// genesis

this is the same file as in the parent directory, only the file names
of the data have been changed to refer to the parent directory, except for KA,
whose table is in  ../Bardoni;
a persistent sodium channel and a muscarinic potassium channel have been added
(see Gutgreund, Yarom and Segev 1995)

/* First include Moczyd_KC.g for non-inactivating BK-type 
** Ca-dependent K current.

include ../Golgi_cell/Golg_chan_KCa_tab.g

function make_Golgi_chans

    int i, cdivs
    float zinf, ztau, c, dc, cmin, cmax
    float x, dx, y
    float a, b
    /* The folowing variables are temporary (not temperature) variables
	used to speed up computations */
    float mintau
    float tau
    float temp1
    float temp2

    /* Equations specific to the Granule cell, made by CP */
    /* Inactivating Na current */

    if (! {exists Gran_InNa})
        create tabchannel Gran_InNa
	setfield Gran_InNa Ek {ENa} Gbar 70 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 3 Ypower 1  \
	    Zpower 0

	call Gran_InNa TABCREATE X {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_InNa X_A->calc_mode 1 X_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_InNa TABCREATE Y {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_InNa Y_A->calc_mode 1 Y_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_InNa TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabInNa37.data
    else setfield Gran_InNa Ek {ENa} Gbar 70 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 3 Ypower 1  \
	    Zpower 0
         call Gran_InNa TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabInNa37.data

	/* Delayed Rectifier K current */

    if (! ({exists Gran_KDr}))
	create tabchannel Gran_KDr
	setfield Gran_KDr Ek {EK} Gbar 19 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 4 Ypower 1  \
	    Zpower 0

	call Gran_KDr TABCREATE X {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_KDr X_A->calc_mode 1 X_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_KDr TABCREATE Y {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_KDr Y_A->calc_mode 1 Y_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_KDr TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabKDr37.data

	/*  K A-current  fast transient potassium channel*/

    if (! ({exists Gran_KA}))
	create tabchannel Gran_KA
	setfield Gran_KA Ek {EK} Gbar 3.67 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 3 Ypower 1  \
	    Zpower 0

	call Gran_KA TABCREATE X {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_KA X_A->calc_mode 1 X_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_KA TABCREATE Y {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_KA Y_A->calc_mode 1 Y_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_KA TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabKA37.data

	/* High Voltage Activated HVA Ca current */

    if (! ({exists Gran_CaHVA}))
	create tabchannel Gran_CaHVA
	setfield Gran_CaHVA Ek {ECa} Gbar 2.91 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 2  \
	    Ypower 1 Zpower 0

	call Gran_CaHVA TABCREATE X {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_CaHVA X_A->calc_mode 1 X_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_CaHVA TABCREATE Y {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_CaHVA Y_A->calc_mode 1 Y_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_CaHVA TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabCaHVA37.data

	/* Slowly relaxing, mixed Na/K current H 
** Gabbiani et al. used this to model sag in membrane potential during
** hyperpolarizing current pulses 

    if (! ({exists Gran_H}))
	create tabchannel Gran_H
	setfield Gran_H Ek {EH} Gbar 0.09 Ik 0 Gk 0 Xpower 1 Ypower 0  \
	    Zpower 0

	call Gran_H TABCREATE X {tab_xdivs} {tab_xmin} {tab_xmax}
	setfield Gran_H X_A->calc_mode 1 X_B->calc_mode 1
	call Gran_H TABREAD ../Golgi_cell/tabH37.data 

	/* non-inactivating BK-type Ca-dependent K current 
   see Moczyd_KC.g
echo diag gran chan 1
echo diag gran chan 2
