCA3; i=i+1) {
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = CNUM
CA3list.o(i).stim.start = CSTART
CA3list.o(i).stim.interval = CINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.noise = CNOISE
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstint = CBINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstlen = CBLEN
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = CAWGT
ncCA3list.o(i).delay = CDEL
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = CNWGT
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).delay = CDEL
// silence any extra synapses
for (i=nCA3; i < nCA3max; i=i+1) {
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = 0
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = 0
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = 0
proc setCA3b() {local i
for (i=nCA3max; i < nCA3max+nCA3b; i=i+1) {
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = CNUM
CA3list.o(i).stim.start = CSTART
CA3list.o(i).stim.interval = CINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.noise = CNOISE
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstint = CBINT
CA3list.o(i).stim.burstlen = CBLEN
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = CAWGTb
ncCA3list.o(i).delay = CDEL
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = CNWGTb
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).delay = CDEL
// silence any extra synapses
for (i=nCA3max+nCA3b; i < nCA3max+nCA3bmax; i=i+1) {
CA3list.o(i).stim.number = 0
ncCA3list.o(i).weight = 0
ncCA3Nlist.o(i).weight = 0
proc setEC() {local i
for (i=0; i < nEC; i=i+1) {
EClist.o(i).stim.number = ECNUM
EClist.o(i).stim.start = ECSTART
EClist.o(i).stim.interval = ECINT
EClist.o(i).stim.noise = ECNOISE
EClist.o(i).stim.burstint = ECBINT
EClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = ECBLEN
ncEClist.o(i).weight = ECWGT
ncEClist.o(i).delay = ECDEL
ncECNlist.o(i).weight = ECNWGT
ncECNlist.o(i).delay = ECDEL
// silence any extra synapses
for (i=nEC; i < nECmax; i=i+1) {
EClist.o(i).stim.number = 0
ncEClist.o(i).weight = 0
ncECNlist.o(i).weight = 0
proc setBC() {local i
for (i=0; i < nBC; i=i+1) {
BClist.o(i).stim.number = BCNUM
BClist.o(i).stim.start = BCSTART
BClist.o(i).stim.interval = BCINT
BClist.o(i).stim.noise = BCNOISE
BClist.o(i).stim.burstint = BCBINT
BClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = BCBLEN
ncBClist.o(i).weight = BCWGT
ncBClist.o(i).delay = BCDEL
proc setBSC() {local i
for (i=0; i < nBC; i=i+1) {
BSClist.o(i).stim.number = BSCNUM
BSClist.o(i).stim.start = BSCSTART
BSClist.o(i).stim.interval = BSCINT
BSClist.o(i).stim.noise = BSCNOISE
BSClist.o(i).stim.burstint = BSCBINT
BSClist.o(i).stim.burstlen = BSCBLEN
ncBSClist.o(i).weight = BSCWGT
ncBSClist.o(i).delay = BSCDEL
proc showsyn() {
//cell.showsyn() // show all synapses
cell.showlayersyn(0, $1*2-1, 2, 1) // CA3 apical synapses
cell.showlayersyn(nCA3max*2, (nCA3max+$1)*2-1, 5, 0) // CA3 basal synapses
cell.showlayersyn((nCA3max+nCA3bmax)*2, (nCA3+nCA3b+$1)*2-1, 3, 0) // EC synapses
//cell.showlayersyn((nCA3+nCA3b+nEC)*2, (nCA3+nCA3b+nEC)*2+nBC-1, 4, 0) // BC synapses
//cell.showlayersyn((nCA3+nCA3b+nEC)*2+nBC, (nCA3+nCA3b+nEC)*2+nBC+nBSC-1, 3, 0) // BSC synapses
proc analcamx() {localobj cam // analyse max ca across spine heads
// parameters provide spine list and start and end indices of required spines
cam=new Vector()
forsec $o1 {
if ($2 <= $3) {
print cam.mean($2,$3), cam.max($2,$3), cam.min($2,$3), cam.stdev($2,$3)
proc analcasp() { // analyse max ca across spine heads
// parameters provide start and end indices of required spines
// assumes that spines are present in all layers
print "EC spines"
analcamx(cell.spine_list, nCA3max+nCA3bmax, nCA3max+nCA3bmax+nEC-1)
print "SR spines"
analcamx(cell.spine_list, 0, nCA3-1)
print "SO spines"
analcamx(cell.spine_list, nCA3max, nCA3max+nCA3b-1)
proc makexsyns() {
xlabel("CA3 apical")
xvalue("Number", "nCA3", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("AMPA", "CAWGT", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("NMDA", "CNWGT", 1, "setCA3()")
xlabel("CA3 basal")
xvalue("Number", "nCA3b", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("AMPA", "CAWGTb", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("NMDA", "CNWGTb", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Number", "nEC", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("AMPA", "ECWGT", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("NMDA", "ECNWGT", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("BC", "BCWGT", 1, "setBC()")
xvalue("BSC", "BSCWGT", 1, "setBSC()")
proc makexchans() {
xpanel("Ion Channels")
xvalue("gka", "cell.gka", 1, "cell.set_dendrite()")
xvalue("gh", "cell.ghd", 1, "cell.set_dendrite()")
proc makexstim() {
xlabel("CA3 apical")
xvalue("Start time", "CSTART", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("Total spikes", "CNUM", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("Spike interval", "CINT", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("Interval noise", "CNOISE", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("Burst interval", "CBINT", 1, "setCA3()")
xvalue("Burst length", "CBLEN", 1, "setCA3()")
xlabel("CA3 basal")
xvalue("Start time", "CSTART", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Total spikes", "CNUM", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Spike interval", "CINT", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Interval noise", "CNOISE", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Burst interval", "CBINT", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Burst length", "CBLEN", 1, "setCA3b()")
xvalue("Start time", "ECSTART", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("Total spikes", "ECNUM", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("Spike interval", "ECINT", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("Interval noise", "ECNOISE", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("Burst interval", "ECBINT", 1, "setEC()")
xvalue("Burst length", "ECBLEN", 1, "setEC()")
proc makexplots() {
xlabel("Max voltage plots")
xbutton("Spine heads", "cell.plotvmx(cell.spine_list)")
xbutton("Dendrites", "cell.plotvmx(cell.dendrite_list)")
xbutton("Apical", "cell.plotvmx(cell.apical_list)")
xbutton("Apical trunk", "cell.plotvmx(cell.trunk_list)")
xbutton("Apical obliques", "cell.plotvmx(cell.oblique_list)")
xbutton("SR", "cell.plotvmx(cell.SR_list)")
xbutton("SLM", "cell.plotvmx(cell.SLM_list)")
xbutton("Basal", "cell.plotvmx(cell.basal_list)")
xlabel("Max calcium plots")
xbutton("Spine heads", "cell.plotcamx(cell.spine_list, tot_spines, 1.0)")
//xbutton("Anal spines", "analcasp()")
xbutton("Dendrites", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.dendrite_list)")
xbutton("Apical", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.apical_list)")
xbutton("Apical trunk", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.trunk_list)")
xbutton("Apical obliques", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.oblique_list)")
xbutton("SR", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.SR_list)")
xbutton("SLM", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.SLM_list)")
xbutton("Basal", "cell.plotcamxd(cell.basal_list)")